Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Bennet Govt Loses Majority after MK Resigns over chometz being Allowed in Hospitals over Pesach

Drama in Israel as Coalition chairman and MK Idit Silman (Yamina) announced her resignation from the government coalition on Wednesday morning. With this, the government loses its majority in Knesset.

Jpost - Silman has stated that she chose to resign due to feeling that she "cannot take it anymore," and said that she cannot continue harming the Jewish identity of the State of Israel, possibly referring to a disagreement over allowing chametz into hospitals over Passover. 

Maariv reporter Anna Ravya Barsky reported via Twitter that several senior coalition members were aware of this decision for at least a week, and it did not come as a surprise to them.

However, according to reports, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who heads the Yamina party, was not aware of her decision and was taken by surprise on Wednesday morning.

Former Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Silman on her decision, thanking her "in the name of many people in Israel that waited for this moment."

"I call on everyone who was elected with the votes of the nationalist bloc to join Idit and return home, you will be received with all due respect and open arms," he concluded.

Likud faction head Yariv Levin congratulated Silman on her decision, saying she did the right thing and that she is "saving the State of Israel from a dangerous and unprecedented process of deep damage to the Jewish character of the state and the foundations of its existence."


  1. So what's now in regard to the government?

    1. Nothing. They're at 60/60, not enough to overthrow them. The concern is others will follow.

    2. For the last decade, according to basic law it takes 61 to form a government, but it takes 61 to put them out to pasture once in

  2. Here is my question.
    The biggest problem we face is voter apathy. Will Charedim realize finally that only when they are part of the government can they get anything done? Will they realize that each and every person who was too lazy last elections to vote is responsible for the travesty of this government? If Gimmel would have had one more seat, there would have been no Kosel reform, no increase in taxes on basics, no geirus reform and no kashrus reform. No reform rabbi(sh) in the coalition, no Arabs deciding how Torah is to be interpreted and no nonsense about removing daycare subsidies.

    Just go and vote for Gimmel, even if you don't like some of the things that they do. That is the only way this disaster is not repeated.

    1. Why is your complain with the voters an not with the people at Gimmel who alienated so many voters??? Even many who did vote, held their noses as they voted.

    2. @10:04 there is a reason (actually a lot more than one) why people didn't vote for the incumbents as much they would have wished.
      Next time they should be there for their constituents and them maybe they would get more votes or at least not lose what they had. You can't play on both sides and then complain.

    3. Why do people cut off their noses to spite their faces? No party will ever be perfect, but it is still worse when Gimmel is out of power.
      And 'alienating' voters is a democratic concept. Gimmel is not democratic and never was supposed to be. It was supposed to be run by Gedolei Yisroel, even when the puny heads of young shnooks don't understand why they do what they do. If Chavrei Knesset don't always listen, the message to them is that they should listen, not that they shouldn't 'alienate'.

    4. The people who didn't vote, shouldn't complain about the government's actions.

  3. The Real reason Gimmel is missing a seat is because of the Eitzniks. These baalei machkokes are splintering up the Chareidi Voting bloc, wasting their own votes and causing great harm.


    1. Actually you sound like an ignorant media bought Baal Machlokes.
      Keep up your assault.

    2. No the real season is because of all the people that voted for Shas.
      Instead of listening to their own Rebbeim they should have known who the real deal is and voted Gimmel
      They are the epitome of Machlokes.

  4. You have to be very naive and gullible to believe that what these MKs do is really according to the Gedolei Torah.
    Their constituents are Shomrei Torah Umitzvos and Bnei Torah who's ideals are Torah and it's Mitzvos and that's exactly where these ministers went wrong. No I was not talking about the fraud and other allegations and convictions that they should resign for from a political standpoint. That's a discussion on its own.
    But one thing for sure the "frum" media won't tell you any of the real things going on, so how would you know?
