Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday October 13 News Updates Lakewood

                         מחרת יום הכיפורים תשפ"ה
Weather: 80° Abundant sunshine. Windy 10 to 20 mph
 High around 80F. No serious rain in the forecast over sukkos until Hoshana Rabba

- Sources close to the Trump campaign tell 
Fox News there was no assassination attempt against Trump at his Coachella, CA rally yesterday. We’re told a man with a gun was arrested at the perimeter of the event without incident.

- The defendant of the 3rd Trump assasination attempt was released from custody after posting his $5000 bail. He is a registered Republican, and the FBI "does not consider him a threat" to President Trump.
- 3rd assassination attemp on Trump:
California police believe they thwarted a would-be Trump assassination after arresting a man with multiple illegal firearms outside of Trump's Coachella rally. 49-year-old Vem Miller was arrested on Saturday. Miller appears to have gotten within feet of Donald Trump Jr. at the RNC .Police say they believe they stopped a third assassination attempt on Trump.

- WSJ: The Pentagon and the White House are increasingly concerned about the appearance of drones near sensitive facilities in the US. Drones were spotted near the Langley Airforcebase , Virginia, and a nuclear weapons testing base in Nevada. These incidents began more than a year ago, and the WSJ claims that Washington does not know who is responsible.

- There will be a simchas Bais Hashoava for all  yeshiva bochurim with singers Shloimy Daskal and Yiddy Bialosotzky Yedidim choir and the Mendy Hershkowitz band  Monday night chol Hamoed at Lakewood cheder hall with the participation of the Lakewood Roshei  yeshiva

- Sukkos bein hazmanim begins the bochrim are back from yeshiva, special bein hazmanim learning programs in neighborhood shuls serving breakfast and other refreshments 

- Kollel Chazu bein hazmanim learning program opens today at 45 locations in the greater Lakewood are

Sukkos shopping
- Dated minim shuk open today at Blue Claws stadium parking lot
- Daled minim shuk at Municipal parking lot at 9th st bet Clifton and Lexington 
- Shuk at Riverwood park in Toms River
- Bingo $6.99 side of Salmon until erev Sukkos
- Ruby Shoe sale today at estreia 12:00pm - 7:00pm
- Daled minim sale at Bais Faiga opens 1pm
- Nutmeg buffet $9.99 a lb supper menu items

- Three weeks to presidential election CBS national poll of likely voters shows Harris up. Donald Trump is one point closer to Kamala Harris nationally than last month, and the decisive battleground states also remain effectively even.
Kamala Harris 51%
Donald Trump 48%
NBC poll shows Trump and Harris tied at 48% among registered voters 

- A judge ruling will allow 125 Duplexes plus basements as the corner of Cross st and James  adding 500 cars to the James Street and Cross Street area traffic under chemdas Hatorah educational campus loophole.  See full story Here

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Shloimy Ullman Z"L who was niftar over Yom Kippur. Originally from Monsey, was a long time rebbe at Yeshiva of Spring Valley for close to 50 years and  from the founding Hatzolah members. He moved to Lakewood  5 years ago. Levaya at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st 1:00pm  shiva at the Fairways 

- Tonight a siyum ksivas oisiyos for a sefer Torah will take place for a  new sefer Torah in the Kol Shimshon Bais Medrash the kesivas oisiyos event will take place in Lake Terrace hall followed by a grand seuda with music featuring a full list of  20 baalei menagnim and singers and the procession will be on the first day of Sukkos after MIncha at Kol Shimshon. Rav Chaim kanievsky and Rav Gershon Eidelstein both wrote oisiyos in this Sefer Torah. 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today procession leaving from 8 Jule CT Lakewood at 3pm

-Lalechet tours chartering  direct flights to Israel from NY with prices starting at $900- $1000 one way. The company recently received all necessary approvals and  permits to operate. There will be special flights to accomadate bochurim and seminary girls. They wrote on the site, "Please note this will be an all-economy flight. Due to limited aircraft availability, we have secured a safe and reliable plane, but there were no options available with updated interiors. Our primary focus has been to ensure the flight takes place to meet the urgent need for direct travel to and from Eretz Yisroel. See more info Here 

