Levaya is today Monday 10:30 am at Yeshiva Chaim Berlin on Coney Island Ave bet L&M in Flatbush. The Kevurah will be at Beth David Cemetery, Elmont NY
Dial in number:
(732) 929-7310 ID: 548-378-7326
Watch Live stream https://zkstream.com/cbl
Harav Chaim Kitowitz shlita spoke the Yeshiva will continue to blossom and Hashem already planted whoever will take over the Yeshiva they will do it with their kochos and continue what the direct that the Rosh Yeshiva has led.
A son in law Rav Fink said the Rosh Yeshiva has been sick for the last year
Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita spoke about the tremendous loss for klal Yisroel as we are all connected with one heart. He said in the fre short years he got to know him he felt a special connection through his lev and felt like a brother. He concluded that he be a meilitz yosher for the family the Yeshiva and for the tzaros of klal yisroel these days specifically the gezeiras of shikchas HaTorah.
I told you there'd be some sort of joint levaya.