Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tuesday Nov 9 News Updates Lakewood

- Senate President Steve Sweeney will concede his loss to Edward Durr tomorrow, and Senate Democrats will elect his successor on Friday. (NJ Globe)

- 24 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 16960/325
- 19 new cases in Toms River totals 13454/347

- Sadigura Rebbe of EY will be in Lakewood tonight for a wedding and will come back to spend shabbos in Lakewood

- Murphy: As more students get vaccinated against the coronavirus, New Jersey gets closer to lifting the school mask mandate

- A new girls high school started today in Brooklyn under the leadership of reb Shaul Alter for the 30 girls who were expelled from B"Y of Gur after their fathers participated in events with Ren Shaul Alter

- Lakewood is now at  33% vaccinated 

- Jack Ciattarelli campaign update: Unofficially, 66,405 votes separate Jack Ciattarelli (1,219,906) and Governor Phil Murphy (1,285,351) – a margin of 2.6% of the vote. As a result of Governor Murphy’s rush to implement early voting, technology errors resulted in voters being forced to cast approximately 70,000 provisional ballots which have yet to be counted. We still have vote-by-mail ballots outstanding and approximately 70,000 provisional ballots to be counted. At this time, we do not expect the provisional vote count to end with Jack Ciattarelli in the lead. However, that count may reduce the margin for Governor Murphy enough to warrant a full recount.

 - “We understand that Governor Murphy and his team are embarrassed that in a state with 1 million more registered Democrats and where Joe Biden won by 16 points, they are leading by such a small margin, “But the Murphy campaign’s attempt to spin their lackluster performance will have no impact on our decision.”

- The Loft Steakhouse of Brooklyn is Opening an Upscale Restaurant in Lakewood at  1600 Rt 70 near Bingo

- Kosherfest trade show begins today through tomorrow at  the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.

- Rabbonim from Oak & Vine neighborhood met with BMG posek Rav Shmuel Meir Katz to oversee plans for a new Eruv in the south Lakewood area that will no cross over rt 9 (LNN)

- Mehadrin/J&J dairy announced price increases on products starting Nov 21 due to rising costs of raw materials and transportation.

- LDC virtual board meeting today 4:30 pm  on the agenda SBA Community Navigator Grant ($1Million) awarded to LCSC, LDC participating as a ‘Spoke’ 

watch live stream Here see agenda here no option for email comments during meeting only by phone or on zoom

 - Update meeting cancelled due ro lack of quorom: Lakewood Planning board meeting today 6:00 pm on the agenda application for a hotel on Pine street, day care center on Newport off Cross street see agenda here 

Pennsylvania is lifting the school mask mandate in Mid January critics ask Will Murphy do the same? the executive orders will run out by then

Comcast is DOWN across the US! Tens of thousands of users are experiencing a total service blackout

-Rav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartman R"Y Lakewood East is currently in Lakewood je spoke at Kollel Ohr shmuel this morning

Photo: Rav Shaul Alter visits the Toldos Mordechai rebbe of Lakewood


  1. Can s/o post the RY Schwartzman dancing after saying a chiddush?

  2. A million dollars for lcsc and the head is on the vaad..where is the transparency

  3. What does lakewood have more of, restaurants or mesivtas?

    1. I would guess more mesivtahs.

    2. I never saw people in the streets because they couldn't find a steak or a piece of seabass.
      There are now at least 20 ninth grade bochurim, all of whom who belonged in 'regular' mesivtos, who are in the streets.

      We need people to step up

  4. An open letter In formation

    An open letter to the organizers of the ecore & ecap 2021 summits & all attendees.

    I’d like to point out a couple pointers you may have overlooked when arranging these conferences,

    I believe you may have overlooked that it’s not ok at all for Frum yidden who are bnei Yeshiva and bnei Torah to go and to create an atmosphere which is directly against the most basic fundamentals of our yiddishkeit. Firstly as Torah yidden we are trained that we do NOT go and flaunt our success for everyone to see, do we really need the Frum summits to be the most epic of all events out there? That our business associates who are not Torah yidden have to say wow these guys really know how to throw a party. Do we not create a tremendous amount of jealousy to the umos Haolam? Not to mention the jealousy we cause within our own community.
    Secondly is it not bad enough that we raised the bar so so much but we have to bring in celebrities to add to the vibe of this event ? Is Arod really our roll model that we are totally ok with standing up clapping to welcome him? Do we really believe this is the hishtadlus for parnassa we are supposed to be doing ?
    Thirdly, to specifically create an atmosphere of basic kalos Rosh non stop high end partying. Shmoozimg by the pool side, bringing married and single woman to such an event all for the sake of parnassah of course? And to create the need for this? Is this ok for bnei Torah ? It’s understood that someone who has to have meetings needs to travel for business but to go and create 3 days of this in the name of hishtadlus for prnassa is simply wrong and anti yiddishkeit.

