Friday, October 16, 2020

Lakewood Zmanim עש׳׳ק פרשת בראשית שבת מברכים חודש מרחשון תשפ׳׳א

 חסידים היו אומרים: ״היכן שיהודי מעמיד את עצמו בשבת בראשית - שם הוא יעמוד בכל השנה כולה״
Friday, October 16, 2020 / כ״ח תשרי תשפ״א ערב שבת פרשת בראשית
-Candle lighting 5:56 pm 
-Shkia/Sunset 6:14 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan is Sunday and Monday
-Molad: · Shabbos morning, 23 minutes and 0 chalakim after 3:00 am.
די מולד איז געווען שבת פארטאגס דריי און צוואנציג מינוט נאך דריי 
-weather Shabbbos day  A mainly sunny sky. High 61F

Minhag in some shuls to sell the first Aliya of shabbos Breishis
A story in which the Maharik relates that in his time (fifteenth century), the custom in many shuls in France and Germany was to auction off the first aliyah in Bereishis. Large sums of money would thus be raised, serving to honor the Torah as well as to fund many communal needs. If a non-Kohen bought it, Kohanim would leave the shul. One time, a Kohen refused to leave and demanded to be given the aliyah. The Maharik ruled that the custom was acceptable, and the obstinate Kohen could be ignored (c.f. Beit Yosef, OC 135; Peri Chadash 135:3; MA 135:7).

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