Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sunday April 10 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather Partly to mostly cloudy. High 51F. Winds at 15 to 25 mph. Tonight  low of 36 frost advisory.

- Ocean county sherif put up cameras at MLK and pine st where the carjacking took place Friday. The suspect in the Lakewood  terror attack first came out of a church on Arlington  Ave when he attempted the first  carjacking before stealing one 20 minutes later on Pine st.

- Lakewood officials  at a Press conference thanked volunteers who helped patrol after shkiah on shabbos and said the police are looking out for copy cat acts.

- Lakewood Police Commissioner Meir Lichtenstein, the city’s Orthodox former mayor, implored locals to seek counseling if they become concerned about safety. “We will not live in fear,” he said at a press conference Sunday. (JTA)

- CEO of CHEMED tells NYT the Covid vaccine wasn’t designed to stop disease. It was designed to prevent hospitalizations and deaths.” He said the original government messaging failed to give enough credence to many Jewish residents’ beliefs that being infected with the virus was nearly equivalent to vaccination.

- Sen. Bob Menendez: "Hate has no place in New Jersey, or anywhere else. I commend Lakewood law enforcement for quickly apprehending the individual of these abhorrent crimes & pray for pray for the full recovery of the victims.

- After being silent since the attack, Lakewood politicians announce Press conference this afternoon at the DPW complex 1 America  way 3:30 pm

- Mexican workers stage more protects today in Lakewood for better pay (LNN)

Kever Yosef hat Zadok in Shchem was vandalized and burnt by Palestinians last night 

- Bde: Rav Shimon Breisch of London ztl father in law of Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Solevechik R"Y Brisk.

- Pre pesach errands all at one location  this week at the municipal lot 10th and Clifton Avenue 9:30 am- 11:30 PM. Services include car cleaning, Comet drop off, Sreifas Challah, Hagolass Keilim, DeJa Nu clothing drop off, Shaimos, Fun activities for kids while you wait, Haircuts, food with tent seating, Marble print counter covers and more.

- Uncle Moisy will be on hand today at Gourmet Glatt Madison Avenue  4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

- Hagolas Keilim and sreifas challah of Lakewood  at 229 5th street 10:00am- 10:00 pm

- Gourmet Glatt Madison open to 12:30 am, South until 1:00 am, Bingo open to 1:00 am, Evergreen 12:00 am. NPGS open until 1:00 am

-Avoid Ubanim appreciation event for boys 3rd grade and up at Bais Faiga hall 6:30 pm $15 per person

Photos- Rav Yizchok Ezrachi shlita visits BMG Here

- Lakewood Police swat team responded to a situation at Clover st and Rt 88 after a dispute over loud music with a neighbor pointing a air gun according go Lakewood NYT reporter Shlomo Schorr.

Suspect in Lakewood  terror rampage made antisemitic remarks when he was arrested 


  1. For those that would like NPGS hours - they are open till 1am. Here is a link they do Kashering too.

  2. Will Agudah spokesman Avi Shafran condemn and call out Black antisemitism after the attacks in Lakewood and Brooklyn or does his hatred for Trump blind him

    1. I never heard anything which could be understood as hatred for Trump from him. Also, what on earth does “black antisemitism” have to do with President Trump?

      You sound like your under the influence of an illegal substance.

    2. You must be living under a rock,he authored numerous articles how bad Trump is and blamed him for white supremacy how it is dangerous for the Jews. He ignored the anti Semitic attacks committed against frum jewelry by the left and blacks.
      Black antisemitism is what happened over shabbos in Lakewood and Manhattan in case you didn't figure it out.

    3. he wrote 2 articles that portrayed Trump as someone who has a loose screw. What's wrong with that? Everybody knows that. everyone who voted for him knew that.

    4. He wrote much worse but ill take a guy who 75 million voted for with a loose screw over 80 million for a senile old man who stole it.

    5. I never heard anything which could be understood as hatred for Trump from him.

      Perhaps you don't "hear" the many screeds he has written. He clearly blamed Trump for Anti Semitism. He clearly gave the leftists many passes and excuses on their anti Semitic behaviors and actions. When B. Hussain Obamma was in office, he also excused all of his dangerous anti Semitism.

  3. The yungeleit and Frum teachers should join the Mexicans in protesting low wages, high rents and affordable housing issues in Lakewood.

  4. If the perpetrator would have been a white the Vaad would have put out a statement on shabbos already

  5. So many exclusive stories on the scoop must be a busy news day
    Nothing about the failure and inaction of the LPD to hunt down the terrorist but they were quick to attack the Howell PD for doing their job Lakewood has been pravdad.

  6. A photo-Op Press conference of do nothing politicians time to vote them all out of office. And the sick part that it was not live streamed sobtjey can Give it to their friendly media outlet taking advantage of a terrorist act how low can they go

  7. We need to bus in laborers from different towns that appreciate their employment.
