Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday Nov 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunny. High around 50F

- Due to technical issues the daily report of COVID-19 cases for today, November 16, 2021 is not available. 

- Eichlers Judaica: Will no longer carry the books of  a certain author in their stores due to "shocking allegations" of abuse recently revealed in the Israeli media. They wrote "This decision was not made lightly and will no doubt come at a heavy financial cost"

APP reports on the trial : A Superior Court judge Tuesday ordered a further hearing on a claim that an accounting error by a bookkeeper proves the founder of Lakewood’s School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) is innocent of money laundering and misconduct. Superior Court Judge Benjamin Bucca, at a hearing on Rabbi Osher Eisemann’s bid for a new trial, ordered an additional hearing with testimony to determine if the bookkeeper’s claims, presented in a certification as newly discovered evidence, would hold up on cross-examination if he were to order a new trial. The judge also said the next hearing will focus on whether the new evidence could have been discovered before the first trial in 2019 and, if so, if it was an error by Eisemann’s defense attorneys to have missed it. If it was an error, that possibly could lead to a new trial on the grounds of ineffective assistance of counsel. read more at APP 

- GOP: Whistleblower Discloses Explosive Documents Showing FBI Using Counterterrorism Tools to Investigate Parents.

- Gov Murphy announced on a zoom call today that Lakewood Resource and Referal Center (LRRC) will be a Navigation partner to assist with open enrollment for GetCoveredNJ. A representative of LRRC was on the call.

- A partial Lunar eclipse or almost a total eclipse will be visible Thursday night into Friday morning throughout North America lasting 3 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds. That will make it the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, according to NASA. The eclipse in NJ will start at 2:00 am -  peaking at 4:00 am.

- Public hearing for a project that includes  3 new schools buildings  in Jackson on Leesville rd was tabled last night to December 20

- Update: The judge  heard Oral argument at the Middlesex County Superior Court where lawyers  have filed a motion requesting a new trial following new evidence.(OnejerseyShorr) LNN reports the judge said the evidence could possibly  be reason for a retrial and scheduled a hearing in a months time to present it.

- Today is the 2nd yahrzeit of kedoshei Jersey City Mrs Leah Mindel Ferencz HY"D, Habucher Moshe Hersh Deutsch H"YD

- Hearing at 10:00 am for ר' אשר בן חנה פרומט  all are asked to say 5 Kapitlach Tehillim

-- Today on honor of the Yartzheit of the בת עין  Rav Avrohom Dov Ben Dovid zatzal,  shuls in Lakewood  hosted seudas and food iluy nishmaso, Chasidim say it is a segula to feed people on his yartzeit. 

- Morristown NJ High School has switched to all-remote learning amid a surge in COVID-19 cases at the school.

- Israel: Over 100,000 married couples in Israel are officialy assimilated meaning onenof the spouses are not Jewish.

- Sadigura rebbe from Bnei Brak will be leaving Lakewood this evening back to Eretz Yisrael

- Cheesequake Farms in old Bridge off rt 9 announces that after 49 years will no longer be doing the retail portion of business allowing ppl to buy at the farm.

Video: The  Rebbe if מבקשי השם in Lakewood participating in a yartzeit seuda of the בת עין seen playing guitar

The Yenuka of Sadigura visits Skulen rebbe of Lakewood


  1. Chasidim say it is a segula to feed people on his yartzeit

    I'm still looking for the yartzeit that it's a segula to learn a perek mishnayos or a Blatt gemara

    1. You are one negative person maybe you get off these blogs and go learn

    2. meanwhile feed me

    3. Breslov learns 18 perakim mishnayos a day

    4. Rav Akiva Ager. In his Tzavaa.said to learn mishnayes around the clock on his yarzeit

  2. Brand new religion! Fresh from the presses (and the fressers)!
    The third of Iyar fress day wasn't enough, now they invented another one.

    This has nothing to do with G-d or Judaism, this is belly worship. Chassidim never did this, and non-Chassidim certainly did not.

    1. Chassidim always celebrated with lekach and bronfen. Check your facts before you use low terms. It may not be your way, but chassidim serve Hashem and elevate through happiness and seudah. If you don't like it don't join it. With Simcha you can do more!

    2. So 'fress' isn't a new thing? Why did nobody know about it a couple of years ago? How did 'fress' become our religion? And how did 'fress' morph into simcha?

      It's a load of nonsense, and if Chassidim practice that nonsense, it is just as nonsensical.

