Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Statement From Hershel Herskowitz Regarding The Election

Audio message below


  1. Thanks for trying! I think next time- you ought to open a go fund me kind of thing. Every ad counts. Now people just heard that phone call & saw the vaad ad. They just dont know better! (I assume most people that are here and on your whatsapp group voted for you.) Now you need to reach everyone else...

  2. Turnout in Lakewood is, and always was very low due to apathy. The senior vote alone, if they vote, is enough to get someone elected in local elections.

    The last election when there were a number of challengers, was an eye opener for me. It was not the Vaad who won the corrupt incumbents the election. In many of the frum districts the voting was very competitive. It was the seniors who kept the corrupt incumbents in office

    1. Which is contradictory to Hershels narrative against the vaad.
      The incumbents can be defeated, but it will take a strong candidate with good data analysis, targeted outreach, and exposure. A homespun campaign, with blogs as the only outreach, with no fancy plans, just won't cut it. Fluff sells, and the oilem falls for it.
