Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Israel At War Wednesday October 9

 Israel at war day 369

- Details from the Biden-Bibi conversation today: Biden demanded that Bibi not attack the nuclear or oil facilities in Iran and claimed that the operation in Lebanon should be ended "as soon as possible" and to strive for an agreement. Bibi stood firm and replied that Israel has a historic opportunity [with Iran] that should not be missed. Concerning Lebanon, he replied that Israel has signed 1701, and the only agreement that it will now consider will be one where Hezbollah is severely beaten and will not be able to threaten the residents of the North or Israel. Channel 14

- ABC is reporting that while Bibi didn't present a fully finalized vision for the counterattack on Iran to Biden, members of the administration were still relatively satisfied with the level of detail that was shared and felt the Israeli government was receptive to their arguments for sticking to conventional military targets rather than nuclear or oil production sites. 

-  The Israeli reaction in Iran will be very, very deadly, even at the cost of an Iranian response that will lead to the destruction of entire buildings in Israel. (Channel 12)

- Israeli source emphasized that the conversation between Bibi and Biden had a "positive atmosphere." The focus of the discussion was the Israeli response to Iran. Biden also said that Israel needs to start planning for the post-fight

- White House: We will not be be willing to let Lebanon become like Gaza.

- Defense Minister Galant during a visit to the Intelligence Division: "The Iranian attack was aggressive but imprecise; on the other hand - our attack will be deadly, precise and above all surprising, they will not understand what happened and how." (Amit Segal)

- The US is quietly talking with some Arab countries and Iran about a ceasefire deal in Gaza, excluding Israel from the discussions, N12 reported on Wednesday morning.

- Tehillim for avreich who was critically injured in the Chadera terror stabbing attack name has been added Chaim Refoel Mordechai ben Sara 

-Joe Biden is expected to hold a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday to discuss Israel’s plans to retaliate against Iran for its October 1 ballistic missile attack

- Approximately 40 rockets were identified crossing from Lebanon towards Upper Galilee and Haifa Bay on Wednesday, killing two people, a couple in Kiryat Shmona,  both aged 40, Ihe husband and wife fatally sustained wounds due to falling shrapnel while walking their dogs and did not have time to enter the protected area.

- Stabbing attack in chadera 6 wounded, 2 in critical condition the Arab terrorist was shot dead

- Three Israeli soldiers were seriously wounded in the fighting in southern Lebanon over the last day, the IDF said on Wednesday, as forces continued to battle Hezbollah operatives both in close-quarters combat and through airstrikes.

- Wall Street Journal: When Gallant called to update Austin on Nasrallah's elimination, the US Secretary of Defense responded, "Excuse me, what did you say?" Later that day, he made a fairly explicit threat when he asked Gallant if Israel was prepared to defend itself on its own, given the lack of updates to the US.

-Netanyahu and Biden expected to hold call on Iran Wednesday after weeks of silence
US said to be frustrated after Israel declined to share information about its plans, reportedly will try to ‘shape the limitations’ of the response to Iranian missile attack


  1. all this technology prowess we hear the "start up" nation of Israel and yet they are sending boys to die from primitive means. The kochi vetzem yodi is getting tiring, the ONLY reason that the medina is tolerated is because of the zchusim of limmud Hatorah which protects even the chilonim, now that they declared war on yeshivas and want to close down yeshivas and imprison our learners, they descent into more war. We cannot fall into the YU mechalech of saying a prayer for the medina it is a slippery slope.

    1. Israel is actually doing very well in the war, thank you very much.

      In fact, Israel is doing way better than Hezballah, Hamas, Ukraine, and Russia who are all fighting wars right now.

      Israel is doing way better than the US was doing in Afghanistan and Iraq when they were fighting in those countries.

      Israel is actually a miracle country. The Ribono Shel Oilam is clearly being loicheim for klal yisroel.

      Not everyone is zoche to see the Yad Hashem in the world. But those who know, know.

    2. Rather myopic. Historically whoever fought against Arabs including the US made great strides in the beginning and then were worn down by small actions motor attacks IEDs terrorist attacks etc till they had to admit defeat, see Iraq Afghanistan The USSR in Afghanistan, And of course Israel over the last 80 years. Exploding beepers make great headlines however in the long run, historically the Arabs wore them down. Hashem yishmor

    3. What exactly is miraculous about a country which was created to be a safe haven for the Jews and statistically over the last 80 years is the least secure place for a Jew? A country which was created to be independent andafter 80 years is still beholden to the US the EU the UN for security ,military hardware ammunition monetary support diplomatic support? Must check in with its handlers before it makes any minor decision?

