Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday October 14 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 69° Sunny early then partly cloudy and windy this afternoon with temps falling to near 60. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

- Cold weather first 3 nights of sukkos with temps first night low of  36 and 39 and 41 the next nights although there's no rain temps during the first 3 days will be n the 60's it will warm up over Chol Hamoed 

-Today Monday October 14 is Columbus day there's no USPS mail most banks are closed, TD bank is open no trash pick up, everyone's trash pickup schedule will move ahead one day this week. There will be no bulk pickup this week. All New Jersey state offices, including courts and Motor Vehicle Commission offices will be closed.

- Ami and Mishpacha magazine Sukkos editions are $15 they contain double magazines and supplements weighing 5lb

- President Joe Biden has instructed his National Security Council to make it clear to Iran, that an Assassination Attempt against Former President Donald J. Trump would be seen as an Act of War.

- Jack Coattarelli Candidate for Gov of NJ 2025 visited Lakewood today, first stopping at the daled minim shuk and then to the new Mesameach building under construction.

- A small plane crash in Savannah, Georgia, on Sunday night tragically claimed the life of Boris Yusupov z”l, a Jewish pilot from Glen Rock, New Jersey. A passenger in the plane only sustained minor injuries.

- Trump in a Fox News interview: "Bibi has been a very strong leader. He doesn't listen to Biden."

- Ben Shapiro: Kamala Harris has collapsed in the polls. She was up 5 in the NBC News poll a month ago; now she’s back to even. And Team Biden is eager to undercut her. It turns out the problem for Kamala Harris is simple: no matter how much glitter they throw on her, she’s still Kamala Harris.

- Time magazine: “Harris declined repeated requests for an interview for this story. In contrast, Trump talked about his policy vision with a TIME reporter for 90 minutes across two interviews. Biden spoke to TIME at similar length before dropping out of the race.”

- Dated minim shuk open at Blue Claws stadium parking lot and at Clifton Ave parking lot bet 9th and 10th st.

- Last day to register to vote in the upcoming elections on November 5th is Tomorrow..
There's no push by local organizations to have people register as in previous years. Localy There's elections for 2 seats on  township committee. Moshe Raitzik is running on the republican ticket. The incumbent committeemen Lichtenstein and Miller are up for reelection 

- Restraining orders are not tools to enable parental alienation, says appeals court more at Faanews 

- Donald Trump now leads in every swing state except Nevada on political betting platform Polymarket.  

- Trump: I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility. Her actions have led many to believe that there could be something very wrong with her. Even 60 Minutes and CBS, in order to protect Lyin’ Kamala, illegally and unscrupulously replaced an answer she had given, which was totally “bonkers,” with another answer that had nothing to do with the question asked. Also, she is slow and lethargic in answering even the easiest of questions. We just went through almost four years of that, we shouldn’t have to do it again!

- Shiva for rabbi Shlomo Ullman Z"L is at 153 Skyline Drive Lakewood in the Fairways 
Shachris: 7:30 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:30 Getting up Erev YT Wed afternoon

- NJ Transit now says 16 people were injured after a NJ Transit Light Rail train, which was traveling southbound from Trenton and was just north of Roebling Station, sruck a tree on the tracks in Burlington County this morning. The operator of the River Line train was killed.(Onejersey)

- Today is yahrtzeit of Mr. Al Moskowitz Z"L Who would frequent and supported many yeshivos friends will gather at his kever in the Lakewood bais Olam corner of Brook Rd. and East 7th St 1:00pm to say a Tehillim.

- Reform Judaism reckoning: "What we did not intend, is for your generation to turn your backs on our people. We wanted you to be Zionist."  In his Yom Kippur sermon, leading Reform Rabbi Ammi Hirsch, calls out young Jews who protest Israel under the false guise of “Tikkun Olam” and bemoans the fact that the Reform movement has produced so many anti-Zionist Jews. Earlier this year Hirsch publicly acknowledged the failure of the reform movement for the next generation 

- Hundreds of  yeshiva bochurim in Lakewood participated in  a  siyum ksivas oisiyos event last night at Lake Terrace hall and joined a concert like atmosphere with many singers who graced the maamad of kavod Hatorah

- The Belzer rebbe instructed  his chasidim who gave birth to boy who would have had a shalom zachor  on yom Kippur to make a shalom zachor on Shabbos Chol Hamoed sukkos.


  1. Proof is in the pudding so I guess R Reinman finally prevails

    1. Point was the proof was in the pudding even then. The fact that intermarriage and the reform movement is sky high and the percent of reform jews who don't even identify with being jewish. What people were wondering then, Was what was the logic of Giving a reform rabbi respect and stature as someone who we should reckon with and debate. History just shows how wrong that was.

