Thursday, October 10, 2024

Halachos: When Yom Kippur Falls Out on Shabbos 5785

Rav Levi Yitzchok of barditchev, know as "The advocate" was always calm when yom kippur fell on shabbos. The reason he said, is that since Writing on shabbos is prohibited , except to save a life So too God will not write on shabbos except to save our lives. 

This year Yom Kippur 5785 falls out on Shabbos there are some halachos pertaining to this day.
1.  We say Avinu Malkeinu by Shachris on Erev Yom Kippur that comes out on Friday since we dont say it on Yom Kippur
2. One should have in mind to be Yoitze kiddush hayom of shabbos by the bracha of mekadesh hashabos after vayechulu.
3.We do not say Avinu malkeinu According to Ashkenazi customs since we dont ask for personal requests on Shabbos. However by Neeilah we do say it.
4. various minhagim if we say the yud gimmel middos by krias hatorah.
5. If one must eat- Children, or someone sick, according to most poskim we do not recite kiddush before eating.
6. By candle lighting you say lehadlik ner shel shabbos Vshel Yom Hakipurim
7. Havdala begins with Hinei and Besamim (some minhagim don't start from the begining)

The Talmud states, "If only Israel would keep two [consecutive] Shabbosim, they would be immediately redeemed"
.(Shabbos 118b) The book Noam Megadim (parashas Emor), from Rabbi Eliezer Ish Horowitz, a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, offers a compelling interpretation of the passage in the Talmud; that the two Shabbosos refer to two Shabbosos which comes together. That can only be when Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos. Therefore the possibility for immediate redemption of our people is at hand. We only need to observe them, putting ourselves into the service of the day with a full heart and keep from becoming distracted.
Actually the possibility for speedy redemption is inherent in every Yom Kippur. The holy Zohar (parashat Noach) states that even if the people in only one synagogue did complete teshuva on Yom Kippur, then all of the Jewish People would be immediately redeemed! This is all the more so on this special year, when the two ultimate Shabbats come together at the same time. Indeed a special opportunity!!</


  1. I guess the berditchiver held that a reg yk is מצותו בכך.

    Ner sheshuvas

  2. Dont forget shehechayanu by candle lighting.

  3. "that the two Shabbosos refer to two Shabbosos which comes together. That can only be when Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos"

    Yom tov is also called Shabbos. And Yom tov falls out on Shabbos often.