    Please let us not forget we are all jews who for the most part spent many years in Yeshiva (pushed to get in to brisk) we daven 3 times a day. We go tooth and nail that our children should be in the best schools! And then without blinking an eye we fly down (private or not private) to Miami for 2-3 days of showing off who owns more units or more beds. We know bh there’s been so much success in the business world for Frum yidden and of coarse the tremendous amounts of tzedaka given out, tremendous amounts of chessed, etc. But is it kdai? Do the ends justify the means??? I beg you as a fellow yid to take a deep breath think about what we are doing here? What huge affects this can have on our and our friends, business associates , and the greater Frum communities ruchniyus and gashmiyus!! I beg you please end it and end it now. Stand up for mee lahashem elei fly back home and do not let the next conference happen!! It’s really really not ok!
    It doesn’t matter that there are 10 Daf shiurim at the conference or that it’s to the highest standards of kashrut it is simply not kosher. And you know it. I know it. All the attendees know it. And it must end.
    Yours truly

    Thai message holds true to sponsors and attendees of the meetings too!

    1. very well said!

    2. Your message loses it's thrust when the ikkar is missing. You mention women and girls, which is a problem. The fress factor itself is enough. Aren't we far'ekelt from these things? I like some good food like the next guy, but a situation geared to fress fress fress?! How did people lose their sensitivity to these things?

    3. Thank yoi for having the courage to politely point out this travesty. How can we market against this how can we get up and say we don’t want to daven with these people no matter how many shiurim and no matter how much tzedaka is give. Wrong is wrong is wrong. And everyone there knows it!!!!

    4. How about the real Aveirus Chamuros that some do there?! (This I heard from an עד ראייה) Are the organizers taking achrayus for that? This needs to stop. Parnasah is a mitzva but flaunting wealth and promoting the highest levels of gashmiyus is for numerous reasons an עבירה, and no amount of tzedaka will be mechaper on this aveira. Please! this needs stop. Its disgusting and many of the attendees know it and privately let their feeling be known

    5. Unfortunately the dress factor happens every day by events sanctioned by "heilikeh mosodos". As for avairos chamuros, unfortunately it doesn't start or end at these summits. Many local offices do not have proper gedarim between the genders, and even when they do, those looking to, will breach. It's true on both sides of the aisle. And it's not just at the offices, many stay at home mothers.
      רבי אליעזר אומר אפילו הכניסה לו מאה שפחות כופה לעשות בצמר, שהבטלה מביאה לידי זימה, רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר אף המדיר את אשתו מלעשות מלאכה יוציא ויתן כתובה, שהבטלה מביאה לידי שעמום.

    6. It won't stop until someone gets up in public and let's the wives know what is going at these conventions... When they find out they will change.. unless of course, these nashim are doing the same things when they go on vacation with their friends...


    7. The problem is
      once upon.. People with these attitudes even if they were donors and even if they live nearby were considered not part of our community and kept at arm's length
      and if they had a problem - too bad.
      Let's go back to that

      The letter is well put and overdue understatement

  5. The upscale restaurants are for the BMG Yungerlite who are moser nefesh to learn Torah

    1. Nope

      They are for all the people who work in those new posh Swanky Marble office buildings on Cedarbridge ave

  6. Does the toldos Mordechia rebbe know how to spin himself around like a driedel like the yenuka?

  7. FYI. Tonight's Planning Board meeting was cancelled. The RD Lakewood matter is having problems. They are due in court as defendants in a trial [OCN-L-002888-20] on December 6th. The applications are being carried to December 7th.

  8. @Anonymous 10:12, for those of us who don't know the latest hock, could you please explain what you're referring to when you say "RD Lakewood matter" and could you explain what your post is trying to say?

  9. - A new girls high school started today in Brooklyn under the leadership of reb Shaul Alter for the 30 girls who were expelled from B"Y of Gur after their fathers participated in events with Ren Shaul Alter

    It really would have been nice ot have achdus and the other girls who were allowed to attened the school not show up in solidarity to the classmates..

  10. Can lakewood girls who were not accepted to the school of choice, go there? Or is it exclusive to Gerer Mordim?

    1. So now innocent girls are called 'mordim'?! Their fathers went to hear a shiur from a Talmid Chacham, and that is somehow a 'meridah'?! If listening to Torah is a 'meridah', I cannot think of a more justified meridah. The chutzpah is of those who were not moired.

  11. I heard this Ger doesn't keep the "takonos" which os why they split. So maybe, the Lakewooders can fit in? It's well known the Beis Yisroel didn't have children, and made takonos that the Steipler and others said were k'neged the Torah

    1. Shane on you! Beis Yisroel ztvk"l had many children, but they died in the war. He became rebbe when he was 53 years old, no idea what year he officially made these takanis, but they weren't his own invention. The takanis are based on what how certain sects we're noheg in back Poland.