    4. The fact is that Hashem created Israel to be a safe haven for the Jews. Israel is Hashem's shliach to make that happen. Hashem also wants Jews to feel like they're in galus, so he sends them terrorists every now and then, so we daven and cry out to Hashem. But overall, Hashem's shliach is doing a fantastic job!

    5. Wierd people.

      You claim to be upset about bravado talk (kochi... Rachmana litzlan!). Yet, you speak so ill of Hashem's nation and and His people who live in His land.

      Recognize that the beepers were miraculous. Period. Realize that the Yidden living in Eretz Yisrael are the most protected from anywhere else in the world. Period.

      That's because Hashem protects them.

      When the Yidden in Eretz Yisrael are under duress from the umos, then it unfortunately spreads like an infectious disease to the entire world - as Rav Moshe Shterbauch predicted prior to Oct 7th and right afterwards.

      What is clear is that you think that your own "kochi..." - by living in galus and spewing nonsense - will protect you. Only Hashem can protect you! And He doesn't want you spewing nonsense on the internet. So, go on, and seek Him out while He is near!

    6. Anon 4:34 - I don't know where you live, but not one Yid in chutz la'aretz has been killed, or even seriously harmed, since Oct. 7. Unfortunately, the עם היושב בציון was not so protected, and many have fallen since then.

      So your 'period' needs some redacting.

  2. Three Israeli soldiers were seriously wounded in the fighting in southern Lebanon over the last day-no names for tehillim provided, Tehillim for avreich who was critically injured in the Chadera terror stabbing attack name has been added Chaim Refoel Mordechai ben Sara, enough said.

    1. Sadly how you don't see things with a clear vision it is just the opposite as the frum charedi community feels for each other they make an effort to get the name for Tehillim on the other hand we don't see the IDF puting out names for tehill8m of injured soldiers.
      But your comment was made to spread the lie that frum don't care or daven for the soldiers which is disgusting and lies

  3. I just received a letter from my daughter’s school suggesting we get her a phone.

    1. She’s never had a phone before—why are we suddenly recommending it?

    2. Why are we recommending some random Israeli phone? What’s wrong with all the American options available for the bochurim? And why is there only one model being offered? It feels like we're putting all our eggs in one basket.

    3. Why is only one Rosh Yeshiva signing off on this? Something doesn’t seem right.

    4. Lastly, why isn’t this phone being sold at the local kosher stores? These stores have been dedicated to this cause and should be leading the effort.

    1. If you chose to send there, you need to follow the rules. Don't know everyone thinks they have an opinion.

    2. Address your questions about your daughters school to someone in the school. Not online where people have no idea what the letter said or the context it was written in

    3. Kosher Cell phones are a BIG profit center for the charedi leadership.
      The phones are overpriced, there is little competition to ensure high profitability, and the service itself (phones are locked into a specific service) is highly profitable.

    4. People need to learn a rule about school rules.
      You are the parent, not them. You are the most important person in your child's life, it is YOUR responsibility to teach them right from wrong. If something goes wrong, the school will not take responsibility, you will have to find the solution.
      That is why, when they send these letters home, you can ignore them. You shouldn't fight with them, because they are more powerful. But don't think for one second that they have the moral right over here. Deal with them like obstacles to get around, you aren't doing anything wrong by following your own sense of right and wrong.

      Don't fall for the specious argument, "you chose the school, now follow the rules."
      1. You didn't choose the school, you had no choice. There are limited choices, and you chose the best of them, hopefully. (It's even possible the Va'ad placed you, in which case you certainly have no obligations).
      2. Try the argument the other way - "You chose to accept my child, you follow my rules." Why is that any less than theirs?
      3. Even if the argument was accurate, that doesn't mean you owe them your and your children's lives.

    5. (1)Your school acceptance was still based on the understanding you would follow their rules. By that logic every other time you have limited options you are not bound to your agreements
      (2)they would be tell your child to go if you insist on your rules
      (3)no one asked for you and your children's lives

    6. The idea that the school did you a favor by accepting you is just ridiculous.

      1. Society needs to take care of itself, and you are owed a place in a school. Don't let them trick you as though the school is private and they can do what they want. Again, they will do what they want, but that does not make their side the moral one.
      2. Facts are, we have no choice, we cannot send to schools we want, and the schools do not represent society. So we do the best we can.
      3. Listening to wrong, bullheaded rules, is 'lives'. If they can claim that supporting a cellphone business is that important, then parents' influence over their children is certainly important.

