Saturday, November 13, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Vayeitze 5782 News Updates

 Weather tonight Clear skies. Low 33F. 

- 60 new covid cases in Lakewood since wednesday totals 17058/325
- 52 cases in Toms River since Wednesday 13538/348
- 40 cases in Jackson since Monday 1802/122

- Muslim Chosson who Married Syrian Jewish Girl Speaks out on Talkline with Zev Brenner tonight 12:00 am- 2 AM on WSNR 620 AM

- All Daf live siyum on Maseches Rosh Hashana of Daf Yomi tomorrow at the Chestnut shul in Lakewood 11:15 am featuring Rav Zecharia Resnick of Quick Daf

- 5th Circuit upholds the Stay on vaxx mandates. Calling it Unconstituional 

-Heavy traffic: Rt 9 shut bet Pine and John St both directions. Backups on MLK John Pine st. Access open to 7-11 

- Pediatric affiliates recommending covid vaccination for 5-11 yr olds

- A hail storm took place 2 pm shabbos afternoon for a few minutes with thunder and lightning 

-Yeshiva Novominsk annual Lakewood Melava Malka at Ne'emas Hachaim hall 8:00

- Hachtara for Rav Braunspiegel  atvthe new rav of the Prospect Square Ashkenaz shul

-Yeshiva GedolahZichron Shmaryahi of Toronto annual Lakewood Melava Malka at KZY 175 Sunset 

-Ryes bakery and cafe open motzei shabbos through the winter a dozen bagels for $10 melava Malka specials 232 2nd street

- Hisvaadus  with Rav Leima Wilhelm at Heichal Hachasidus 10:00 pm 421 W County Line rd

- Bnos Basya lakewoods new high school inaugural Dinner at TBY 613 Oak st

- Updated Rebbe asks followers to help raise 35 million to fund new buildings. Bobov 48 rebbe calls a emergency asifa tonight for all his chasidim

At Reb Shaul Alter B" M in Eretz Yisrael

Havdala at Sadigura Lakewood


  1. Letoeles harabim

    Make sure you wait enough between the chulent on shabbos and the pizza coffee for Melava malka

  2. Pediatric affiliates recommending covid vaccination for 5-11 yr olds: Is that with Daas Torah??

    1. Daas torah has always been to follow Drs advice.

    2. Yes. ורפא ירפא, מכאן שניתן רשות לרופא לרפואת (ב"ק פה.)
      The same דעת תורה that allows you to trust the doctor when he says to take antibiotics for an ear infection, smear some cream on a patch of eczema and do nothing for Coxsackievirus, says to trust that same doctor when he says to take a vaccine.

    3. Daas ha CDC which have shown to have no trust after flip flopping throughout covid

    4. The official posek for Ped Af. Is R' Forsheimer. So this is his daas tora K'neged the anti Vax daas like R Katz, Reb. Kotler, etc

    5. No, that is with No Daas at all.

    6. כידוע, with regard to vaccinations in general, Pediatric Affiliates is משוגע לאותו דבר.

    7. Where is the gaskama from Rabbi F.? I'd love to see it...

    8. שניתן רשות לרופא לרפואת... A Dr's vow is to first do no harm.

      How can you call it Refuah if children have a 0% chance of dying from covid & a small percent chance of getting harmed from this so called vax?

  3. Our frum community and the African American community have the lowest vaccination rates in the country I wonder why.My theory is becuase Our communities are dumb ajd belibe every stupid conspiracy theory they see on the internet.

    1. how do you know our community has a low vax rate? is it because you saw it on the internet and beleived it?

    2. Cut out your stupid racist nonsense.

    3. When group by education level, PhDs are the lowest vaccinated group.

    4. Where did u get that information?

    5. I dodnt think he is racist for bringing up a fact that is true.

    6. Maybe because we were the two communities that were already experimented upon in the past.

  4. I asked about 50 vaccinated people why they took the covid vaccine. The answers were either because of work or travel. None said to prevent covid. I guess the Jews and African communities travel less and don't work for mandated workplaces.

    1. Excellent point.

    2. 50 poeple is not enough to draw any conclusions about 350 million Americans.
      Would u trust any study that involved 50 people?

    3. I asked 50 people why they don't travel at 90mph on the GSP. Every one of them said that they were afraid of getting a ticket.

      Proof that speeding isnt really dangerous.


    4. Your outcome isn't related to your study, so it's you who warped it.
      Studies are always done with a sample subset of data that's then extrapolated for the masses. But the average hefkervelt reader doesn't appear intelligent enough to understand that, yet yeshivish enough to think they're smarter than everyone else.

  5. I didn't know a vaccine is considered a refuah? Don't blame the Torah for your desires


    "While stereotypes about those with higher education levels or certain ethic groups more likely to get the vaccine abound, the new research did not always fit those notions. During the 5-month study period, those with a high school education showed the most movement toward vaccination and away from their previous hesitancy. The eye-opener: By May, the group with PhDs were more hesitant than those with lower educational levels."


    1. First this is fake news secondary it was Dib way back in August thirdly u fail to mention that around 75% of people with physical did take the vaccine

    2. What's fake news? All major media reported it.
