Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Rosh Chosesh Cheshvan News updates Lakewood

חדש עלינו את החודש הזה לטובה ולברכה, לששון ולשמחה, לישועה ולנחמה, לפרנסה ולכלכלה, לחיים ולשלום, למחילת חטא ולסליחת עוון

Weather: Partly cloudy. High 63F 10% chance of rain

-Authorities enforcing social distancing rules and mask wearing at simcha halls.

-NJ- The statewide rate of transmission declined to 1.15, even though number of cases jumped up. Essex County led the state in new cases Sunday, with 139, followed by Hudson (131), Ocean (121), and Union and Middlesex, both 107.

-117 New cases in Lakewood totals 5823/204

-The Yom Tefillah requested by the Rabbonim  in Boro Park will take place  Tuesday 11:30am by phone, will include all mosdos and communities. 
-Mosdos in Monsey were shut down by Govt officials over shabbos 
- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and the Vaad Harabonim linyanei corona call for increase in Torah and tefilla. In a letter released it states the current threat to the operation of yeshivos and Talmudei Torah especially that some were shut down in other cities. The rabbonim ask that tehillim be said after all 3 daily tefillos in shuls.

- Lakewood Vaad does not make an endorsement for president citing a decades long practice to focus on matters of local concern and not make endorsement in presidential elections. Lakewood was the Trumpiest town in NJ who voted in 2016. The vaad did express hakoras hatov to the president and have significant concerns about the policies of the Democratic contenders.

-Boro Park is holding a protest (yom tefilah) against the Cuomo lockdown on Monday, based on a decision tonight by rabbanim. This, according to my recall, is unprecedented. Never before has Boro Park sanctioned a protest. Then again, the governor's rhetoric these days is also unprecedented. (Yochonon Donn)

- Tehillim for שמעון בן הניא רייזל hospitalized with corona. רפאל אברהם יצחק בן גיטל, חיים יעקב בן פייגא בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

- Satmar releases statement it will hold wedding for close family only and blames media smear since the original plan was with social distancing guidelines.


  1. $150 ltsa refund BMG grant students starving master plan harold coles singer vaad mesira covid masks cuomo murphy camp girls high school bussing taxes starving $150.

    1. Will you shut up, man?

    2. @7:16

      I'm enjoying the show!

      Glad to be of help to this guy. He was up at 6:39 AM posting this stuff.

  2. The VAAD didn't mention a word about the Senate race. Last time tgey endorsed Cory Booker. Their silence is deafening. Take the unspoken message and vote for the Republican for Senate! A Democrat majority Senate will impeach President Trump if he's reelected. This is crucial! Vote for Rik Mehta and not Cory Booker!

  3. The vaad should stay out of local politics too.
    They called innocent lakewood youngeleit bad apples.
    And its a lie that they only involve with local matters they attacked president Trump in 2017 during the charllotville protests.

  4. The Boro Park Rabbonim specifically called the Asifa a Yom Tefila .

    NOT A protest!

  5. BMG just sent out a robo call that all talmidei hayeshiva must be tested for Corona, even if they have antibodies! Fight this invasion of privacy! Don't cooperate! Same with your kids in school! The Government is doing something wrong and we are lining up like sheep to comply! Wake up! No other groups or religions are being subjected to such abuse! DON'T COMPLY!

    1. Who is making money off the testing.

    2. The govt also said to distribute CARES funding grants to the students.

    3. They did give the CARES money. All eligible talmidim received money from the grant.

    4. B'davka the oilem who has had antibodies a while ago (even if antibodies count is 'gone') should get tested. These tests are guaranteed negatives

    5. No, because the false positive rate is almost 30%.

    6. your so sick!!! Enough with the false positives, show me evidence of your data. About positive and negative percentage rates. ENOUGH!!!. PCR's are quite accurate. Do you suspect every time someone has strep it's a false positive as well. SICK

  6. The vaad and shanky are correct that it's important that everybody votes -but thats it. voting for the vaad's picks is not necessary. it just gives them more 'power'. please, please do an analysis of the issues at hand and vote your conscience. (if at the end of the day you end up voting along the vaad's 'party lines' then so be it - but at least it was your decision.)

    1. Even the VAAD couldn't give a concrete example of anything Ray Coles has done for the frum community. It's a sham! Vote out Coles! Why in the world is a Democrat, Coles, the mayor for the past 4 years in a Republican majority governing body? It's like appointing Nancy Pelosi as President, while the actual President and Vice President act like they're happy just to be allowed to sit at the same table as her! There's something VERY WRONG here, and we have the power to stop it by voting out Coles, NOW!