    3. Fress is as old as "Bossor V'dogim V'chol Maatamim"......and in the times of the beis hamikdash, simchas yom tov meant....ah yes, fressing meat

    4. Wow!
      Do you honestly not know the difference between Shabbos and Yomtov and plain shvoiltug?

    5. Thank you! Well said!

  3. Isn’t everyone on these blogs negative? Remember the WG kvetchers? It’s been a while.

    1. sorry for letting you down by not posting in a while: WE NEED A SHUL IN WESTGATE! MY KIDS HAVE NOWHERE TO DAVEN AND CRY BY THE WINDOW ON SHABBOS!

    2. Ahhhh B”H the alte Kochlöffel is back stirring up hatred with his inciteful (as opposed to insightful!!) comments. The “WG kvetchers” as he so disgustingly calls them, are a shul full of ehrlich people who just want a shul with enough room for everyone to daven safely and comfortably.

  4. I won't say neg I'll say deep down jealous!

  5. The Yiddishe Neshama is crying out for Torah and Mitzvos, it won't stand for the ersatz version. All the kumzitz, food fests, lovey dovey occasions are like junk food for the Neshama. Yes, you feel like you did something, but it's like filling your stomach on potato chips and licorice. Deep down, you know that it is not Torah or Mitzvos.

    Stop settling! Demand Torah, not kumbaya hippie highs.

    (Inspired by that film posted here)

  6. The picture of the yenuka has a gabbaI standing behind the Skulener playing with smartphone. Just saying.

    1. Right. And since the rest of the world doesn't see that, were all blind.

    2. You can't see what type of phone he is using. He is looking at his phone, but how do you know it is a smartphone?? Maybe he is looking at a text on a basic flip phone or looking for a number in his contacts to call in his basic flip phone. Why the accusations and negativity???

  7. Where are the askanim?
    A new law is going through the State Senate to keep DST all year. The latest Netz Hachama during the winter is now about 7:15. If this law passes, we will not be able to daven Shmona Esre before 8:15. Bedi'eved, we will be able to daven about 40 minutes earlier than that. Does anyone realize what kind of problem that will cause? Anyone who needs to commute to work, or who works on the road, will have a major nisayon regarding tefilla betzibbur, tefilla bizmano, and within a few years we will lose a generation

    Stop being worried about things that don't concern us and get involved in things that do concern us.

    1. aguda supposed to take care of this one

      an old aguda topic

    2. The askanim are getting ready for the thanksgiving convention

  8. In Breslov they learn or rather daven 18 perky mishnious?

  9. Fresss for Reb Shayala
    Fress for the Bas Ayin
    Who else can we fress for
    any cool yartzeits coming up that we can fress for them

    1. besides for fressing, rav shaya also takes care of mice and other pesky pests, as well as makes your business succeed and cures male patern baldness. he also watches over your baby for you through the window as the baby sleeps. trips to his kever are a can't miss experience. even better than disney. don't miss out! join the fun today!

    2. Those who spite segulahs and holy tzadikim are playing with fire. Be careful!

    3. Those who chase after Segulos are playing with fire.
      Go to a Doctor if you are sick, and do Teshuva with a SHa'arei Teshuva (from Rabbeinu Yonah).
      Leave Segulos for the gypsies and other peasants.

  10. Whose books is Eichlers talking about?

    1. Eichlers caving to the woke mob prosecuting guilty charge based on a article in Haaretz with no ruling of a court or bais din shame on them and shame on Amudim for backing up eichlers without any shulchan aruch.
      What is frum about them if they dont follow due process according to Halacha.

  11. Does anyone know how I could get in to the sanz zitchkov rebbe

  12. Look at the first BasAyin, this weeks parsha Vayishlach. & how he deridesmoisros of food. If he did want people to feed other for his yahrzeit, it was probably aniyim, arch U parchu & bnei Torah who didn't have what to eat.
    BTW that stickle has some much beuty, If I had a way to post it I would.
    Maybe you could post the First Ba Ayin Vayishlach on this site. Thanks


