Thursday, November 4, 2021

Photos Rav Shaul Alter in Lakewood

Rav Shaul Alter visiting Lakewood a kabolas panim at a private home followed by a shiur at yeshiva Orchos Chaim at 11:30 pm with Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita. Due to the late hour there was no lechaim or kabolas kahal Shachris at the Ger B"M on Lucy drive 7:15 am
Photo credit to the photographers

           With Rav Dovid Schustal

Arriving at Lakewood airport


  1. מה דגים הללו גדלין במים כיון שיורדת טפה אחת מלמעלה מקבלין אותה בצמאון כמי שלא טעמו טעם מים מימיהון כך הן ישראל גדלין במים בתורה כיון שהן שומעין דבר חדש מן התורה הן מקבלין אותו בצמאון כמי שלא שמעו דבר תורה מימיהון
    Lakewood has many many Talmidei Chachamim, but when a guest comes to town with a chidush, they swarm in the masses to hear it.
    And it was well worth it.
    Since the Beis Yisroel, the world has had little benefit or connection with Ger. Now Reb Shaul returned the Kavod of Ger back to its rightful place.

  2. Can someone pls post a YouTube or video of entire shiur

  3. Which side of agudah/peleg? I heard he supports the Peleg/ and cozies with the lakewood/american supporters, can someone verify?

    1. He is on the Va'ad Hayeshivos.
      The other Ger tried to persuade Satmars not to give him money by disseminating a video of him talking to the provocateurs of the 'Peleg', saying that their 'messiras nefesh' is nonsense.
