Saturday, November 20, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Vayishlach 5782 News Updates

- Gov. Murphy encouraged adults across the state to get vaccination booster shots a day after federal officials expanded eligibility.The state’s seven-day average of coronavirus cases increased Saturday to 1,645 — up 31% from a week ago and 30% from a month ago.

- Heichal Hachasidus will have a Melava Malka tonight in Lakewood at Bnos Devorah hall celebrating Yat Kislev  the yahrtzeit of the Maggid of Mezritch and the day that the Alter Rebbe the baal hatanya was freed from jail after he was imprisoned by the Czar. It is considered to be the Rosh Hashana of Chassidus.

- Satmar R' Aaron Kuf Alef Kislev Melava Malka tonight motzei shabbos at the Bais medrash 604 E. Kennedy Blvd to celebrate The day the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum (1887-1979), was rescued from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 
 with 1,684 passengers who were transported out of Hungary by the Kastner train.

-Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Lakewood Melava Malka tonight Bais Faiga 7:45 pm boys 4th - 8th grade $15 per child

- Biden tells allies he is running for re-election in 2024 amid growing Democratic fears of a coming Republican return to power (WSJ)

- 2.2 million people went through airport security in the U.S. on Friday, the highest since the pandemic began - TSA

- JOE BIDEN: "While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken..."

R - L אב''ד Rachmastrivka of Lakewood with the אב''ד Santov of Lakewood 


  1. ABD Rachmoastrifc who was shtupped in after Lowy got the boot

  2. Why isn't the Santav Ruvs shtriemel spiked?

  3. In communist Russia they also stopped shuls from being built. These people must be their decendents.

  4. It's the rachmastric that was shtupped into the Lakewood shule after they booted out lowey

  5. The biggest joke is that Biden's going to run for prez. again! I don't think he's very popular even with his party nowadays and if he has only a little dementia now, it will be much worse in 3 years.

  6. Sanatov is a viznitz bnei braker the rebbe came out against streimelach with a shpitzin

  7. Yeah yours will likely be worse by then too

  8. Bney Brak maybe doesn't have a ridiculous spiked "crown" that looks like a silly birds nest on top of your head but it's flattened out on the sides a good 6inches or more tall. Kudos to Santov for not giving in to new style pressure

  9. He’s over zealous in keeping what the rebbe spoke about
