Monday, October 7, 2024

Israel At War Monday October 7

Israel at war day 367

-Pro Hamas mobs  chasing down Jews in the streets of New York today

- Media reports of powerful explosions in Teheran, Iranian news agencies deny Israeli attacks, it appears the issue was internal.

- The IDF confirms that 5 missiles were launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon. Some were intercepted, and some landed in the ocean.

- Kan 11 is reporting that a senior Pentagon official told Sky News Arabia that the US believes that Israel's strike on Iran is imminent. He added that attacking the nuclear facilities is incredibly complex and requires aerial capabilities only available to the US.

- After weeks of no communication, the communication between Hamas head Sinwar and the mediators is back on. 

- Over 100 fighter aircraft attacked more than 120 Hezbollah targets in the past hour. These included targets of the Radwan force and Hezbollah's rocket and intelligence headquarters in Southern Lebanon.

- The IDF successfully intercepted a ballistic missile launched by the Houthis in Yemen towards Tel Aviv with the Arrow interceptor. No injuries or damage.

- An Israeli source for Sky News in Arabic: the target of the attack in Dahiya - a military commander in Hezbollah

- Israel marks year since Oct. 7 Hamas slaughter as Gaza rockets target south, Tel Aviv after Hamas fired five rockets at central Israel from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, Alerts sounded in Tel Aviv, Kfar Chabad, and Rishon Lezion, among other localities in the country's center. Two were injured from shrapnel

Israeli fighter jets struck and destroyed rocket launchers in southern Gaza's Khan Younis used by Hamas in an attack earlier today on central Israel, the military says.

- The IDF confirms carrying out an airstrike in Beirut  described as a "targeted,"  strike and says further details will be provided soon

- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly convened an “Urgent Meeting” with several of his Ministers as well as Senior Military and Defense Officials.

- Another 2 IDF reserve soldiers killed in Lebanon 
Aviv Magen, 43, o, from Cherut.
Etay Azulay, 25, from Oranit

Lebanon: A widespread wave of IDF attacks in the south of the country was carried out against more than 30 villages

- The IDF says it is carrying out an "extensive" wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

- Many Hamas members, more senior and less, have recently fled from Lebanon and Iran. They are in Qatar and Turkey, as they believe that Israel will not target them there. 


  1. the Zionists kochi vetzem yodi idea has failed and after fighting 1 year and hundreds of soldiers sacrificed Hamas still logs bombs at will. ONLY the helege Torah protects Am Yisroel not the atheists who run the country.

    1. The only people who still talk about and express kochi vetzem yodi these days are anti-Zionists .

    2. Please dont work and live in america as you might be nichshol in kochi vetzim yodi.

    3. FYI throughout history the jewish nation had an army and Torah - Why was there ever an army if Torah protects?

    4. Amein! The Zionists are obviously desperate and losing this war masterminded by Bibi and his ilk. It is time that indoctrinated Jews wake up and see that any support for the Zionist regime is avodah zora and it must by eliminated.

    5. We found some new avodah zarahs. Isn't that great? We must all stand and support Hamas, to fight az.

      Meanwhile, in Batei Midrashim, people are happy when Yidden are happy, even if they are zionists. Zionism isn't apikorsus, or avoda zara, and nobody who knew how to learn ever said it was. The zionists were sometimes apikorsim, but that was before zionism too.

    6. What a blasted frei revisionism.
      Many defined Zionism in virtually all stripes as blatant heresy.Before,after,& during.Where are basing your spewed ignorance from?Can we guess?

  2. Actually, the Zionists did a very good job at making Southern Israel safer than it was before.

  3. Mr ‘only the heiligeh Torah protects”. Did you think about the hostages on Rosh Hashana? About Klal Yisroel throughout EY running to the shelters in fear? Did you daaven for them? Cry for them? Are you human?

  4. I see there are a lot of apikorsim commentors here.
    365 days into pounding the enemy and we are still being attacked. That is not called winning.
    And while we were "protected" by the iron dome, it is in the zechus of the learning that it worked so flawlessly. The same way it killed one Arab, it could've killed many jews.
    No one is advocating the lack of an army, we are just expecting recognition for where it's strength comes from.
    And saying "only the heiligeh Torah protects” does not mean one doesn't pray for the hostages and the residents of Israel. The fact that you think they are mutually exclusive is part of the problem.
    Even the Satmar rebbe said tehillim in public for the safety of the Israelis and it's soldiers.

  5. Hahaha!
    All those kochi ve'otzem yadi guys, desperately looking for jobs for years, and they're still receiving Tomchei Shabbos packages.

    That's what you sound like.

  6. The Zionists are in the same boat oct, 7 2024, as they were oct. 7, 2023, hostages still stuck in Gaza getting tortured, rockets still fly, and a thousand soldiers paralyzed and 400 dead, but yes theyre "winning". call me when Hamas or Hezbollah signs an unconditional surrender.

    1. Some people are in pain when other Yidden suffer. Others are gleeful.

      Either way, it isn't about 'the zionists'. It's about our brothers and friends, Yidden who are suffering. Our brothers have been banished from their homes, why would anyone speak with such glee about it? People are suffering in galus, people's businesses are suffering, the soldiers are working overtime. Why the happiness? Why the שמחה לאיד? These are our people, holy Yidden whom Hashem loves.

  7. Mr Heileg. Of course only HKBH protects us. Are we learning well enough? Are we learning enough? What is the message from HKBH, that even after a year we are still suffering? The question to you was simple: did you personally shed a tear on RH on behalf of ACHBN’Y the hostages, and Klal Yisroel as a whole, who are suffering? What did you think about during u’Nesaneh Toikef? It’s nice that you - and I - live in comfortable America where we can have a wonderful RH and discuss the length of the daavrning and eat nice meals. Right now Klal Yisroel is in a matzav of sakanah, and ‘saying Tehillim’, while admirable, doesn’t acknowledge the choimer of what we are experiencing. This is of historic import, and our response needs to be be on a matching level. So far it doesn’t seem like we’ve gotten there , but I think we are starting to see glimmers of hope. The tremendous anti-Semitism throughout society is impacting non-religious Yidden heavily, and they are starting to see what their colleagues and their employers really think. The only way this will get better is through greater achdus and minimising of machlokes - plus - of course - our intensifying our focus on becoming better ovdei Hashem.

    1. Let's start with a tfillah for Tzahal chayalim Haomdim al mishmar artzeinu.

    2. This is NOT a YU crowd, I bet you say hallel on "independence (from Torah) day".

    3. Funny. My chasdishe shtiebel in LW is saying the tefillah for the soldiers.

  8. 1:33
    We've been here before
    For many,possibly most, likely it's only another temporary, unless we/our organizations get out there & demand from them to show us that it will be lasting.

  9. 9:37
    Correct.But shouldn't that demean those who support/ed the State & the alibi for it back to it's origin retroactively ?
    & give more credence to those who were shunted aside-both religious & non religious- who were less than enthusiastic?