    2. How did history show anything? Did anyone shmad zich because of that book?

    3. It was a great opportunity to get his message out in an entertaining, authentic, engaging and thought-provoking way. It wasn't intended for those who merited being bnei yeshiva. It was intended to save as many of the Bnei Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov as possible.

    4. It was done to impress the Reform and conservative you Obviously forgot the glee and gloating of the secular/Jewish press which noted Reinman trying so hard to impress coming across pandering begging to be accepted. And every book review had hirsch winning the debate. And how can that not be... How do you explain that a woman can't get a Aliya or count toward a minyan or give a get. Very short sighted idea. Let's not forget it has been the long-standing policy of gedolei Yisrael not to debate the non orthodox So as not to give them the the recognition credibility and sense of acceptability. How right were they!

  2. When else would you make a Shalom Zachar?
    Of course Friday night in the Sukkah.

    The Shayla is when to make a Shalom Zachar on Yom Kippur?

    Actually, Shalom Zachar is just minhag mentioned by Ramo.

    1. So a minhag is irrelevant? According to gedolei yisroel who said minhag yisroel torah, you might be a an apikores.
      Like chazal say הזהרו בגחלתם שגחלתם גחלי אש!

  3. Wow! I always had my doubts, now I see that the Belzer Rebbe is a truly a great sage!!! Lol

  4. Where can I buy schach mats?

  5. Shalom Zachar is not "just" minhag mentioned by the Remah. It is a minhag the Remah brings down . According to some Rishonim the shavua haben or yeshua haben mentioned in the Gemora (Bava Kama 80a) was a shalom zocher. Either way it is mentioned in the Rishonim and many other sources that predate the Remah

  6. The likely theory why Agudah and vaad are not pushing voter registration is because they don't why a high voter turnout for Trump in Lakewood it dosent look good for them when they kiss up to the democrats

  7. The olam in Lakewood should vote big time for Trump even more than 2016 and show the self appointed asskans and agudah that they won't control our bloc vote

  8. If your shaitel comes to your waist, your skirt should at least cover your knees

    1. & if your shaitel is to your knees?These things are in reverse of each other

    2. No halacha forbids a sheitel to the waist.
      These are made-up issues from bored women, who drei society a kopp and teach people to look down at others.

    3. No one said halacha forbids a sheitel to the waist. But it was an interesting observation, that the longer the sheitel the shorter the skirt. Hmmm... I wonder why that is?

  9. There's no point to vote as a bloc when certain individuals claim to represent the bloc vote and grab all the funding for themselves denying the Lakewood residents of resources.
    This game has been going on for too long.
    Chris Smith got funding for lakewood infrastructure and it was diverted to build new roads for 600 new Apts at Georgian Court behind Forest Ave.
    Avi Schnall got nothing as taxes went up
    Stop being fools it's time to deny the bloc vote from those who abuse it and only vote for whoever will fight for everyone

    1. There is a choice for township commitee and the BOE. Vote the incumbents out. Vote for the taxpayer.

    2. This is a local issue. Find me someone who helps others for the geshmak of helping others. Small people do, but organizations are always jockeying for power, influence, and money. Not one (actually, one exception. But I won't say their name, so everyone can think it is them) is true to its stated purpose of helping people. Their deals with politicians, doctors, and other organizations, take precedence.

      We need to vote out all incumbents, every time, until someone comes and helps us. When ONE politician actually does something about the traffic, we can give him another term. Or about the taxes, or about anything really.

  10. Avi Schnall failed on tuition and failed on high taxes so much for having a seat at the table at the expense of angering our local Republicans who have taken nekama

  11. When you vote anti bloc the block will still win however it gives them the shivers to at least throw some bones to the bloc so that way the bloc will vote for them again. As it is now Voting for the bloc gets you nothing. We are sheeple taken for granted.

    1. Totally true. Vote Republican only!

  12. How can we educate the public to not vote for the incumbents Miller and Lichtenstein who have made SO many bad decisions for this town?

    The township committee is in charge of hiring the people on the planning boards and zoning boards that make decisions on the building and endless traffic in this town. They refuse to hire anyone that will think logically in protection of the people that actually live in those neighborhoods. They even quietly fired one member who pushed back on overdevelopment!

    The township committee has allowed big business to pay $0 property taxes on huge buildings, while land owners had property taxes raised by $8-10 million!! (not sure how much it was)! What is going on ??

