Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Statement Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel.

 Statement from the Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel.

It has come to our attention that the so called "International Beit Din" (IBD) has issued multiple heteirim for married women to remarry without a get, utilizing various methods and arguments.

Gedolei Haposkim and multitudes of Rabbonim from across the spectrum have publicly decried the actions of the IBD and claim that their heteirim have no merit. The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudas Yisrael join them in protest. Throughout the generations such matters were dealt with exclusively by universally recognized, foremost Gedolei Haposkim, in conjunction with other Gedolei Hador, and we firmly state that it is unprecedented and unacceptable for these matters to be dealt with in any other manner.

We turn to Rabbonim from across the country and across the world, and to all who hold our Torah and Kedushas Yisrael dear, to only rely on decisions rendered by valid, recognized Batei Din. It is our opinion that no Rav may be mesader kiddushin for any woman on the basis of a heter from the IBD to remarry. While the plight of agunos pains us deeply, and we hope and pray for them to be released from the chains of igun, dubious heteirim do not resolve their predicament. To the contrary, it only complicates a woman’s situation by causing issues of issurim chamurim of arayus and mamzeirus


  1. Despite the "International Beit Din" it reality it is a Beis Din in Riverdale (The Bronx, New York)

  2. The Agudah pens a protest against indviduals being matir aishes ish causing mamzarim r'l. Rabbi Landesman shlita also recently expressed concern about certain Heimish Batei Din.

    L'man kdushas yisroel.

    Please share extensively.



    1. Rabbi Landesman is an expert in Gitten. If he felt the need to write such a letter we the tzibur charedi is in trouble r'l.

  3. Until the times of the Chavos Yair, meaning from the beginning of Mishnayos until well into the period of the Achronim, we don't find a single instance of a hetter being given due to a mekach taus. From that point forward, many Achronim were mattir based on a mekach taus. Many Gedolim remained firmly against it. But I am not sure if you could be moiche once the slippery slope was already created. It is hard to tell a Bais Din, "Sorry, but only a certain caliber can play that game."

    1. no single local group of rabbis is of that caliber

    2. "Slippery slope" more like a black hole. Just having someone be diagnosed with depression is enough for this fake bais din to declare a mensch taos.

  4. While Aguda should be commended
    really is the credit of activists in various fields holding the feet to the fire and forcing them to stiffen so there's something to show for the convention

  5. R Gestetner of Monsey spent a decade publicizing the terrible calamity of "rabbi" who are meikel Issur Eishes Ish. He spends thousands of hours shiurim detailing every single shita and proving that al pi Din, virtually everything done bizman hazeh, disguised as Bais Din is a "letzonus, in es iz Nisht du ver zol lachen"
