Saturday, October 5, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Rosh Hashana News Updates

                       גמר חתימה טובה

Fast of Tzom Gedalia begins at 5:36 am

- BDE: sudden petirah of Habachur Chaim Tzvi (Chatzi) Katz z”l. Ben YBL"C Rav Eli Nota Katz shlita of Monsey/Lakewood He was 28. Chatzi was a beloved baal menagein and musician who had graced numerous simchos over the recent years, enhancing them with his unique talent matzav reports. He spent Rosh Hashana in Monticello,NY at a bungalow colony and collapsed on the 2nd day of yom tov before mussaf, Levaya will take place on Tzom Gedalia in Lakewood at Yeshiva Ateres Yisrael Rav Pesach Cohen shlita 175 Spruce st with kevura in Lakewood at the Bais Olam off 7th street 

- Open tonight Evergreen, Bingo,Nutmeg,Aisle 9

- Tomorrow Tat כפרות at Bais Aaron  and Ateres Reva 2- 7 $8 a chicken 
Bingi $5 a chicken

Kamala Harris: The people of Lebanon area 9facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the 91-100shabsi and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there.

- Rumor Trump may visit the Ohel of the Lubavitcher rebbe on Monday

- In Mir yeshiva Yerushalayim they said nishmas before maariv on Rosh Hashana to thank Hashem for the nest after the Iranian missle attack on Eretz Yisroel 

- In Ponovezh they Rosh Yeahiva stopped the davening in middle of mussaf on the 2nd day Rosh Hashana before Malchiyus and announced that no one should add any new songs or deviate from the nusach after some tried doing so the first day RH


  1. Levaya will take place at cohens yeshiva on spruce

  2. Chaim tzvi was davening in mountindale yeshiva as the baal tefila.
    Wow wow what a loss
    The smile that was on his face would make anyone have a great day. He was geshmak and a real baal minagin that sang the praises of hashem and did it with lev and nefesh.

  3. Chatzi was in Mountaindale for Y”T, but was “not” in the Yeshiva and was not Davening for the Amud.
