Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday April 11 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High around 60F. 

- Reports of Chemical weapon’ horror as Russian forces dropped a "poisonous substance of unknown origin" from a drone on military and civilian targets in the port city, Mariupol,  People are reportedly suffering respiratory failure and neurological problems as a result. 

- Despite full page ads by the township in the local Lakewood papers last week about the Covid tuition grant for Lakewood residents through Agudah of NJ. The application period has closed a few weeks ago per the website. . A review and audit process in now underway. Due to the amount of eligible applicants, there will be a lottery to determine winners. Winners will receive checks via USPS within the coming weeks.

-  N.J. recreational weed sales can begin soon after the Cannabis Regulatory Commission on Monday approved seven medical marijuana dispensaries, to begin selling adult recreational weed, perhaps as soon as next month.

- Philadelphia is reinstating its indoor mask mandate after reporting a sharp increase in coronavirus infections, the city’s top health official announced Monday.

- Tomchei Shabbos Lakewood distributed 350,000 pounds of produce, 40,000 bottles of seltzer and juice, 96,000 yogurts and lebens, and 2,400,000 cups! The unprecedented breadth of this project has to be a call for all of us to step up and help out. Donate here

- NBC News reports the FBI is now involved in the investigation of the Lakewood terror attack. See video report here

- Tehillim for Moshe Yigal ben Brunya was hit by the car at his home on Galassi Court in Jackson remains fully sedated and l is slated to undergo a 10-hour surgery on today.

- Major media outlets from the big networks  report on the Lakewood/Jackson attacks

- 193 million people are now under full or partial lockdowns in 23 cities across China

- Philadelphia Health Department could reinstate indoor mask mandate today due to rising covid cases 

 - Dozens of domestic workers, marched through the streets of Lakewood yesterday where they demanded better wages, affordable housing and $20 an hour for their physically demanding labor, higher pay for the teachers who educate their children, and rent control in Lakewood. The group is also demanding better lunches be provided by their employers, because many are not allowed to bring non-kosher food into their employers' homes, App reports. "Sometimes the food given is bread, cheese and ketchup," said Garcia. "That's not enough for someone to work eight hours, or at least five hours or more. (APP)

- Lakewood  Shomrim: "A group of members at the scene of the stabbing attack were able to pull footage from two nearby homes, with the video showing that the vehicle the attacker arrived in was the one carjacked earlier in the day".

- Study: New York, New Jersey and California failed in their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic because of stringent lockdowns and policies, New Jersey was the worst-performing state, the study found. Florida was among the best performing states in the country  more


  1. Tonight in Toms River:

    Farbrengen for Lubavitcher Rebbe ZYA 120 Birthday. 1876 Lakewood Rd. At HHDesigners warehouse. Guest Speaker Rabbi Chay Amar shliach to one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the United States Golden Beach Florida. Food. Niggunim and lots of inspirational stories.

    1. Is it the Alteh Rebbe's birthday? When is that celebrated?

      Is it the Mitteleh Rebbe's birthday? When is that celebrated?

      Is it the Tzemach Tzedek's birthday? When is that celebrated?

      Is it the Rashab's birthday? When is that celebrated?

      Why is he the only person who has passed away whose birthday is celebrated?

  2. That 'study' has as much connection to facts as Newsmax. They decided in advance what the results would be, and then figured out the data. Just read the abstract, or even the name of the 'organization' that did it.

  3. Most people I know do not have cleaning help for 8 hours a day especially not on a full week schedule. It's all part time work.
    The Township had advertised that they're seeking crossing guards for 12.75 an hour. Maybe they should work for the township.
    And then they can also eat whatever non kosher food they want outside on the street corner they work on.
    I don't mean to be mean but some complaints just don't make sense.

  4. These cleaning ladies are illegal immigrants working off the books not paying taxes and enjoying our schools with our tax money and getting homemade grilled cheese the same food we feed ourselves and our children and they are complaining? It's just mind boggling?

    We need some trump style government and we can send them back to Mexico and they will be happy to eat chulent all week (pareve).

    1. You should really think things through
      If they get deported, your house stays dirty.

      But the truth is, these rallies are all nonsense. There is no large company hiring them, and each individual does not really care about rallies.

    2. 20.00$ a hour cash is a lot of $$ most of the grocery workers get a lot less and not cash

    3. Personally I think cleaning help is a luxury and if you really wanted you can do without. It's a matter of what society calls "necessity" and those that complain about the expense should maybe just not have. No one forced you to have cleaning help and pay the cost of it.

    4. Not for everyone is it a luxury. Everyone's situation is different.

  5. Lebens! I'll take some - I haven't purchased them in years soo expensive

  6. They want more money and food! How about charging them cafeteria prices for their lunch?
