Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday October 10 News Updates

Weather: 63° Sunny. High 63F. frost advisory tonight for Ocean county with temps dipping into the low 40;s mid 

- Last night of Selichos at the kosel crowds are maxed to capacity police not allowing people in

- US presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in a special  video message for US citizens in Israel to vote for him: "No one in history has ever stood with Israel and the Jewish people like I have...The other side doesn't even like you."

- Trump: "I am announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible."

- Tzedaka before Yom Kippur campaign launched to help local family after the mother passed away this week. She was a devoted at-home Morah and her husband a rebbe is now stepping away from his second job to care for their 8 children. May this mitzvah be a zchus for all of us as we approach the Yom Hadin
Donate HERE

- Former President Bill Clinton is gearing up to hit the campaign trail this weekend, focusing on battleground states to support VP Kamala Harris through Election Day, CNN reports

- Fisher-Price Recalls More than 2 Million Snuga Infant Swings Due to Suffocation Hazard After 5 Deaths Reported

- Hurricane Milton’s tear of destruction across central Florida left more than 3 million homes and businesses without power around 4 a.m. Thursday And 6 deaths reported "The storm was significant, but thankfully this was not the worst case scenario," Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a briefing Thursday

- Erev Yom Kippur children still not in school for this year while registration is already open for next year.

-The KNA Roberts Sukkos chol Hamoed carnival will take place Tuesday October 22 at Blue claws stadium parking lot 

- Ruby shoe sale sunday October 13 at Estreia 12pm - 7 pm

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer חיים בריאים כהלכה One should start preparation from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of your daily intake. Drink 20 minutes before eating and after meals, don't drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. By the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before and no need to drink afterwards

-Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Robert F. Kennedy, has died at the age of 96, her family announced Thursday. She was a sister in law with JFK.

- Trump: a giant fake news scam by cbs & 60 minutes. her real answer was crazy, or dumb, so they actually replaced it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. a fake news scam, which is totally illegal. take away the cbs license. election interference. she is a moron, and the fake news media wants to hide that fact. an unprecedented scandal!!! the dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the election? wow!

- Emerson Poll: Trump, Harris Virtually Tied in seven Swing States according to a new Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey.released Thursday shows Trump ahead of Harris in Arizona (49%-47%), Georgia (49%-48%), North Carolina (49%-48%), and Pennsylvania (49%-48%).
Harris leads in Nevada (48%-47%), and the two presidential candidates are tied at 49% in both Michigan and Wisconsin.

- TRUMP: "The shooter had 3 cell phones. The FBI has never gotten them open. The other shooter had 6 cell phones. They still haven't opened them...some of the apps are foreign based. They had no problem getting the J6 cell phones open. Why is Apple not able to open these phones?" "Who has 6 cell phones? Having 6 cell phones is weird. If I even have two, that's a lot."


  1. Yes correct boys aren’t in chadurim, buchorim aren’t in yeshivas girls aren’t in schools
    The divorce rate in our community is sky high
    We really need to take a look at our selves what is wrong

    1. We know what's wrong but don't want to accept it. Just look at why it's this town that has this issue on a greater scale than other towns. We no longer chase the torah ideals, we chase the goyishe ideals. This town has become a town of people that "keep" the mitzvos, instead of being a torah town.

    2. How many people got divorced in lakewood last year 5784?

    3. This 'divorce rate' business seems like nonsense to me. How high is it? How high was it? How many divorces are preventable? Who says the 'high' rate is a bad thing?

    4. So now what has been declared for decades as ever worsening evidence of communal deterioration is swiftly being revisited to a good thing!

    5. Declared by whom? Newspaper editors?

    6. This town is still a town full of Torah and mitzvos and all other good things. That's a fact!

      The divorce rate is a major problem. Unfortunately, our 'news' media is all in on encouraging divorce and the breakdown of families.

      The poskim (kitzur, for one) point out that it's much more difficult to do teshuva for a 'safek' aveira than for definite aveira. That's because when we recognize our mistakes and inequities, we can be sincere in our teshuva. With a 'possible' aveira, how can we sincerely do teshuva? How much more so when we have allowed ourselves to be convinced that an inequity is a 'mitzvah'??

      When we decided to listen to those who think they're 'smarter' than the Torah and that divorce is a mitzvah, how can we recognize all the harm we've done and are doing - to be able to do teshuva on it?

    7. Rambam, Sefer Hamitzvos, 222

  2. claims that there is a 24% possibility of rain on the second night of Yomtov, and a 50% chance of rain on Monday Chol Hamoed.
    We need to daven hard, storm the heavens for rachamim, that Hashem will allow us to keep His mitzvos in the optimal manner, and He should show us His favor by accepting the mitzvos that we do. Please, don't throw a pitcher of water in our faces.

    1. "storm the heavens" we dont want storms

  3. why do people move to lakewood without knowing where their kids will go to school? put off your move until you have arranged for your kids' schooling. don't make your kids suffer.
