Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday October 8

 Israel at war day 368

- Advanced" talks are taking place for a telephone conversation between Biden and Netanyahu on the subject of Iran in the coming days. (Barak Ravid)

- The decision to attack Iran has not yet been made."One of Netanyahu's conditions for approving Gallant's trip to the United States is a decision by the Cabinet to attack Iran." (Noam Amir)

- According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel has set conditions for a cease-fire in Lebanon, including the disarmament of Hezbollah and its withdrawal North of the Litani River (Kan 11)

- IDF Spokesman says 50 terrorist operatives and at least six top commanders in Hezbollah’s Southern Front were killed in a wide wave of airstrikes in southern Lebanon yesterday. 

- Israeli airstrike in Damascus the target was a top Hezbollah official in the terror group's Unit 4400, that is is tasked with delivering weapons from Iran and its proxies to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

- Sinwar demanded that the Qataris know in advance whether he would receive immunity from Israel during the negotiations Qatar threatens senior Hamas officials: we will act financially against the senior officials if you do not advance in the negotiations

- An Underground Tunnel running from the Marwahin Area of Southern Lebanon roughly 10-Meters into Northern Israel near the Town of Zar'it, was Destroyed recently by Israeli Forces. 

- Netanyahu tells Gallant  Your trip to Washington - only after the approval of Israel's subsequent actions in the cabinet and my conversation with Biden

- Bibi to the Lebanese people:….”Stand tall and take back your country. You are facing an opportunity that you haven't had in decades: an opportunity to take care of the future of your children and grandchildren. You have an opportunity to save Lebanon before it falls into the abyss of a long war that will bring destruction and suffering, similar to what we see in Gaza. It doesn't have to be this way. Each of you can take a step towards your future—even a tiny step.
I say to you, citizens of Lebanon: free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end.

- Hezbollah requests an unconditional ceasefire and demands to discuss the details later.

- Bob Woodward claims in his new book that Biden insulted Bibi numerous times. Biden said to his aide a few months ago, "Regarding Rafah, Biden asked Bibi, "What’s your strategy, man?” Bibi responded, “We have to go into Rafah." Biden responded, "Bibi, you’ve got no strategy.”

-Israel Defense Minister Galant in the Northern Command: "When the smoke in the skies of Lebanon clears, Iran will realize that they have lost the precious asset they built for years - Hezbollah. A year after the start of the war, Hams is a disbanded organization, and Hezbollah is a battered, broken organization, without command and control capabilities, without significant fire capabilities, with attempts to raise its head and above all without leadership."

- Over 150 rockets fired at Chaifa  and Krayot in heaviest attack on city since start of war B"H no reports of injuries ,although there's some damage reported.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 350 Noam Israel Abdu, 20, from Kadima-Zoran

- Israel is not expected to attack Iran's nuclear program but rather to focus on various kinds of military bases and intelligence sites, New York Times reports.

- Leading religious Zionist rabbis call for ‘responsible’ hostage deal with Hamas

-According to Israeli security officials, the IDF came close to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar during operations in Gaza, with some assessments suggesting he surrounded himself with hostages at certain points and he carries dynamite with him in case of capture.

-The IDF announces that yesterday Air Force fighter jets targeted the Beirut area and killed Sohil Hossein Hosseini, the head of Hezbollah's headquarters. The attack was carried out with the precise direction of the Intelligence Division

- IDF spokesman announces the entry of the first IDF reserve division (and the fourth in total) into combat in Lebanon


  1. The Zionists think they can beat the Arabs Muslims, daven for Moshiach instead, youre not going to win against 1 billion plus. Again the Kochi Vetsem Yodi of the Zionists military, that could not stop the pogrom of Oct. 7th and BECAUSE of their arrogance left a border unguarded. and stop buying the YU infused derech of saying a "prayer" for the medina. Lakewood is a yeshiva town NOT infused with YU. We in Lakewood do not march in the Zionist parade thats the Bergenfield chevra, we know Torah protects.

    1. Yup 100%. The Zionist regime is on its last leg til Moshiach. We all must daven for the safety of K’L and the end of the Medina.

    2. As someone who used to have a Friday night seder in V'Yoel Moshe and whose parents subscribed to the Neturei Karta publications (back then the NK was nothing like what they are now ) I will say that hatred is a poison. B'Ruchnius U'Bgasmius. Even when that hate is directed towards perceived Rashyim, drinking too much of it is still poison B'Ruchnius U'Bgasmius. You are cleanly someone who drank too much of it Refuah Shleima! But please try to refrain from spreading your anger ,misery and self righteousness to others

    3. "We in Lakewood" could only get a few thousand people to turn out for the big anti-medina rally. I think this bizarre hatred of the state isn't as popular in Lakewood as you think.

    4. A Simple Jew from NetanyaOctober 8, 2024 at 2:23 PM

      You obviously know nothing about how the IDF goes into battle. I invite you to watch this clip

  2. Who told pathetic you that it comes from hate? Because your family suffered from a problem?More likely it comes from properly placed love! (or he might be just a troll).

    As is with elections there's the 'silent majority' that agree but won't be bothered to turn out for most causes

    1. Normal people and all the more so Bnei Torah, don't address others as "pathetic you" or suggest they had family problems based on nothing . People consumed by hate and farbissinkeit do.

    2. You expect pampering?!After slurring asinine over & over,eh?! Astounding.
      Takeh belong with the secular zionists

    3. 9:16 My dear fellow,
      Seems you're attempting to redress your own intestinal issues through going over to the other extreme.Fair enough.But there should be little need then to project your prior lack of balance onto anybody else

    4. 6:09 Are you a troll trying to prove how of a bad effect drinking too much anti zionist propaganda has on people or do actually believe what you are saying? Either way you are doing the same thing.

  3. הצילינו מיד אחי מיד עשו
    אפילו אחי שנוהג כעשו

  4. 1 billion Arabs? What do they have to do with anything? Have they joined this war? Do they even care? Hashem showed us that we don't have to win to win. The Arabs don't care about the Palestinians at all.
    The war is with a few ragheads.
