Monday, April 11, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa questions and answers with Harav Gershon Ribner shlita 

Why does every 30 year old youngerman think he can open a Yeshiva Defending a talmid chacham from the denigration of a bal habos’s rant Does the cry of invaded Ukrainians evoke our sympathies How the Yeshiva system puts its adherents above the law Safeguarding ones eyes where pritzus is inevitable The original misnagdim’s perception of the Bal HaTanya


  1. I love it how he disses Dirshu loud and clear, as though it was obvious to all. Most people are intimidated by weekly articles in the paper.

    1. Why would anyone diss Dirshu is beyond comprehension. Unless you have a particular bias and a particular ax to grind. Which, of course, has zero to do with Torah thought.

    2. Which clip talks about dirshu?

    3. The first clip mentions it בדרך אגב.

    4. 7:07 - Why would anyone diss Dirshu?! How should we start? The idea that a Baaleboss should set the standards in learning, is of itself a problem. Even before the ridiculous idea that people should learn to a pace, and the undermining of true Iyun.

    5. The senior Gedolei Hador we’re against it. And for good reason. Maybe in EY things are different, but here R Elya Svei was completely against it…

    6. Nobody is "intimidated" by a weekly's article about anything (unless one is feeble-minded). If you like their mehalech of learning, fine. If not, also fine.

    7. What about reb chaim kanievsky he was very pro dirshu

    8. Dirshu managed to create a halo around themselves, that anyone who understands what is wrong with them doesn't want to say it out loud. He is considered a trouble maker, not an איש מן הישוב. This is not because Dirshu is a good thing, not because most people would naturally believe in it, but only because they created enough propaganda. They managed to convince the feeble-minded that Reb Chaim attending a Siyum makes him 'pro-Dirshu'. They intimidate people away from expressing their opinions.

    9. The Gedolim in EY are pro Dirshu, bc he pays Yungleit, but in America things are different. R Elya was against it

  2. Listening to these clips and the attitude of we don't question anything done by random talmedey chachomom and the Yeshivas are hecher than the Shulchan Orech I'm reminded of the Chabad attitude in the 1950s and 60s that ultimately led to the semi deification of their leader R'L.

    The attitude in some of these clips is the exact same attitude and defense that some of the Chabad spokesmen use as well.

    1. Agree 100%. It really sounds like a 'circling of the wagons' to protect themselves, not a good look.

    2. It's not clear what your complaint is.
      If you want to bash a Talmid Chochom Muflag (on public forum nuch) that's your Bechira and consequences of that is your too.
      But whatever you say you should at least be clear not just "sounds like Lubavich" type of taynos.

  3. AnonymousApril 13, 2022 at 1:58 PM

    If you are so concerned about the people then don't ask for specific complaints on him
    but I'll just say this. Can you imagine Rav Moshe Feinstein, or Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky or even the Brisker Rov or Rav Ahron Kotler pulling out the music cord by a chasuna?

    I can't. Unless there was more to the story the most they would have done is just leave.

    It isn't just Sinas HaTorah to question if doing so is the right thing. I'll leave it that so you won't think I'm bashing a Talmid Chochom Muflag