  7. I guess the Vaad's hakoras hatov line is only used when endorsing pro-toeiva, anti morals candidates, but when it comes to a president who did more for Jews than anyone in history, hakoras hatov no longer applies. Shame on them! Get out of the closet & make it known that you endorse whomever will give you the most power & money (& tax exemptions on your personal homes & businesses) When you know the oilam wont listen to you, you find a shameful excuse for not endorsing anyone!

    As an aside, isn't the vaad a representation of the Yeshivos/Lakewood families? This president has pledged to give school choice/vouchers to all of us. Who exactly are you representing????

    1. Leaving aside issues regarding EY, what has the president done to help the frum community in the US on a legislative basis? What has he done for vouchers? You can point to supreme court justices who are more religion-friendly, but l'maaseh, not much help. Bnei Torah could get much more benefit from the Biden tax plan and child credit then anything Trump has done.

    2. Hey at least they didn't endorse Biden or Booker. They're hedging their bets because they want to pick the candidates who will actually WIN! In the Presidential and Senetorial race, there's no sure winner, so they figure they're better off saying nothing. We will do better because we have nothing political to lose in this. We WILL vote straight REPUBLICAN in this election. They are the only party that still shows respect to Torah values and observance.

    3. The supreme Court justices make a huge, huge difference in our personal life. True, you don't see the results instantaneously, but you the results are felt in the terrible gezeiros that have been delayed/stopped.

    4. Which Torah is in alignment with the Republican party? How did we get so goyish that people actually confuse republicanism with Judaism? רח"ל.
      Neither party is Jewish, neither follows the Torah, and neither of them deserve our blind loyalty.

    5. Blind? NO! The REPUBLICANS respect religious people. Democrats do not. Plain and simple.

    6. The fact that we have to explain why the Republicans are better for Yiddishkeit is sad. The argument for the Democrats is that their social services plan, ie; handouts, are better for us. Do we want handouts in exchange for controlling chinuch, mila. Shechita? These are all democratic positions which they are proud of. Yes allowing abortion doesn't affect us because no one is forcing you. But when abortion becomes ok, then end of life care comes into play, aborting unwell fetuses, and free public health choices are in play. They'll give you food stamps to buy meat, but there won't be any kosher available because shechita is labeled as cruel. They'll give you Medicaid to pay for childbirth, but won't allow that child to have a bris, because the child needs to consent to his "mutilation". They'll give you section 8/HUD but won't allow a mezuza on govt funded homes. They'll fund your schools but dictate the curriculum. In fact there are funded preschool programs currently that don't have mezuza on the door.
      And these are not extreme democratic positions, these are official positions, and mainstream. Some have made progress in some parts of the country.
      We are at a critical pivot, and if we vote Democrat we'll have only us to blame.
      This is not about Israel, this is happening right here in the us. We've just seen how easily the courts have helped governors shut our shuls. The constitutional promise of freedom of religion cannot be accepted as a fact any longer. When we allow limits on weapons and support interpretations to the second amendment, we allow interpretations to other rights as well.

    7. The Democrats have a platform and it doesn't touch Mila, shechita or chinuch. They have no interest in involving themselves in our lives, and Biden hasn't even so much as mentioned us.
      There is a tiny minority of people who don't like mila and shechita, and I daresay they vote Democrat. But that is not the position of the party, and never has been.

      People are allowing politically motivated paranoia to take them over.

    8. There is something people confuse about the left wing of America. They think it is similar to the right, just left. It is not.
      The right wing are disciplined, they march in lockstep. Everyone who believes in lowering taxes, has to be against gay marriage. Everyone who thinks that regulations are bad, also believes that Trump never did anything wrong in his life. There is no place for real dissent.
      The left wing is a coalition of different, and sometimes conflicting, beliefs and interests. The BLM demonstrator has no opinions about regulation. The immigration advocate does not care about religion in schools.
      Which is why quoting fringe opinions from the right wing is relevant, but the same from the left is irrelevant. The Democrats will not be defunding the police, in a practical fashion, any time soon. That is not their platform, even if the BLM protestors do want that.

    9. Since when will the Democrats 'fund your schools'? The party of vouchers, a dangerous proposition in my opinion, is the Republican one.
      If we get vouchers, we can be sure that a) very little of that money will trickle down to the parents tuition relief, and b) the government will involve itself in our curriculum. The NY situation has nothing to do with money, they want to force their curriculum even without money.