    We must make our voices heard and hire anyone except for the people currently running this town. There is way too much corruption in the township.

    1. Start spreading influence with the female half.
      The males are either are in with the corruption in some form or have largely chosen to keep out of the mess to retain the stability of their equilibrium

    2. We got to get Raitzik on the committee!

  13. PSA if you are going away for Succos ,take a winter coat

  14. The Belzer Rebbe said that those whose Shalom Zachar would have been Yom Kippur should do it this coming Shabbos. Which is likely after the Bris. That is indeed a chiddush.

  15. Yes I guess it would be a shame to lose the opportunity to stay up fressing on arbes and bear even if it's already after the bris

    1. A Seudas Mitzvah is not 'fressing up'.

    2. So the Agudah Convention is a seudat mitzvah?

    3. So the Agudah Convention is a seudat mitzvah?

  16. Lakewood BOE Member Moshe Raitzik Pursues Township Committee Seat with Focus on Transparent Growth and Public Safety

    Moshe Raitzik, a Lakewood Board of Education member, is running as a Republican for a seat on the Township Committee, determined to bring a fresh perspective to the town’s leadership. Drawing from years of public service and community involvement, including a five-year tenure on the Planning Board and a long career as an educator, Raitzik is campaigning on a platform of transparent governance, responsible growth, and enhanced public services. His goal is to ensure Lakewood residents have more input in decision-making processes that impact their everyday lives.

    In addition to his public roles, Raitzik balances a busy schedule with a deep sense of dedication to education and Torah learning. He spends his mornings studying at Beth Medrash Govoha (BMG) and works as a teacher in the afternoons. He believes that his dual role as an educator and student speaks to his strong ties to both the spiritual and practical aspects of the Lakewood community. His experience in education, on the Lakewood BOE and as a teacher, has further shaped his view on the needs of Lakewood's families, particularly in terms of education and safety for children.

    One of the key issues Raitzik highlighted is the need to bring Township Committee meetings back to in-person formats. “Many people in Lakewood don’t have access to computers at home,” he said, explaining that the current reliance on Zoom meetings limits public participation. He aims to restore the openness of meetings, a move he believes would mirror the Board of Education’s return to in-person sessions and ensure better community involvement.

    Drawing on his time on the Planning Board from 2019 to 2023, Raitzik is a strong proponent of ensuring that Lakewood’s growth is balanced with proper infrastructure. He pointed to several instances where the Planning Board’s decisions were overturned by courts due to the Township Committee’s lax regulations, leading to concerns about safety and sustainability. "Many residents attend planning board meetings to voice concerns about safety and privacy in their neighborhoods," Raitzik explained. "But the Planning Board’s hands are often tied because the construction is technically in compliance with the township’s master plan."

    Raitzik therefore stressed the importance of updating the Township’s master plan to address these issues. He also emphasized that the master plan needs to be updated to make sure that the township's infrastructure can accommodate its growth. “We need infrastructure improvement now, and it’s really not happening at the pace that it should,” he said. He emphasized that new development should not proceed unless infrastructure like roads and utilities are in place to support it.

    In addition to growth concerns, Raitzik highlighted the need for improved busing services, especially for children who attend schools on hazardous roads without sidewalks. He proposed that the Township take on greater responsibility for hazardous road busing, which is different from courtesy busing. “It’s not safe for pedestrians, especially children, to walk to school without sidewalks,” he said, urging the Township to cover the costs of busing on these unsafe roads.

    Throughout the interview, Raitzik stressed the importance of voter engagement. “Too many people say, ‘Why should I vote? There’s no choice anyway.’ But every person’s vote matters,” he said. Raitzik hopes that his campaign will inspire more residents to participate in the voting process, especially with the upcoming presidential election.

    The Township Committee race also includes Menashe Miller, a fellow Republican, and Democratic candidates Meir Lichtenstein and Salvatore Frascino. Raitzik believes that his fresh perspective and hands-on experience in public service make him uniquely qualified for the role. With a focus on practical solutions and an open-door approach to governance, he hopes to make Lakewood a safer and more efficient place for all its residents.

  17. In sum, Raitzik's campaign revolves around the principles of safety, transparency, and public engagement—values he believes will help guide Lakewood through its next phase of growth while preserving the well-being of its citizens.

  18. There IS Bulk Pickup this week. I called Public Works and verified....

  19. Wow, R Rieman must be very smart if he was able to challenge a reform Rabbi in a book

  20. Only if you assume that if he is a reform rabbi he must be very smart..... Only then do you need to be very smart to challenge....