- Lakewood residents were inundated with robocalls for tzedaka all day on Erev Yom Kippur

- The KNA Roberts Sukkos chol Hamoed carnival will take place Tuesday October 22 at Blue claws stadium parking lot 


  1. Does nutmeg have hashgocho

  2. Lakewood residents were inundated with robocalls for tzedaka all day on Erev Yom Kippur
    This reminded me of all the selichos & 13 midos at the end on neilah.
    Put that aside there are other mitvas hayoim on Erev yom kipur , eating being one of them. Money collected erev yom kipur, will not be distributed before Yomkipur. There should be a cut off time.
    BTW one should also be careful of spoof calls which steal credit card info.

  3. CBS is a left Democrat leaning pollster. My concern is last minute shtick they will pull to put Harris over the top. She has admitted that she would do nothing different then what Biden has already done rachmono litzlon.
    The only reason people are voting for her is Trump derangement syndrome.
    Trump has said the only way to win is: "When it's to big to rig" . I don't know if those numbers are possible. There is a lot at stake!!! Be mispallel.

  4. when is bais faiga daled minim sale open till?

  5. I find these Erev Yom Tov calls highly annoying. I wish there were a way to tell them that they are losing my support by disturbing people at inappropriate times.

  6. Lake Terrace event line up

    Freilach Band
    Yaakov Shwekey
    Mordachai Shapiro
    Shloime Daskal
    Shmueli Ungar
    Itzik Dadya
    Hershey Weinberger
    Shulem Lemmer
    Shira Choir

    1. what time will they be singing?

    2. the person who donated the sefer torah. Duh. Obviously.

  7. Since when do we make concerts kosher by putting a couple of roshei yeshiva
    If it isn’t a concert shame on us for using concerts as an incentive to get buchorim to go hear shmuesrn it chizuk from roshei yeshiva

    1. R' Uren Reich castigated the boys pre-covid for demanding a concert
      perhaps Squealer from Animal Farm could help us through all the twists & turns

    2. I had the same question but there (1)that was just a concert. This is a simchas bais hasoevha .Even then had it been on Chol Homeod and not just a few days before Pesach there probably would have been less opposition (2) l'maaseh they backed down somewhat afterwards (3)R' Uren Reich is not promoting this either

    3. Dirshu and Adirei Hatorah took care of the concert problems

    4. The issue then, as explained by R’ Uren Reich was that the Roshey Yeshiva felt that if that bein hazamanim concert would be successful then the entertainment INDUSTRY would start poaching and preying on Yeshiva Bochurim every bein hazamanim. There would soon be “bein hazamanim special –fress all you can in Gimpel's Restaurant all night .” “bein hazamanin tour of Gibraltar etc” .Therefore they came out in opposition. It wasn’t so much the concert per se

  8. Whoever is building and whoever approved the duplexes by James fooling everyone it's part of chemdas hatorah when it's not and causing so much wasted time and bittul torah of everyone sitting in even more traffic. Will one day soon have to give a din v'chesbon just like the rest of his cronies. Build build and build more why does this make sense?Go build in goyish communities you could make money off them also. You squash so many "duplexes" in a small area. Not even the amount of sq ft per property for a real duplexes. It's more of the square footage for a town house and then charge outrageous prices . Does anyone wonder why other types of pple are moving here? They're the ones that could afford it. The bnei torah and yungerleit can't afford it and have to move out of lakewood.

    1. please stay out of the goyishe areas too. Why should they suffer?

    2. Yet it's the bnei torah that continue to buy in these developments. This story of outsiders invading lakewood is untrue.

    3. Right. Go build in the "goyish areas" what you yourself won't tolerate but then call them anti-semities for resisting. Actually you will be right for calling them that because if they weren't anti-semites beforehand they certainty will be afterwards

  9. Even the campus extension at Massachusetts and Cross isn't for the yeshiva. Their name is just being used as a cover.

  10. They want to make sure the bochurim dont go to a difft concert that these organizers don't approve of!!!

  11. Is there garbage pickup monday oct 14 (columbus day)?

  12. Where can i buy schach mats

    1. Most esrog shuks have them. They definitely have them in the one near the IRV