  8. Lakewood was the Trumpiest town in NJ who voted in 2016. The vaad did express hakoras hatov to the president.

    "I must follow the I am their leader"

    Monday Evening quarterbacking by the Vaad

  9. Someone wrote this comment on a different site, but it is too good to be hidden away.

    Even if we accept the claims of some that masks don’t help, is that a certainty? How can we be sure? Many experts disagree. If, as a society, we truly respected and valued lives, how can we ignore a mask mandate or even recommendation? It may work, and it is minimal discomfort (after an initial period of getting used to it), and we are doing something that could save lives. Why is that not sufficient?
    Remember, even if its life saving abilities are in doubt, the mitzva we keep by wearing one for other peoples’ sake is a definite one. We are definitely doing something בין אדם לחבירו by being חושש for the צד that masks help.
    Now let us say that masks definitely do not help. But there are definitely people out there who think it does. They are not evil, they are not our enemies, they simply think differently to you. Should we disrespect them to their faces? We live in a country with them, don’t they deserve that minimum respect?
    If a person were to research the data carefully, without pre-conceived notions and political positions, he will see that the chances of masks working is way higher than the chances of them not working. First, common sense says that at least a percentage of the virus spread will be prevented by people covering their orifices. When enough people do it, the percentage of infections will go down. Yes, people will still get it, but less people, and to those people in between ‘people’ and ‘less people’ that makes a lot of difference. Second, the world’s experts have consistently been touting masks, for many months. Does someone actually buy this conspiracy theory that all of them are in cahoots about something? They are all desperate for a scoop, yet they still don’t change their minds.
    With regard to enmity from the outsiders. The outside world is similar to ours. Those that are steadily exposed to the right wing media, do not believe in masks. Those who are exposed to left wing media, believe in masks. Those who do not follow ANY media at all (a tiny percentage of people, and usually the non-vocal ones), have their own opinions. Those who see us ignoring mask rules, may support us or disdain us. But the hatred and disdain will always be stronger than the support. If the Haters come for us, the supporters will not help us too much. As a pragmatic point, we should be more scared of the haters than comforted by the supporters.
    Even without these claims, do we not have to make an announcement of our beliefs? Should we not publicly announce that human life is precious, and even a small chance of benefit is sufficient for us to take a stand? A Yid with a mask is an announcement that our Torah values life, even a small chance of it. Many of us think we should waste our votes by taking stands that will never translate into real policies, like against abortions. Here we can take a stand that really matters, people will really see and say רק עם חכם ונבון הגוי הגדול הזה.
    Let us stop fighting other people’s fights and try and be the best Yidden we can be, not the best Americans or Conservatives. We can show the world that we are not animals in the jungle, we follow the public’s rules and we can be trusted to live in the country as welcome guests.
    ומלאה הארץ דעה את הוי”ה כמים לים מכסים

    1. If you cover all your orifices, that would include your ears. Fancy words don't make it accurate. Also, masks, to be sanitary, need to be changed or washed daily. Otherwise the virus clings and sustains to be passed on to others the next day.

    2. 12:46

      Here's why we should NOT wear masks

    3. Anonymous 1:32 - So what is stopping people from washing their mask daily? Let them do so, because we have so much to gain and so little to lose from wearing masks, correctly and consistently.

    4. 1:55

      Puhleaze, there is nothing to gain from wearing masks. The most protected people on this world have all gotten covid, ya really think that wearing that tissue on your face while you are constantly mingling among people is going to stop covid????

      Phoney baloney. Its nothing more than a tool to control the masses. The fear mongering and guilt instilling is doing wonders at getting the sheep all in line. The trauma and physiological damage that these masks are doing (causing people to leave in fear) is 100 times more damaging

    5. Number the 3 ply face masks are very inexpensive so you don't need to use yours more than once a day. It's ridiculous already! the imbecilic responses here. I have pretty bad asthma and wore a mask the entire yom kippur was it fun no, was it uncomfortable yes. But it was the right thing. I am in my 20's had COVID in March with Double Pneumonia- was on Hydroxychloriquine and zithromac and zinc. Did it help i don't know. I guess I am alive.
      However I have some serious post covid heart effects.

