Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday July 14 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: A good deal of sunshine. High near 90F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.

- 3 new positive cases in Lakewood yesterday  totals 2626/188

- BMG will build a 230 car parking lot off 7th Street. It was approved by the planning board today. Construction will take place this summer

-Rosh Yeshivas Brisk Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soleveitchik said today we are losing yeshiva  bochurim daily
and it's a gezeira that is worse then the Corona virus. Some have gone off the derech others just stopped learning or went to work because they can leave their home. A fast day should have been declared for this gezeira he said. We must brainstorm and find solutions, gather them and open gemaros with them.

- NJ 423 new positive cases 28 deaths
- Murphy; NJ will not fine travelers from Corona virus hot spots who don't  give information. Unlike NY.

-NJ adds 4 more states to list of self quarantine for 2 weeks if traveling to NJ from them Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wisconsin full list AL, AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, IA, ID, KS, LA, MN, MS, NC, NM, NV, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, UT, WI. Delaware has been removed

NBC News  reports on the Lakewood community Plasma blood donation watch Video Here
 "Joyner, the Mayo Clinic doctor, said he’s been astonished by the Orthodox Jewish community’s ability to mobilize its members and organize a complex medical project in a span of hours. “They had a high rate of infection, which was terrible, but they decided to do something about it,” he said. “And they used their social cohesion and organizational and logistical skills to make it happen.” “I’d be surprised if we didn’t do more projects with them,” Joyner added. “These individuals are problem solvers.”

- The role Orthodox Jews have played in contributing to a promising but yet unproven coronavirus treatment has garnered far less attention than the incidents of community members flouting social distancing guidelines. (NBC)

-Uman Rosh Hashana? Ukrainian foreign ministry officials have recommended that the tefillos in Uman this year not be cancelled but limited. At this point there is no offical lrule implemented yet that would ban all visitors to Uman this coming Rosh Hashana

-Murphy reiterated this morning that his administration is working closely with Jersey Shore counties and beach towns to limit capacity and keep people distanced.

-The comet Neowise is visible in NJ after dusk in Northwest sky just above the horizon.

-Israel: The government may require Israelis to hold their Rosh Hashanah and other High Holiday celebrations with only their nuclear family members.

-Young adults in NJ are the fastest-growing age group of residents testing positive for the coronavirus in New Jersey, even as the outbreak has slowed dramatically in recent months.


  1. What bracha do you make upon seeing a comet?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. now i know even less than before!

    3. That's to be expected if you ask your shylas on a blog instead of the old-fashioned way

  2. The Israeli government did not learn from its mistakes. Lcokdown did not work the first, so why do they think this time it'll work ??

    1. Lockdown worked just opening up was too early

    2. I agree with the prior comment,"It seems like they opened too early." I would add
      that when we think of questions and feel differently as a result its bes to keep in mind that we don't know enough answer our own questions.

    3. Lockdowns only work if people stay locked down until the danger passes. For example if a tornado passes through a town, people will be told to lock down in a secure room until it passes. In our case we should technically be locked down until a vaccine is developed and enough is mass produced so that everyone can be safe. (Assuming that a vaccine will be the ultimate solution, which no one is even sure about)
      If that is the case, we will be locked down for many more month, and we should be told so. The problem with that is that nobody will obey such an order.
      Therefore any lockdown is just temporarily pushing off the inevitable. As soon as it ends, whether by government order or by people simply ignoring it, people will just go on infecting each other with Covid.
      The only real solution is for herd immunity to develop. Unfortunately this will put many in danger. It is still the only solution.
      Trump said this from day 1 and he's right. No one has a better plan

  3. Measles came from Uman it should not open up

  4. NO Bachurim and girls should go to eretz yisroel. It is time for them to stay here. Please open a yeshiva for them and seminaries here.
    Way too much hefkeros over there.

    1. Not to mention the exorbitant cost of sending them to EY. There are yeshivos that have opened here and are planning to remain open for Elul/Winter. Are any israeli seminaries planning on opening here?

  5. Hopefully this will pit an end to sending girls to eretz yisroel for seminary. Let them work part time and go to a seminary in America. We are teaching them to marry learning boys. Please explain to them what that means- that you need to work to support them. Yes parents can help but exactly how after they spend 20-30k on seminary??? It doesnt add up.