    2. And lev tahor takonos are based on certain sects in Guatamala and Neturei Karta takanas are based on certain sects in Iran and satmar takanas are based on certain minhagei Yoelish and Skvere takanos are based on Skvere Shtetl... so dooes that make it Torah? Logic?

  12. The Lakewood girls should learn a lesson from the gerrer mordim and make their own school for mordim.

  13. Sponsored by who? The lakewood Ger mordim supporters?

  14. The following letter was written by a concerned educator regarding recent events:

    It is late at night and sleep eludes me as I close my eyes. All I see is a world of pain and anguish, with heartbreak that will only surface well after the current chapter appears to be closed. Yet for those affected by it, these few weeks are going to be among the most pivotal in their life, with scars that might never heal – scars that are both figurative, and shockingly often, literal.

    The local news cycle is as passionate and animated as it’s been in a long time. The visit of Harav Shaul Alter Shlit”a and the response by Ger leadership is getting a lot of attention, but its most profound long term impact isn’t being discussed at all! Right now, the conversation is whether girls will be kicked out of school due to their father’s position on this matter, and whether a school should or even has a right to take such measures in response. Lost in this conversation is what will happen to the girls involved, even if they immediately land on their feet elsewhere.

    As someone with many years of experience in the field of chinuch, I say with complete confidence that in these very moments when the words in this letter are being written and read, there are heimish, frum, healthy teenage girls whose spiritual, emotional, and even physical lives are being extinguished or damaged beyond repair! I’ve seen it happen before and I know with certainty that it will happen again. Unless there is a change of heart and the girls remain in their natural environment, the end result will be dire.

    Nearly 17 years have passed since the last bitter intercommunal split roiled the streets of Borough Park, when the passing of the Bobov Rebbe, Harav Naftali ZT”L led to bitter strife within the kehilla. Then, too, children were removed from the only school they’ve ever known and left to their own devices in a sea of uncertainty. I am personally familiar with multiple hair-raising stories of the negative impact this development had, leading to the most unimaginable results for the girls and their parents. Countless adults are still impacted by the childhood trauma experienced then!

    It does not take an expert or a mechanech to understand why this is. Schools are not just places where children learn to spell and count, they are spaces that serve primarily as social structure systems to help cultivate the next generation of Jewish wives and mothers. To suddenly tear children away from their friends, social circles and their sense of personal belonging is not to punish their father – it is to render worthless all the work that was put into them. No matter how they turn out, they will never fully recover. It’s just not possible! In addition, when a child is removed from their surroundings and told implicitly or explicitly that this is because her father’s actions have made her entire family tamei and labeled them as undesirables, a part of them has been destroyed forever.

    It might be too late for Ger, but I implore anyone and everyone reading these words to at least begin making this part of the conversation. Those who have been on the receiving end of such treatment in the past should consider seeking therapy for their pain, and all of us should vow to do better going forward. Right now, we are ignoring the destruction of our most prized possessions before our very eyes. Please, let’s end this madness before it ends us.

    1. Well written. Did nayone think what does are avinu malkeinu want from us? Is this what he wants from a toherdikeh nshei choyil??
      It is a disaster.
      Why doesnt anyone speak out about the travesty for acheinu bnei yisroel.?

  15. Gerere takonos have caused the worst sholom bayis in the frum world and many parents convince their children not to follow these anti Torah meshgigassen. Finally, the Rosh Yeshiva hismelf advised his talmidim not to follow the Gerer shvantzes and as a result the establishment was rodef him. Not for nothing do they implore family members including spouses to separate for going to the rosh yeshiva.
    We,see that the Heilige Ba'al Ruach Hakodesh the Stepler ZTL and others were right. The Gerer are machriv themselves.
    Any "normal" Gerer maidel doesn't want to marry a "Gerer knyok' for good reason.
    So the establishment has no choice but to expel these girls becaue the chinich in Der heim as per rosh yeshiva is K'neged the Takonos.

  16. How about the pain of countless high school girls here in lakewood that have no school including my daughter?

  17. Where is she? At the lake on shabbos?

    1. This is extremely insensitive comment to make! As a mother of a daughter who was out of school, the politics in this town is sickening and very often not the fault of kids and parents. They would like you to believe it is and skew it that way. Shame on you for saying things without knowing. Maybe try walking a mile or too in these shoes. A sign of a frum yid is rachmunis. You should rethink your comment and ask mechila.

  18. Which comment? Who needs to be Moichel?

  19. Asking a mother if her daughter is at the lake is insinuating that she is the issue. It is insensitive to a mother who is crying and heartbroken that her daughter isn't in the right place.
