Saturday, November 27, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Vayeshev Erev Chanukah 5782 News Updates

Weather: 50%, Chance of snow no accumulation Mainly cloudy with snow showers around this evening. Low near 30F

- Yiddin from South Africa who arrived in Eretz Yisrael to be menachem Avel the family of Yerushalayim terror victim Eliyohu Kaye Hy"d were turned back and not allowed to enter they were forced to be mechalel Shabbos by going back on a plane to Dubai abd were threatened with arrest if they dont comply.

- Kashrus update on Olive oils for Chanukah Here 

- Agudah convention Motzei shabbos Keynote session 8:15 pm watch live stream of all sessions Here

 - Zmanim for Hadlokas Ner Chanukah k' Minhag hayeshhiva in Lakewood first 3 nights  shkiah is 4:32 pm lighting is at  4:55 pm menorah should be lit until 6:14 pm. Wed Thu and Sun shkiah is 4:31 pm Hadlokah at 4:54 pm should burn until 6:13 pm.

- BDE: Reb Moshe Shmiel Farkash, z”l, Pillar of Satmar Community, Proprietor of Mehadrin Dairy was 75 more 

- Keren Even Habochen annual dinner tonight at Bais Faiga 8:45 pm 

- Bingo is open tonight untill 12:00 am

- New Jersey, state officials  expect statewide COVID-19 numbers to rise as colder weather forces more residents inside and the holiday season brings big gatherings. They said the latest surge should peak by January.

- The Israeli government voted tonight to ban all foreigners from entering Israel for next 2 weeks as part of an effort to stem the spread of the new South African "Omicron" variant, one case of which has been confirmed in the country and seven others which are under investigation. Any foreigners who do manage to get permission to enter Israel would have to quarantine in a state-run coronavirus hotel.

- Siyum and Melava Malka for Mesivta Gaon Yaakov, R"Y Rabbi Chaim Cohen Shlit"a at 8:15 in Yeshiva Ketana Hall on 2nd street

- New Jewish radio station for the Lakewood area 104.7 FM WJUI with a focus on Mussar shmuessen and shiurim on bitachon with  Novahrdik hashkafa, also playing Jewish music classics

- Sjyum Hashas LZ"N Rosh Yeshivas Mesivta Tiferes Baruch Springfield Harav Eliyohu Meir Sorotzkin Zatzal at Willow court shul Bais Nosson Tzvi

- Shiur Hachana for Chanukah ny the dayan at Satmar B"M 608 E. kennedy blvd 8:45 pm 

Photo: Workers repair the Matzeiva of Rav Shteinman zarzal after it was defaced.


  1. Hearing that R' Shteinman's Matzeiva was defaced makes me sick to my stomach.

    1. And hearing litvishe bochurim besmirch chasidus makes mine turn.

    2. ab, what are you talking about? what litvishe bochurim?

    3. ab - apples to oranges. Chassidus is a controversial issue, some hold of it, some don't.
      Nobody defaces the Kever of those on the other side, I hope.
      That is a new low.

    4. AB, what about chassideshe bochurim besmirching litvaks (I've heard plenty and I'm sure you did too) calling them shkutzim, goyim etc. Does that also turn your stomach, or is that ok with you?

    5. @ab, what does one have to do with the other? As a litvak, I would have to agree with you that besmirching chassidim is sickening too. There are many sickening things in this world. This defacement of the matzeiva is one of them.


    6. Any group come close to besmirching others as much as
      Chassidim ?
      That is the primary means of keeping cohesiveness. If they would slow down their weaker members will go elsewhere

      For Other groups It is
      as a defense mechanism in response to all that


    Sadly every year this is fires ..

  4. They weren't 'forced' to be Mechalel Shabbos. They chose Chillul Shabbos over getting arrested.

  5. Yudelsatke is not a Kashrus update. It is a collection of am ha'aratzus and nonsense. Virtually nothing that person writes is worth anything.

  6. Stopping a shul (when it’s legal) from being built makes my stomach turn. What about you?

  7. You nailed it. “When it’s legal”. However when it’s illegal AND ignores all neighbors concerns (indisputable fact) (I’m not a neighbor btw never was and never will be) it’s a whole different story.

    1. If your not a neighbor (never was never will be) then your going on hearsay which means your just believing everything you hear. Those of us actually in the know, know that it was legal
