Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Video: Community Traumatized

 Media reports on Lakewood community "traumatized" by  hate crimes.  


  1. Bla bla bla.
    Mean tweets.

  2. Why is it the same self appointed spokesmouths that push themselves in front of the camera
    First they were covid experts
    Than shutting down shuls experts
    Than covid testing experts
    Followed by pro covid vaccine experts
    Now they are trauma experts

    Could they call out the crime for what it is and the inept PD response?
    No! they talk about Hovering helicopters in a sweet pretend voice as if everyone knew Friday night
    The media should reach out to the people on the street with no financial agendas.

  3. It's all about the Benjamin's follow the money Watch millions of grants pouring into lakewood for security and therapy funding for the traumatized victims who will all need special counseling and probably organizations like Agudah chailifeline chemed lcsc and others will be the recipients on behalf of lakewood residents

    1. I'm just a regular guy, I also hate the establishment, but seriously this comment could have come from Ilhan Omar.

    2. The money should go directly to the lakewood citizens not through middlemen who take a big administrative cut and the simpleton gets pennies by the time the funds reach them.

  4. The lakewood lefties pushing the media narrative and talking points ignoring black antisemitism for what it is. Opportunists never fail to take advantage of a situation

  5. It is indeed sad to see people so tied up in their partisan politics. They think the askanim are as foolish as them, and they have a 'left' agenda. You may have a religion called 'conservatism', but all the askanim want is results. If they 'call out' something or other, what practical benefit will anyone have? Who gains from it? What is the purpose here?

    1. The self appointed askans are the only ones tied up with partisan politics they have gone publicly after Trump non stop they could care less about "results" the only reault$ they want is money and power for themselves. They pushed the community to vote for Murphy because they wanted to keep their power and funding for pet projects in the end the frum lakewood community voted against the self appointed they do not control or represent the people.

    2. Your rant is touching, but irrelevant. Nobody went 'non stop' after Trump, and they produced results for what was necessary. Some money might disappear, I don't deny that, because I don't know. But the idea that their agenda is somehow 'leftist' is totally laughable.

      You still did not explain who gains from 'calling out' anything.

  6. Even the money is a
    Heicha Timtza for more power and alpha status
