Thursday, July 23, 2020

Halachos for Erev Shabbos Chazon 5780

Halachos for Erev shabbos in the 9 days (Based partially on Rabbi Felder Sefer)

Erev Shabbos in the nine days (or Chazon)
-One may cut their Nails for Shabbos since it is not shavua shechal bo.
-One may polish their shoes only with liquid polish according to most poskim.
 -One may brush a hat on erev shabbos since it is not considered washing clothes.
 -Showering is a machlokes if you are allowed kol gufo, the minhag is to be meikel but to use warm water.
-Tasting food that is fleishigs, some poskim- Mekor Chayim 551:9 writes "A woman who needs to taste the Shabbos foods while cooking may do so on Friday afternoon after midday" others hold you
can taste but not swallow and must spit it out. (Shmiras Shabbos Khilchasa 42:61 on Erev Shabbos during the Nine Days, you may also taste the food. However, one should try not to swallow food containing meat ingredients)
Children may eat meat before Shabbos up to 2 hours before the zman according to Rav Moshe Feinstein in Igros Moshe, others (Eliyahu Rabba) hold they may start even from Chatzos. this year 1:03 pm

-If one makes an early Shabbos on Erev Shabbos Chazon he may eat Meat after  the Plag. Lakewood Plag is 6:47 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Reb Moshes psak about children is if they are eating it as a "shabbos seuda" before going to sleep.
