Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Erev Sukkos 5785 News Updates Lakewood

 Wednesday, October 16, 2024 / י״ד תשרי תשפ״ה
ערב סוכות

******Eruv Tavshillin******

Candle lighting 5:56pm 
Shkiah: 6:14 pm

Weather today 60°Sunny to partly cloudy
Tonight low 38° Clear to partly cloudy. 

- Patis Cafe will be closing the Lakewood location today at Gourmet Glatt plaza. The company has filed for bankruptcy a few months ago 

- Daled minim shuks open today  until 3-4 pm

- Video: Learn how to make a lulav ring HERE

- Hatzolah Of Williamsburg issues safety alert with sukka heaters due to the cold weather heads of households  should follow all safety precautions and have the heater on a timer due to the 3 day Yom Tov. Also make sure the voltage is adequate and not overloaded. If one light candles in the sukka make sure to keep it in a safe place and not left alone. Unfortunately the Williamsburg community had previously suffered from fires related to unsafe activities. IYH everyone should follow safety protocols.

- Bingo selling outdoor mounted patio heaters for $80

- Ami/Mishpacha magazines are $15 Zman is $18

- Simchas Bais Hashoeva at BMG Sunday night in Bais Aaron 9:00pm

- A Simchas Bais Hashueva will take place for all yeshiva bochurim in Lakewood with the attendance of the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva Monday night at Lakewood Cheder Fountain Ballroom. Neginah by Shloimy  Daskal, Yiddy Bialosotzky, Yedidim choir and the Mendy Hershkowitz band .

- Lakewood school district will pay $400,000 for 2 NJ state monitors  as debt grows. APP reports
It remains unclear why two monitors were hired at once or what it means for the district's ongoing, debt-ridden management. Lakewodd taxpayers are in debt over 250 million to the state in loans to the BOE.

- Lakewood DPW will have bulk pick up over YT. The weekly trash pick up will be pushed off by one day make sure to place garbage cans out prior to Yom Tov.

- Att Westgate Lakewood commons residents, in previous years township garbage trucks would come at 5 or 6am to collect  the garbage from the dumpsters while people are asleep in the sukka waking up the neighborhoods. Reach out to DPW if you want simchas Yom Tov


  1. Attention westgate homeowners
    It might be a good investment to purchase noisemakers it can be used all year round to keep the garbage truck noise quiet out of your houses as well. As the houses are built out of the same material as the sukkos are built out of!!!

    1. Attention people of westgate and everywhere:

      There's always so much to kvetch about!

      *I have a house, in a completely Jewish neighborhood - but the building material could have been better.

      *My garbage gets picked regularly, without issues. It doesn't cause extra, crazy traffic when the kids are on the way to school and adults on the way to work, like the NYC garbage trucks. But it may wake me up for netz hachamah.

      And so much more to kvetch about. Always.

      Hopefully many, many, many of us will enjoy zman simchaseinu and be grateful about it!

    2. Nice I'm of u to be positive. But how about sympathizing with your fellow Jew?
