Friday, July 3, 2020

Friday July 3 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: A mix of clouds and sun. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 92F. Chance of Rain 20% Humidity 55% UV Index 9 of 10.
-Parshas חקת- בלק candle lighting 8:11 pm Shkia/sunset 8:29 pm

-Clifton Avenue closed at 9th Street for Protest on Public Schools instability

- 9 New positive cases in Lakewood +1 death totals 2594/186

-Lakewood Blue Clues will have fireworks tonight at 9:30 pm

-Lakewood physicians- have already observed one case of an individual in Lakewood getting infected from an infected person who came from Florida they are monitoring the situation and will let the community know if COVID-19 infections begin to spread in the Kehilla.

-State troopers in Lakewood today giving tickets
-Yated Ne'eman Lakewood section with full election coverage Who is running for committee? Are there Jackson council primaries? What's the difference between the Republican Senate candidates?

-Lakewood residents received post card n the  mail from the board  of  elections notifying of where to vote in person this Tuesday since the districts  will all be combined to 9 voting locations.YOu can still send mail in ballot if it is post marked July 7th

- Protest  planned  today at 5.p.m. corner 9th and Clifton calling for stability in Lakewood public schools.

-Lunch Distribution:
- Sanz Schools Shabbos Box 1:30 pm- 3:00 pm at Havens corner Parkview in the Oak and Vine area behind Evergreen
-Bnos Melech Shabbos Box 9:00 am- 10:00 am 550 James Street (last week of pick up at the school)
- Bnos Yaakov Shabbos Box at Pine Park 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
- Pizza on Wheels daily lunch 11:00 am Route 9 and Chestnut

-LPD: During the July 4th holiday weekend residents should continue taking precautions to protect themselves and others.

- 1107 New positive cases reported in Eretz Yisrael yesterday, 70 people are in serious condition. However, it should be noted that more than 24,000 people were screened for the virus on Thursday. The percentage of people who tested positive is around 4.5%.

-Israel released  a series of restrictions on Friday morning. Event halls, bars,  and Shuls will be limited to 50 attendees. Any other gatherings in closed spaces are now limited to 20 people.

 -A letter from Black leaders critical of the school district and claiming, without citing evidence, “misappropriation of funds” and “negligence” by district leaders prompted an angry defense Thursday from school officials who called it “slanderous” and predicted legal action will follow. (APP)

-President Trump: There is a rise in Coronavirus cases because our testing is so massive and so good, far bigger and better than any other country. This is great news, but even better news is that death, and the death rate, is DOWN. Also, younger people, who get better much easier and faster!


  1. If more iq tests were administered, we would have more morons

  2. Food distributions mentioned here, are they all for the general public ?

  3. It's good that Trump is saying the truth about the "spike"; it's young people and the death rate is falling. Fauci would never say the truth, he is a fear monger and wants to keep everyone in crisi mode. As soon as its over he goes back to obscurity.

    1. Trump always says the truth. But the noisy radical left calls him out on it, and claims thst he is the liar.

    2. ‘Always’ says the truth?!?! Wow! Is that a 14th tenet of faith?

  4. The media wont tell you as they want to hype this for all it is worth. The governor of Florida looks at the total data and where the outbreaks are and what is causing it. He looks at hospitalization rates.
    The President looks at the total data.
    The NJ and NY governor told us the main concern is overwhelming of the healthcare system, that is not happening so why are they shutting down small businesses?
    The governors have a responsibility to the people, They need to weight the pros and cons of a shutdown and restrictions. Many people have been killed just from the shutdown.

    1. Only selfish people in unzerer oilam are totally fine with hundreds of people being niftar. Just 3 months ago we lost many great talmidei chachamim and chashuve people. Maybe if we would have been more strict and more concerned with how our actions affect other people instead of only caring about ourselves we could have saved some of those holy neshomos.

    2. Are you forgetting that there’s a Ribono Shel Olam Who governs the world?

    3. "Hakol bidei shomayim chuitz m'zinim upachim"A person is responsible for keeping himself safe by dressing appropriately for the weather so as to preserve his health. I think that would include wearing a mask to protect yourself and others.

    4. If I hear one more person like Anon 8:41 a I'm gonna snap. PEOPLE WHO WANT BUSINESSES OPEN ARE NOT SELFISH ! THEY ARE NOT "NOT CONCERENED" THE DEATHS THAT OCCURED. Its's just that for one thing there is no proof that lockdowns help at all . There are places that locked down and had horrible death (NY) and places that didnt really lock down and had much less deaths (wisconsin, Florida). Number two, LOCKDOWNS CAUSE DEATH TOO ! People lose businesses, surgeries are postponed , depression etc. Number three, IT'S OVER !! The epidemic passed through this community , did it's thing and now it's gone. These people who are in lockdown forever mode are actually the ones who don't care about anyone but themselves.

    5. BH I know about the ribbono shel olam who says to care about your health and also the one who says to think about how ones actions affect other people, not just about yourself. The not wearing masks is a great example of ish kol asher yasher b'einav yaaseh. Something that to all infectious disease doctors and leading rabbonim in those cities with a hanhaga seems like basic consideration for others health is something that people in Lakewood laugh at and make fun of. Look at the cities with a hanhaga and those without.

    6. "While facemasks can’t hurt in the fight against Covid-19, the outrage directed at skeptics is excessive."

    7. If they cant hurt and they might help...

  5. Credit to the Yated for honest reporting the other Lakewood paid propaganda media didn't have the guts to even report that Hershel Herskowitz is running yet they call themselves the voice of Lakewood and the heartbeat of the community.
    Shame on them for deceiving the tzibbur

    1. I know the mainstream media in Lakewood doesn't want to mention HH, but why doesn't he at least do mailings and advertising poster? I don't think anyone besides Hefkervelt readers know about him. I always wanted him to win so badly, if only to make a statement, but how can he win if no one knows who he is and what he stands for?

  6. The State Police announced yesterday that more than 90 additional troopers will be on special details targeting drunk driving.
    Must be a lot of drunk driving in Lakewood...

    1. Yes, there recently has been an insane amount of accidents involving a dui.

    2. Lots of lakewooders are drinking the kool aid.......

  7. For the sake of accuracy, there are five Lakewood residents with covid-19 as results of Florida and addition to two of the Floridians who are still here.

    1. Easy to report “accuracy” anonymously
      The doctor I spoke to said the opposite that only two Lakewood citizens got it and the other positives from our “kehila” are really from Florida

  8. Does anyone have a copy of the machah from talmidim of Rav Elya Ber about the front cover in Ami

  9. 40 cases this week in Lakewood

  10. Fake news there's no junteenth celebration on Clifton it's a protest against boe