    1. וישלח יעקב מלאכים לפניו אל עשו אחיו ארצה שעיר שדה אדום וגו' (לב ג). יש לפרש הפסוק על דרך המוסר, הנה יעקב ועשו מרמזים לבחי' יצר הטוב ויצר הרע שיש באדם, ושרו של עשו הוא המקור של היצר הרע, היינו הבחינה שממנה מקבל היצר הרע תוספת כח ועוז, והוא בחינת גסות הרוח, ובחינה זו בא על ידי מותרות, היינו שמתנהג האדם בבחי' מותרות האכילה ושאר תענוגים, ועי"ז נתרומם לבו של אדם, כמאמר הכתוב (דברים ח יב) פן תאכל ושבעת ורם לבבך ושכחת כו' פירוש שעל ידי בחינת שביעה ביותר בא לבחינת שכחה בה' ולבחינת גסות הרוח, ובזה נתוסף כח ועוז להיצר הרע. אבל צדיק אוכל לשובע נפשו בלבד, בבחינת הסתפקות בבחי' מועט:
      וזהו מרומז בפסוק, כדאיתא בספרים הקדושים (ע' נחל אשכול להחיד"א עה"פ) לב חכם לימינו ולב כסיל לשמאלו (קהלת י ב), פירוש, החכם מתנהג באותיות שהמה לימין של אותיות ל"ב, היינו אותיות א"כ, שמרמז לבחינת מועט, כמאמר חז"ל (ירושלמי ברכות פ"ט ה"ה) אכין ורקין מיעוטין הם. והכסיל מתנהג באותיות שהמה לשמאל של אותיות ל"ב, היינו אותיות ג"ם בחינת רבוי ומותרות כמאמר חז"ל (שם) אתין וגמין רבויין, כדאיתא בסה"ק:
      ולזה רמזו רז"ל (חולין פט.) על פסוק (דברים ז ז) כי אתם המעט מכל העמים, שאתם ממעטין עצמיכם לפני, פירוש שאתם מתנהגים לפני בבחינת מיעוט בחינת הסתפקות כנ"ל, כדי שלא יהיה מקום לכחו של עשו הוא היצר הרע:
      וזהו שנאמר אצל יעקב (בראשית לב כד) ויאבק איש עמו, ודרשו רז"ל (בר"ר עז ג) שהיה שרו של עשו כו', ונקרא אי"ש לשון י"ש, היינו בחינת גסות וישו"ת (היפך בחי' בט"ול וא"ין), פירוש שהיצר הרע רצה להכניס ביעקב בחי' ישות וגסות הרוח, שיאמר בלבבו איך שהוא צדיק גדול ועובד ה' כו'. אבל יעקב נלחם ונתאבק עמו, על ידי שהסתכל בבחינת עבודת המלאכים, שהוא בבחי' פנים אל פנים ביראה גדולה, כמבואר לעיל, ועי"ז ותנצל נפשי (בראשית לב ל) כנ"ל:
      ואח"כ וישלח יעקב מלאכים וגו', פירוש כשרצה יעקב ליכנס לארץ ישראל, היינו לבחינת קדושה יותר גדולה, ונתירא לפני היצר הרע, לכן שלח מלאכים (היינו עצות בהנהגתו). ומפרש הכתוב מה הם המלאכים, ארצ"ה שע"יר, מרמז שיהיה בחינת ארצי"ות שלו בבחינת שע"יר, בחינת שיע"ור והסתפקות כנ"ל. שדה אד"ום, מרמז לבחינת ויד"ום, היינו מיעוט שיחה, לשון ויד"ום אהרן (ויקרא י ג). גם מרומז בר"ת ו"ישלח י"עקב מ"לאכים ל"פניו ר"ת וימ"ל, בחי' למ"ול את ערלת הלב, שיהיה הלב נקי מכל, בלתי לה', יהי רצון שנזכה לזה כן יהי רצון אמן. הר"ת וימל שמעתי מהרב הקדוש ז"ל מאפטא, אך איני זוכר בפרטיות האיך ביאר אותו:

    2. Thank you for sharing

  13. Remind me never to step foot into Eichlers again.

  14. I still don't know what author of sefarim Eichlers is banning. If your going to mention it please state clearly who u r talking about

    1. Why do you need to know?November 17, 2021 at 5:16 AM

      Maybe the people here are actually trying to avoid additional lashon hara! If you haven’t heard a name, be glad that no one repeated lashon hara to you and thank everyone here for being careful. This situation is not at all proven and is not local (so no need to spread the info to protect possible victims).

  15. Perhaps the Lakewood Skulener"Rebbe" is asking the Yenukah why the velvet on the Yenukas sleeves are longer than his

  16. The same people knocking chasidim because it was never done this way support musical selichos and talk about how we need to adapt. Hypocrisy at its best.

    1. No, not at all. Musical Selichos is the same as Bas Ayin fress. And you will find the same people at both.
      Your personal attack, as well as ignorance, shows how low a person needs to stoop to support the fress parties.

    2. i highly doubt those people support musical slichos.
