Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday July 5 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 92F Chance of Rain 20% Humidity 59% UV Index 10 of 10.

-Day Camps start tomorrow in NJ and locally girls camps begin. Expect traffic with buses back on the road  transporting children.

-Lakewood: Ocean county Health Dept revised number of cases since Friday down to 3 instead of 5. Totals 2997/185
- NJ: 398 new positive cases and an additional 23 deaths the state is starting to see small spikes in COVID-19 reinfection from those returning from out-of-state travel,

-With Rising coronavirus cases in Israel the health ministry is expected to recommend that all yeshivos be shut down now  even those that are open with the capsule formula, there are 3 weeks left  before Bein Hazamanim begins. Indoor minyanim are recommended to be limited to 20 people

-El Al Appears To Be Cancelling All Flights Until September:  With Israel’s borders closed to foreign nationals through at least July 31st, and El Al in a pilot dispute, the airline remains in hibernation mode and has closed sales of all flights through August 31st. read more at Dansdeals

-BlueClaws Fireworks Extravaganza will take place tonight after it was postponed Friday night due to weather. Event begins 8:00pm

-Hachnosas Sefer Torah at Khal D'East  Veterans this afternoon at Melissa Lee Dr Jackson
-Chumash Seudos taking place today at several Lakewood Chadorim

-Murphy: Gov. Phil Murphy called on the federal government to require mask wearing as cases in New Jersey start to climb from residents returning from current coronavirus hot spots. It’s become almost not even debatable,” Murphy said on NBC’s “Meet the Press. “If you’re leaving your house put on a mask. I think it ought to be a national, a national requirement.“

-Kiryas Viznitz of Lakewood begins first phase of construction clearing trees at the former Flea market site on  route 70. The development  will be called south Pointe.

-5 new positive cases in Lakewood since Friday. Totals 2599/185

-Six Flags open today for everyone  by reservation only must wear a mask in the park and on the rides.

-Bde: The Levaya of Mrs Rivkah  Friedland mother of Reb Binyamin will be in lakewood  at 11am at the chapel.

-A 2 yr old girl from Williamsburg went missing shabbos morning 11am at a Bungalow Colony in Monticello, was found safely a few hours later in the woods next to a lake. B"H

-The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday that it was discontinuing its trials of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and combination HIV drug lopinavir/ritonavir in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 after they failed to reduce mortality, Reuters reported.


  1. LSTA bussing $150 courtesy
    BMG grant $$$ students free money
    Masering on shuls
    Westgate bored souls close down shuls
    Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

    1. The comments are really going down hill. If you have to say the samething everyday then just copy/paste like a normal person... None of this "blah, blah, blah" business.
      Ok, enough internet for me today.

    2. Maybe he's also making fun of bla bla bla

  2. Whatever happened to veltnews/greaterlakewood?

    1. The yungerman running it made so much money from BMG handouts that he no longer needs it for parnassa. He was a pain in the Vaads side, so they paid him off. Like all the other news sites in Lakewood over the years.

      On that note, what happened to the organization created to foster a better understanding and respect among the communities in Lakewood. The one with the big PR campaign held in a certain car dealership. Like everything in this town, what you read and see is just a front for what is really happening behind the scenes.

    2. To the question what happened to GreaterLakewood, Veltnews,

      Always happens. Someone thinks they can make a good thing better....end of story!

  3. A six Flags memberJuly 5, 2020 at 7:26 AM

    Six Flags opened on Friday for members & season pass holders. It is now open for everyone, but you must make a reservation online.

  4. sunday busing monies were taken from parents but no service has been provided since March 2020 where is the money that was taken it should go back to the parents.

    $150 charge per child to LSTA for courtesy busing there was no busing for 4 months the money should be returned prorated to the parents.

    1. Now that's how you leave a comment... None of this "blah, blah blah" stuff.


  6. Murphy Shove your masks

  7. @Thinking jew, sorry for not understanding all the lkwd hock, but can you provide details? Are you referring to their change from greater Lakewood to veltnews?

  8. Hey Trump supporters

    Show your support by buying these for your car

    You'll also be supporting a jewish Bochur who made them :)
