Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Emergency Fire Campaign

                                                                    DONATE HERE
Two Lakewood Families Saw Their Belongings Go Up in Flames R”L

A devastating fire ripped through a home in the heart of Lakewood on Monday. B”H there were no physical injuries, but two families have been left homeless and penniless as a result of the inferno.
The fire consumed virtually everything they own – furniture, clothes, etc. The family did not have renter’s insurance, nor do they remotely have the means to compensate for the debilitating loss.

We cannot sit idly by and leave them in their current state.

For the sake of these families - parents and children - we must help them get back to normal, or they can be devastated for the long term ch”v. We need to help them recover from their trauma. We need to help them purchase furniture, clothes and other basic necessities. We need to help them settle in new homes.

Please contribute generously - now! – so that they can rebuild from the ashes.

Endorsed By:
HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlit”a
HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlit”a
HaRav Yosef Weisblum shlit”a

1 comment:

  1. TO all renters
    PLEASE GET RENTERS INSURANCE and spread the word tp any tenants you know
    It can cost 2-300 a year and them if Chas Veshalom you have a fire you have 50-100,000 dollars to spend instead of relying on a Tzeddaka campaign
