Friday, April 8, 2022

Friday April 8 News Updates Lakewood

ערב שבת פרשת מצורע shabbos Hagadol

Candle lighting 7:10 pm Shkiah/sunset 7:28 pm

Weather: Sunny. High 63F. Shabbos day Rain showers early with some sunshine later in the day. High 57F.

-A Carjacking in the area of Pine st and MLK drive in Lakewood at around 1:15 pm today when the suspect a  Black male with curly hair assaulted a frum Jewish driver the driver got out of his car and the suspect then stole it heading east down Pine street to New Hampshire Avenue. The car is a 2016 Toyota Camry plate # RBG9F4 Police looking for it in the neighboring towns. The youngerman was taken to hospital by Hatzolah.

- Detectives have determined that the shooting Thursday evening at the American Dream mall  was an isolated incident, and authorities are still searching for the gunman, the mall will reopen today with regular business hours.  Passaic  Hatzolah was at the mall during the shooting for a unrelated call.

- Tefillos for Dr. Zelenko in need of a refuah andI yeshuah, Zev Ben Leah 

- Lakewood  tops list of cities byab recent study conducted by @RentCafecom on how much space $1,500 in rent can get you in the New York metro area, has Lakewood, New Jersey topping the list with an average apartment size of 887 square feet. (Reporter Shlomo Schorr)

- 3rd victim passes away from Tel Aviv terror shooting attack.

- Watch video of cedarbridge application mayor  reads opposing letters Here minute 15:04 - 23:41

- Shabbos hagadol drasha at Khal Yeshuas Dovid Shedlitz from the Rav shlita will be delivered at shabbos morning before Krias hatorah 10;20 am

- More than 30 people killed, 100+ others injured in a Russian rocket attack at the Kramatorsk train station in Ukraine 1000s of civilians fleeing the Donbas were there.

- Robert Shapiro, one of the 5 republican candidates in the GOP 4th district of NJ who hopes to unseat Rep. Chris Smith, will have a campaign slogan 'Let's Go Brand*n' which was approved by NJ division of elections after he agreed to drop the letters FJB from the slogan.

- kollel Chazu opens for pesach bein hazmanim at locations around Lakewood for yeshiva brochures and youngeleit serving breakfast  and hot suppers throughout next week.

Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva visits Belzer Rebbe


  1. Sloishim of Sar Hatorah Maran Reb Chaim Kanievsky zt"l is coming up next week.
    In Lakewood itself there were over 160 public hespedim besides what took place in cheiders and schools.
    The two most remarkable hespedim that made a inspirational impression on the listeners were those of of Reb Elya Man - neeman beiso (if anyone has a link to audio/video please share)
    and of Reb Michoel Sorotzkin who said a very emotional and fabulous hesped.
    They both were able to relate Reb Chaim's gadlus and image to the public.

  2. The Rosh Yeshiva Reb Yisroels Hesped shook the worlds.
    Probably no link to it.

    1. 8:59

      I couldn't figure out why everything was shaking, thanks for explaining

  3. Carjackings near Cedarbridge Development? Must have misunderstood the tax free debate.

    1. Not at all they said it's a distressed area they are right