      But it's blissful to watch, many yungeleit with PHDs as a figment of their imagination in lakewood in june, insisted that everyone had it and there is herd immunity. Than why all the positives now. CRICKETS.
      Wear the damn mask

    6. 8:27

      Why wear the damn mask when it clearly doesnt help. Mask wearers get covid as much as non maskers do. The most protected people got covid. Its high time we either face covid or lock yourselves up

      Every night there chasunos, vorts, sheva borchos and bar mitzvos. The shuls are full, simchas torah there was hakofos and on shabbosim theres shalom zachors and kiddushim and Yeshivos are full. Theres rarely any social distancing taking place and the majority are not wearing masks

      People are not dropping like flies, theres very few hospitalized and very few seriously ill.

      So everyone, stop the fear mongering. Wanna wear a mask? Go ahead. But stop tellin everyone what to do

    7. Sad that it has to be repeated, but MASKS DO NOT PROTECT THE WEARER! The person wearing the mask is only ever so slightly less likely to get sick. Masks protect others, and if everyone, or most people, wore masks correctly and consistently, the consensus of experts is that the infection rate would go down.

      But the original commenter said so much more than that. How can people be so sure of themselves? Confidence is usually the consolation of the ignorant, but how much ignorance do you need to be so confident that masks don't work? Why isn't is at least a ספק in your minds?
      And how stupid does a person have to be to believe that mask mandates are a tool to control the masses? Do you honestly think that people are playing games? That there are hundreds of thousands of people who have nothing better to do than to figure out how to make Moshe Yankel in hicktown NJ miserable? Are people so fardreit?

    8. 5:28

      Explain. You said masks do not protect the wearer. Meaning, that the virus goes right thru my mask and will infect me.

      Then explain how the masks protect others. Most people are not coughing and sneezing all day. If the virus droplets come in, whats stopping them from going out? Masks obviously don't have a one way valve. So how exactly does it protect others if it cant protect me?

    9. Good question Anon 8:21. How about going to school, to college, to medical school and to grad school, and getting the education necessary for your opinion to count.

    10. 12:21

      You prove my point. You have zero clue why masks help, but you're willing to follow like a sheep being led to slaughter

      Today its the mask, then they will shut down our schools shuls and businesses, then they will ban brissim and shechita etc etc

      Best of luck

    11. Of course I have zero clue. I am not a doctor. Neither do you have a clue that they don't work. But you follow some other guy who is following someone else. I have no choice but to follow someone, because I don't know. So the question now is, whom should I follow? Medical experts, or Coffee room inhabitants?

    12. 4:14

      Im not following anyone else. I'm asking you my own question. You stated that masks are a one way street. Virus goes in, but doesn't go out. You cant for your life explain it, but you're willing to follow like a sheep and walk right off the cliff

      May Hashem help you

    13. Right, I don't understand it. I also don't understand how a car works, but I use one. I don't understand how a computer works, but I use one. And that is why I trust the experts in infectious diseases that overwhelmingly claim that masks will stop others from getting ill, even when it does not protect the wearer.

      But you are the sheep over here. Shvitzers in coffee rooms decided to ignore the regulations, so you followed like a tattele. May Hashem help you in all of your endeavors, and teach you the difference between knowledge and ignorance. Remember, the opposite of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge

    14. You use the car because it gets you from here to there. Masks do not get you there, it does not stop the virus from spreading. And Im not following shvitzers or anyone else. I follow my own train of thought

  10. 117 new cases in Lakewood yesterday.

    1. I thought carona was over?

    2. Over-rated maybe, but not over.

    3. the more testing the more cases including false positives in the rapid testing. This wont help because even if positivity rate is low which it has been since before sukkos the testing is driving up numbers again. The gov will use a different set of metrics to shut down.

  11. Just to inform the tzibur mask can be very dangerous and cause irreparable brain damage here is a link from a German professor also according to former osha inspectors it would be extremely detrimental and there’s was a young Dr in Texas that died because she was wearing masks in the wrong way. OSHA is responsible for air quality safety and they are the ones that teach Drs and nurses how to wear what to wear and how long etc.

    1. Wow! The shtissim people come up with to justify their political burpings is truly shocking. What kind of brain damage am I risking by watching videos like that?
      A young doctor in Texas,
      expired due to an excess,
      of mask wearing and coke bingeing,
      her memory is still living,
      in the minds of any right wing doofus

    2. Don't forget about the Rothschild conspiracy garbage on that site seems like a reputable source

    3. Sick!! Quoting from some wordpress blogs. NUTS!!! Shows your ignorance and nonsense.

  12. Anonymous at 5:34 AM
    "There is something people confuse about the left wing of America"

    Stimulating & fun to be the monkey wrench in the way of progress, eh?