    7. I have a creeping suspicion that if you wouldn't feel that society owes you you would actually have more choices of schools and perhaps you would understand the logic behind the rules... Just saying...

    8. Anon 12:49 - well said. You put the idea into words.
      We need to stop abrogating our rights and responsibilities to the schools. The way some unemployed people attempt to control us is through the schools. We need to say, 'enough!' Stick to your jobs, keep your focus on the teaching, on the students, and the lessons. Stop attempting to do the job of the parents.

  4. A Bein Kesse leAsor Special Shmuz on the topic of הורית דרך תשובה לבת השובבה was given last night at Yeshivas Beis Meir - Friedman's by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin . In the Shmuz he said over a gvaldike story about the Chofetz Chaim and a boy who went off the derech. A must see by ALL parents with off the derech children. A tremendous chizuk.

  5. after fighting 1 year in Gaza they STILL fire rockets, Hezbollah hasnt even used 10% of their arsenal. when will they sigh an uncondtional surrender? exactly there will be no victory.

    1. They aren’t firing nearly as many rockets as people like you would hope for. Who are your close friends in Hezbollah who told you they haven't even used 10% of their arsenal? According to the New York Times reporting a week ago Israel had destroyed at least half of their arsenal by then.

    2. Even 50% doesn't seem like such a great situation. That means they still have quite a lot of rockets left. I try to be optimistic, but this whole war seems like a wacamole game. Whenever we knock someone or something down, another pops up in its place, probably supplied by & supported by Iran. At least we have One Major Thing to be optimistic about. And that is, of course, that Hashem is on our side and all he does is for the good and part of a Master Plan. But meanwhile, so much suffering...

    3. You must be from the instant generation, where you expect wars to be won in 6 days like in 1967 when Hashem performed wondrous Nisim Geluyim for the Tziyonishe IDF.
      For those of us who are a bit older than you, wars take a very long time. The US was in Afghanistan for 20 years!!! The fact that the Tziyonishe IDF accomplished so much in one year is truly miraculous and shows how much Hashem loves the Tziyonishe IDF.

  6. Whatever the number or percent of rockets is a moot question since it's all replaceable fairly quickly if not immediately. It's hot-rending to watch the Glee the Israelis exude with every small victory , without taking the heart the grim situation that they are getting nowhere so so fast. I think a little bit of reality would help

    1. You must be from the instant generation, where you expect wars to be won in 6 days like in 1967 when Hashem performed wondrous Nisim Geluyim for the Tziyonishe IDF.
      For those of us who are a bit older than you, wars take a very long time. The US was in Afghanistan for 20 years!!! The fact that the Tziyonishe IDF accomplished so much in one year is truly miraculous and shows how much Hashem loves the Tziyonishe IDF.

  7. Yes and the US did not win in Afghanistan It was not the victory we took 20 years It was 20 years that the afghanis bled them white, And to those who are a bit older than you or have a sense of history the state of Israel was created to to be a safe haven for Jews and independent country it's 80 years and counting, it's been a abject failure. The fact that there are so many wonderful people living there and learning etc, is completely beside the point since that was absolutely not their goal and they did everything to avoid having frum people establish themselves there.

    1. Who cares what Herzl's plans were? Hashem's plans were that we should have our own Tziyonishe state, with thousands of bnei torah living relatively safely with a dose of galus here and there in the form of Arabs, and a Tziyonishe IDF protecting us through Nisim Geluyim. Its all working out exactly as planned by the Ribono Shel Oilam!

    2. Or HE is tolerating our bemused communal preference with Plan B ?Or Plan C? For the present?
      V'ein anachnu yicholim laasos chovoseinu

  8. Nonsensical.
    Falkland Islands in a few months must then prove HE loves the british
    The Cabinet & Ramatkal promised victory in much shorter space than it's been takin'

    1. Wait! Do you mean to say that whether or not the war is going well has no bearing on whether Hashem loves that particular army? So we don't know if Hashem loves the Tziyonishe IDF or not? So confusing.

  9. Or the allied nations in Desert Storm

  10. Or Italian invasion of Ethiopia
