Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tisha B'Av Lakewood 5780- 2020 Shiurim Events info

                       Tisha B'Av Lakewood 5780- 2020 Shiurim Events info
                                כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה
                              Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE or HERE

Tisha B'Av day
Chatzos is 1:03 pm
Fast is over n Lakewood at 8:59 pm (One who finds fasting difficult may eat at 8:50pm)
Weather:  Heat advisory in effect until 7:00 pm Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 93F.

-Kiddush Levana cloudy forecast
-Motzei Tisha B'Av -10:15 -11:45 Seder limud in BMG Bais Yitzchok binyan Herzka  lizchus the Mashgiach  Rav Matisyahu ben Ettil L'refuah shleima  11:130 Divrei Hisoirerus by the Rosh YeshivaHarav Malkiel Kotler  shlita

-The remarkable story of  Josef Lewkowicz full video Here
-Power outages in the Central New Egypt Cross street area 1500 customers affected Estimated Restoration: Today at 6:00 PM
-BJX  Live stream Tish B'Av event Here 
-Day Camp- Tisha B'av day camp for the public at Camp Ahavas Torah for all Lakewood boys Primary- 8th grade from 2-5 pm The  living Torah museum special ne show about the Churban. Non campers pay $10  at  Lakewood Cheder building Vasser Avenue
-The program for boys led by Rav Kalman Krohn zt"l will continue at the BMG Dining room this year, parents are responsible for their children
-Bingo opens 1:00 pm Gourmet Glatt open 1:15 pm-12:00am, Npgs 2:00 pm- 1:00am  Evergreen 1:00- 12:00 am, Kosher west 1:00 pm , Aisle 9 1 pm- 1am, Seasons open 1:00 pm
-Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation: "Tisha Bav event" $15 adult $12 student
Women: at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 Oak st. 1:15 & 3:30 pm Men 5:45 pm
-2:00 pm, Bnos Agudath Israel will host a unique program for teenage girls To participate in this event call, 425.436.6277-Access Code 244274
-3:00 pm Divrei Chizuk  in Yiddish by Reb Gamliel Hakohen Rabinowitz Shlita  dial 425)-436-6357 access code 589104
-5:00 pm Kinus Hisoirerus at Rav Gissingers shul:
5:00 pm Harav Uren Reich shlita, 5:40 pm Harav Yitzchok Dwek shlita 6:10 pm Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita, 6:50 pm Harav Nosson Levin shlita followed by  Mincha 7:35

-Shachris BMG Botei Medrashim 8:25 am
-Kinus for Women and high school Girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am- 1:15 pm to  Listen live call 732-806-8139 select option 9 then 9 for recording option 4 then 8
-Kinus for women  call in from 9:50 am- 1:00pm 712-832-5656 pin 500#
-KNA Roberts shul kinnus explained 10:00 am with Rabbi Deutch ,project Inspire 1:00
- Live stream Torah anytime all day Tisha B'av Here
-Live stream Kinus with Ren Yosef Newcomb here 9:45 am

Tisha B'Av night:
-Maariv in Botei Medrssh of yeshiva 72 minutes

-Kinus Hisoirerus  Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita Harav Asher Chaim Lieberman shlita KBT 3rd and Monmouth 10:30 pm
-Kinus Hisoirerus at  B"M Ateres Yeshaya  10:15 pm Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita, Harav Aharon Weintraub shlita R"M Philadelphia, Rav Yitzchok Basser shlita Rosh Chabura BMG
-  kinus Hisoirerus tonight in Khal Zichron Yaakov (rabbi Gissinger ZTL shul) 10:00  pm Rav Eli Oelbaum shlita10:30 pm Harav Chaim Weg shlita


  1. I found another district that will be open five days at full capacity. So now it seems 611 to 2. Lakewood is catching up!

    I think that it would not be hard to establish the element of recklessness should an infection be traced to the schools proving causation. The "industry standard," which duty of care is measured against, is working against the district. Taxpayers, do not complain if chv'sh you will have to pay. It will not be the fault of the legal system.

    I do not understand why Lakewood wants to draw attention to the public schools and the backlash from teachers when attention will likely shift to the overcrowded buses and nonpublic schools. I would think that it was in the interest of the olam for the district to keep a low profile.

    When we do whatever we must, please do no blame the teachers' union. American pluralism balances numbers against intensity of interest. The interest of a thousand of you who want us open at full capacity based their theory of infection but have no stake in the public schools does not balance one of us whose lives are at stake. Short of a cohesive majority, that is how our successful democracy works. So if we win, please do ignorantly think it is because of "Democrats," "liberal" or the "Governor is in bed with the unions."

  2. what about the older rebbeim in the chadorim and yeshivos will they be force back to a classroom with no distancing?

  3. It is sad. I have taught in mosods for 25 years. I am fighting because I am locked into the BOE job with tenure, pension, seniority and insurance. I live around the corner from my school.

    Perhaps the rebbeim can try to get an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act if they have uncontrolled high blood pressure, diagnosed anxiety disorder (this might be common) or another condition that puts them at higher risk. Age alone is not a disability. This way if the school is paying insurance, they might continue the insurance and get an office job or something with less risk. I cannot properly advise on this subject as an attorney. I just do not understand the cold-heartedness in our town toward their own brethren who have served their children for so many years.

    I am spending so much time on this while I should be finishing up my preparations to expand my practice to bankruptcy law. Every great society from ancient times to the present had some means of cancelling debts (maybe they learned from us) and it does not seem like anyone is doing that in Lakewood.

    BTW Stacy Barchenger, the former Lakewood reporter, just emailed me that Hoboken is also going on a five day schedule. So it is 610 to 3.

  4. You should retire while you're eligible for pension. Your heroic work will be used as an excuse to fire you.
