Thursday, April 14, 2022

Erev Pesach on Friday 5782

 Pesach Guide, Lakewood 5782

- סוף זמן אכילת חמץ/ Latest time to eat Chometz  is at 10:20 am

- סוף זמן ביעור חמץ / Latest time to burn the chometz 11:38 am

- Late Siyum Bechoros in BMG Maariv B"M 11:15 am

- Chatzos: 12:57 pm

- Candle lighting 7:17 pm

When the Pesach Seder is in Shabbos

- Remember to get a Yaknhaz  יקנה''ז candle for Havdalah 2nd night yom Tov

- Prepare saltwater before shabbos this year

- Candle lighting להדליק נר של שבת ויום טוב and שהחיינו

- You don't to say Bracha מעין שבע and  Magen Avos but ויכולו is said

- Some say ‘Shalom Aleichem’ and others don’t

- First כוס of Kiddush should be a larger shiur because of Kiddush on Shabbos a shout of 4.5 fl Oz

-Pesach questions 24 hour Halacha guidelines line Lakewood Bais Horahh

732-797-9900 press 1 halachos for erev pesach 6 

-Pesach Medication kashrus hotline 732- 370-4200 ext 9 by  Madison Pharmacy

- Toms River sreifas Chometz at 1780 Church road 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

- Toms River will not have any Garbage pick up on Friday Erev Pesach

Sereifas Chometz Jackson 

-113 N New Prospect Road 9:00am -11:30 am

-Johnson Park Fire house 200 Kierych Memorial  Drive 8:00 am- 12:00 pm

-Toms River sreifas Chometz at 1780 Church road 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

-Sreifas Chometz locations around Lakewood open from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. erev Pesach

-Patrick Park – Vine Street

-Khal Zichron Yaakov- 175 Sunset Road

-BMG – 7th Street & Private Way

-BMG- 10th Street & Clifton Avenue

-Frank Bartolf Park-Brook Road

-Blue Claws Parking Lot

-D’zio Park / Harmony Park

-Pine park

-Tevilas Keilim

Toivel keilim At the Lakewood Keilim Mikva 11th And Madison

DB electronics in the back parking lot  (only for customers) others can only use it from 3am- 10am

Mikva Keilim Rav Hertzberg's shul E, 9th street and East end

Hagolas Keilim/Kashering

-229 5th street haagalas keilim,  Sreifas Challah  10-10 pm

-Chometz drop off Location truck in parking lot 10th and Clifton 

Trash drop off locations open all night until Erev Pesach 12:00 pm

1– The Lakewood Resident drop off at 1 America Ave.

2 – 9th & Clifton.

3 – 9th & Forest Ave.

4 – Brook Road Park.

5 – Sunset Road Park.

6 – West Gate on Hillside Blvd.

7 – Patrick Park. Located at 1000 Vine St (Baseball field parking lot)

8 – D’Zio Park. Parking lot on Locust Street


  1. This whole Yaknehaz candle business seems to be a scam. My parents put two candles together and made the Bracha like that, nobody managed to explain how that is a problem. We all did it until some tumulmacher figured out a way to make trouble. And now everybody is scared to talk out loud.

    Stop the chumra mongering! Our ancestors were fine Jews. Yaknehaz is many years old, yet no source mentions this Yaknehaz candle pre-Ner Mitzva.

    1. Not sure what the scam is?
      Boruch hashem yidden are making parnassa. No one is going bankrupt from the $5 spent on the yaknahaz.

    2. My Torah forbids people from scamming others, even when it's 'only' five dollars.

    3. We used one candle like it's brought down in shulchan aruch horav and like most chassidic poilisha yidden did

    4. You have no idea what Chassidishe Poilishe Yidden did in the privacy of their homes.
      The Shulchan Aruch Harav says no such thing.
      The only mention I found was in the Yesod veshoresh Ho'avodah who writes about placing the candles next to each other.

      The whole idea is based on a misunderstanding of the Mishna Berura, but until recently, it was not known at all. Seforim don't mention it.

  2. It's for those dumb Hungarians that buy bedikas chometz kits LOL

    1. Yes we Hungarians do as we saw at home. You smart American Harries or so called reborn yeshivisher have no mesorah.

    2. Mesora is for amhaaratzim (overheard in Beis Hamedrash)

      I don't think Hungarians are necessarily dumb. But buying a Bedikas Chametz kit is both dumb and not Mesorah. As are Yaknehaz candles. But nowadays, Mesorah has a new meaning. It means 'what Heimishe Yidden do'. Not actual Mesorah father to son.

  3. My parents put two candles together and made the Bracha like that????????
    Whether or not you need a yaknehaz candle is indeed not so pashut but putting 2 candles together is asur.
    Those that don't use yaknehaz use 2 licht but they don't put them together

    1. Precisely which Issur would this be? And why is it not mentioned in any Seforim? How come the Magen Avraham and the Pri Megadim didn't think to mention it? How come not one Sefer says that we don't need an Avuka on Yomtov?

      Put the two licht together, make an Avuka, and say the Bracha. There is no Issur at all. It is made up nonsense.

    2. The Rav is piskei hassidur says not to use a avuka

    3. Which Rav? Of which Shul? Why does he say so? Which Issur?

    4. In the Minhagim of the Ba'al Hatanya it is written:
      מנהג בית הרב בהבדלת מוצש"ק שחל להיות ביו"ט אין מקרבין את הנרות ואין מאהדין את השלהבות וכן אין מביטין בצפרנים
      This of course does not mean that we need a יקנה"ז candle. Quite the opposite. He did not believe an אבוקה was necessary at all.

    5. @9:21 nothing personal but you sound like a big amhaaretz.
      Rav of a Shul in Piskei Hasidur?? Who are you making fun of other than yourself?

  4. Anywhere doing Kashering on Erev Pesach?
    Please reply.
    Thank you.
