Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday April 7 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Areas of patchy fog early. Thundershowers this afternoon High 52F.  Chance of rain 90%. Tonight thunderstorms and rain. 
Starting tomorrow no rain in the forecast until the first day Chol Hamoed

- Government Murphy: I have been briefed on the shooting at the American Dream Mall and
NJSP  has set up a command post. We are closely monitoring the situation, and are praying for those impacted. The public is advised to stay away from the area at this time.

- 6:25 pm A man was shot twice in the chest in the parking lot at the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, the bleeding victim walked into the mall shortly before 6 p.m., they said. The victim, who was conscious and breathing, was expected to be taken to Hackensack University Medical Center. (Dailyvoice)

- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for Covid-19 only a day after she visited President Joe Biden in the White House to sign a bill.

- The Mayor said at the Township meeting  that they decided not to vote on the Cedarbridge amendment ordnance to give 35 year tax abatement since the planning  board voted against it. Several residents sent in letters opposing it urging the township to vote no. One letter mentioned the NJ attorney rney General who recently called on Lakewood  to raise taxes how can the committee handout more tax abatements? The mayor tried to deflect it and said the AG was referring  to the BOE to raise taxes meaning the township has no responsibility to the BOE budget. Others called it nepotism and the mayor mocked it. The motion died due to lack of a vote.

- Lakewood Rosh hayeshiva Harav malkiel Kotler shlita is on a brief visit to Eretz Yisrael he met with Harav Moshe Sternbuch shlita Raavad Eidah hacharedis see photo below 

- The Annual I-80 BBQ in conjunction with Bikur Cholim of Cleveland is back for the first time since Covid for all traveling to and from the Midwest. It will be held on Thursday, April 14, right off Exit 173 on Interstate 80 in Lamar, PA, at the FLYING J between 1-9 pm. No reservations are needed. Free of charge  for questions call  216-644-4704.

- Rabbi Forcheimer shlita will give his annual pre pesach halacha shiur tonight in BMG at 9:30 pm in the Beren hall dining room
-Israeli media reports Rav Chaim Kanievsky's shtender which hel learned on all his life was for millions to a American Gvir. R Yonasson Shwartz of Boro Park said the shtender will be preserved and placed in a  special armored display case see video below

- Thousands of youngelit and rebbeim took advantage of a clothing sale organized by the Igud Bnei Torah selling clothing at discounted prices lekavod yom tov. The items were for bochurim too with Hats for $169, suits for $99  all subsidized.

- Winter zman ends tonight in BMG, other bein hazmanim programs have begun with breakfast and first seder learning around lakewood. 

- Lakewood residents who applied for the tuition grant through the Agudah have not yet heard back yet from the program on how much they will be getting. Initialy parents can receive up to $2500. Winners are to be chosen by lottery and receive checks in the mail.

- APP reports on new Labor protest in Lakewood 'We are women, not machines': Lakewood domestic workers seek better working conditions they demand better pay $20 an hour and claim that  around a third of domestic workers in Lakewood have been harassed in their workspace by male employers who are not dressed appropriately in the  worker's presence. see mo re here  

- Lakewood township committee virtual meeting today ordnance to give 35 year tax abatements to properties on Pine street up for approval with second reading. see Agenda Here Watch livestream Here 5:30 pm
Comments may be sent via email up until 11:30 am on the day of the meeting at or during the meeting via

- Plane for sale at the Lakewood airport Undervalued plane alert: 1978 CESSNA 152 in Lakewood, New Jersey. Priced at $49,900, undervalued by 34%: Here

- Howell taxes would rise $58 on the average household for  the municipal portion under a proposed budget introduced Tuesday. this does not include the school district and fire tax (APP)

- Israel: A-class visa holders will also be exempt from the pre-flight PCR requirement. A-class visas include toshavei arai and students and their families. This will bring considerable relief to the many visa holders who will be returning to Israel after their Pesach vacation. (Chaim Vchessed)

- Pesach shopping Haolam American cheese 3lb 108 sices $12.49 at Gourmet Glatt limit 2
Large eggs at Aldi Howell 96 cents limit 6, Alsi brick location 7o cents 

- Chol Hamoed there will be Helicopter rides at the lLakewood airport with sightseeing tours of the area as was announced by the LIC in their last meeting

Lakewood fire district chometz burning sites on erev Pesach 7am - 12;00 pm
1. Parking Lot of Jersey Shore BlueClaws Stadium
2. Patrick Park (Vine Street);
3. D’zio Park (New Hampshire Avenue & Locust Street);
4. Sunset Road Synagogue (Khal Zichron Yaakov);
5. Private Way and 7th Street – BMG
6. Clifton Avenue and 10th Street – BMG
7. Brook Road Park (Frank Bartolf Park); and
8. Pine Park.

Video on sale of Rav ChaimKanievsky shtender

With Rav Moshe Sternbuch
With Rav Dov Landau

Reb Malkiel With Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch. (Courtesy LNN)


  1. BINGO has cheese Shemesh @11.99 Check out their ad in this weeks BP some pretty low prices on cups, bowls etc.

  2. It's called Igud Bnei Torah (IBT)

  3. At least give them.knee pads if they have to clean the floors on their knees so that their knees don't get bruised

  4. Application Heads Back Again for VoteApril 7, 2022 at 11:34 AM

    See here for the previous story -->

  5. "They demand better pay"
    They are all making way over minimum wage also it is all cash, someone should ask how many are paying taxes, social security etc.
    Are they double dipping and taking government benefits?
    APP had no problem attacking our community pushing for investigations into those working "off the books" and taking benefits. Some reason I don't think all these protesters have private medical insurance

    1. I recently saw advertised on route 9 for one of those nursing homes $13 an hour for a health aide, I am sure that is all on the books, and involves diapering adults all day.
      Most domestic workers do not spend all day on their knees, folding laundry and helping in the kitchen sounds a lot better than dealing with dementia patients. I'm sure those health aide jobs are still available


  7. How much money did agudah get to facilitate the tuition grant
    How much did they give out
    How much was spent an advertising..a way to buy off the media

  8. Aldi's is a company started by former Wehrmacht officers who are believed to have been members of the Nazi party. The family still owns a major part of it. Trader Joe's is owned by them as well.

  9. How much does Hofsteder waist on advertising his events. Who cares?
