Sunday, October 6, 2024

Tzom Gedalia 5785 News Updates Lakewood

Sunday, October 6, 2024 / ד׳ תשרי תשפ״ה
צום גדליה
Fast ends at 7:11 according to Rav Moshe Feinstein, 50 minutes  zman 7:20pm
Weather: 73°Sunny to partly cloudy. High 73F.

- President Biden and the First Lady will commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hamas's  October 7th, 2023 terrorist attacks tomorrow morning. They'll be joined by a Rabbi for a yahrzeit candlelighting ceremony, honoring the victims and their families.

- Tomorrow New York City is bracing for widespread anti-Israel protests planned for the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, with some calling on protestors to “flood NYC for Palestine” Security has been beefed up at jewish communities and institutions around the tri state area.

- Over the next few days, protests are anticipated to take place across the city at key locations including Wall Street, City Hall, Washington Square Park, Union Square, Grand Central, Times Square, and Columbus Circle.

- Ocean county Judge tosses out shabbos charge by LPD after officer refused religious rights with arrest on shabos faa

- Peta activists were at kaparos locations today around Lakewood with signs about animal cruelty and to use coins and not live chicken

- Tropical storm Milton in the gulf of Mexico brewing and possibly strengthen to Hurricane with Florida in its path by midweek.

Tonight in Jackson Parlor meeting event with Chinuch Q&A ro benefit the Links family at 16 Pointe circle  7:45 -10:45 with a  tribute to Chatzi Katz ZL. The chinuch panel will feature Rav Yaakov Bender shlita Reb Nosson Mueller shlita moderated by Reb Sruly Bessee 8:45pm

- President Trump will visit the Ohel of the lubavitcher rebbe tomorrow morning bet uam and 9am to offer a prayer as he commemorates the first anniversary of the Ocrober 7th attacks 

-Levaya of Chaim Tzvi Katz ZL 1:15pm at 157 Spruce st watch livestream Hook up HERE
Call in 732-839-3003 ID 7763828466#

- Daled minim today at Bais Faiga hall from 1:50 pm - 6:00 pm and 8:30pm - 11:00 pm
- Tat כפרות at both annual locations Ateres Reva ans Bais Aaron 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm $8 each
- Kaparos in Bingo 1-7 pm $5 each
- Jackson Daled Minim at Bais Shabsi today Pawnee rd 

Lakewood township adds and extends left turning lane from Clifton Ave to rt 88, and there are now 2 lanes for cars to go straight towards Cedarbridge 

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting tomorrow night with big applications including 3  yeshiva dormitories, 66 duplex lots off Prospect, 4 story office building on rt 9, approve cell communications tower at GCU off 14th st, agenda Here

- The levaya for Mrs Shirley Auslander will be Sunday, Oct 6 at the Lakewood Chapel 10:30 am.
Shiva at 514 Curtis Lane 

-Nshei Adirei Hatorah will host the annual event for ladies on Tuesday October 8 during Aseres Yemei Teshuva. Details TBA

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