Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday Oct 15

 Israel at war day 375

- Two Israeli officials told the NYT that while the attack in Iran is not expected to be against the nuclear and oil facilities - it may include targets such as launchers, warehouses, factories for missiles and UAVs, military bases, central government buildings, and also research laboratories of the nuclear program. 

- העושה סוכתו בראש העגלה או בראש הספינה A Sukkah has been erected on the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier, which is currently deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean to deter Iranian aggression against Israel.Chabad-Lubavitch representative and chaplain Lieutenant Yehoshua Rubin, who is the chaplain for Carrier Air Wing Nine, arranged for the construction of the sukkah, the Chabad movement says in a tweet.

- The current situation in North Gaza. According to the map, the Jabalia "refugee" camp, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahia, are cut off from the rest of Jabalia City. 

- Regarding the Biden/Harris admin letter to Israel, a senior Israeli official told the WSJ: “Israeli security officials are carefully examining it. Israel takes this matter very seriously and intends to address the concerns raised in it." (N12)

- Oil refining facilities in Shustar (Ahvaz Province, Southern Iran) have caught fire. There are dead and wounded on the scene, and regime channels are claiming that this was a technical fault. Israeli media says the circumstances are unclear but not thought to be a strike.

- IDF forces captured 3 Hezbollah terrorists from the Radwan Force after they surrendered when they were located in an underground tunnel inside a Lebanese village. They were interrogated by Unit 504 and then brought to Israel for further investigation.

- A senior Israeli official  confirmed that the US has threatened to halt arms shipments to Israel unless it takes steps to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza and allow more aid to enter the region. According to Yossi Yehoshua, top Israeli officials view the recent leak in American media about Israel's shortage of interceptor missiles as part of Washington's pressure campaign. The US is pushing Israel to   ⁠Scale back operations in Iran, ⁠avoid attacks in Beirut and ro increase aid in Gaza

- The US has given Lebanon information about an Israeli plan for limited military action in the country. According to the report, Israel plans to secure an area 3 km deep and establish a 10 km buffer zone. In the future, Israel intends to hand this area to the Lebanese Army but will keep the option to strike or raid if Hezbollah makes any attempt to return

- Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati told Al Jazeera: "We received American guarantees to reduce the Israeli escalation in Beirut and Dahiya."

- Senior US government officials threatened Israel: resolve the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip within 30 days - otherwise there may be consequences for arms shipments

- Australia asks its citizens to leave Israel immediately

- Terror shooting attack on highway 4 near Ashdod, police killed by Arab terrorist, 4 injured 
Reports say the terrorist arrived at the highway on foot and began walking along the road near an intersection. It is unclear if he arrived at a stopped police car and then opened fire, or whether the police car stopped by him to investigate. He then opened fire with a handgun, critically injuring the officer who later died of his wounds. He then began firing at civilians in cars in the vicinity.
The terrorist was neutralized by an armed civilian who stopped his car and shot him dead.

- Reports of heavy fighting in the North as IDF soldiers in face to face combat with Hezbollah terrorists

- Israel is facing a potential shortage of defense system interceptor missiles as it bolsters air defenses against possible attacks from Iran and its proxies, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. If Iran and Hezbollah attack Israel simultaneously, Israel's air defenses may be overwhelmed

- Nasrallah's deputy, Naim Kasem, will give a speech this afternoon. In his last speech, he called for an unconditional ceasefire.

The Wall Street Journal confirms the report in the Washington Post: Netanyahu assured Biden in their phone conversation that Israel would not attack Iran's nuclear and oil facilities, and this was also the case in recent discussions between Defense Minister Gallant and Defense Minister Austin. Israel raised the possibility that military and intelligence targets in Iran would be attacked but refrained from giving the US a detailed list of targets


  1. America owes Israel all the interceptor missiles they need. And of course for free! Israel is an independent country.... Which is entitled to make their own decisions on the United States is dime! They can attack what they want when they want where they want and the US has to pony up the ammo 50,000 tons and counting

    1. America doesn't owe Israel anything. Let Israel fight its own wars. Israel could take out Gaza and kill all 2.1 million Palestinians, and they would be just in doing so, since that is the only weapons they have in house. But the US wants Israel to use only precision weapons to prevent civilians deaths. In that case, the US will need to supply Israel with those precision weapons.

      Its up to the US - provide Israel with precision weapons, or Israel will do it with their own weapons and many civilians will be unfortunately killed as well.

  2. Many in the current Hussain-obiden administration hate Jees so much and want all ... Hashem will continue to protect us. But that's why they are doing everything to defend those trying to destroy.
