Thursday, July 30, 2020

Halachos of Tisha B'Av

Halachos of Motzaei Tisha B'Av that falls on Thursday night

Harav Aaron Dovid Wilner shlita Monsey

- Generally, every year, on the 10th of Av, the restrictions apply until Chatzos (i.e. showering, hair-cutting, washing clothes, music, and wearing fresh clothes). However, this year, since the 10th is Erev Shabbos, l'kovod)Shabbos, these restrictions are relaxed.  Bathing and hair-cutting are allowed, preferably friday morning but, if need be, Thursday evening.  If it is not for kovod Shabbos, the restrictions still apply.  A shower that not for kovod Shabbos is only mutar with lukewarm water.
Regarding doing laundry, even though there are those that are machmir until Friday, there is a strong heter to do laundry Thursday night. Laundry on Friday is permitted without limitation
Listening to music is not permitted until chatzos.
Eating meat and drinking wine, unless it is a seudos mitzvah, should be postponed until chatzos on Friday. (Harav Aaron Dovid Wilner shlita Rav Sharei Tefila Monsey

Source: Daily Halacha
The Peroches should be removed from the Aron Kodesh. Megilas Eicha is read after maariv followed by kinus. By Shachris The chazan says Aneinu we do not recite Avinu Malkeinu or Tachnun. By mincha the tefila of Nachem and Aneinu are said by shemona esrei.
1. One may not wear shoes or sneakers made fully or partially of leather.
2. One may not eat from Sunset on Wednesday night (8:13 pm) until Nightfall  Thursday night (8:59 pm). (With regard to the elderly, sick, pregnant, nursing women, generally we follow the stricter guidelines applicable to the Yom Kippur fast. One must discuss this with a Rov)

3. One may not wash or bathe. (For Netilas Yadayimm in the morning or after using the bathroom one should wash only until the knuckles).
4. One should sit on the floor or on a very low seat (like an avel c'v) until Chatzos on Tisha B'Av day. (Elderly people, pregnant women, and women who recently gave birth are not required to sit on the floor).
5. Many have the custom not to do any work or business until Chatzos on Tisha B'Av day.
6. Generally one may not learn Torah on Tisha B'Av. One may study Megilas Eicha, Iyov, Churban Beis Hamikdash, and Hilchos Tisha B'Av.
7. One should not greet another person on Tisha B'Av, all day. If one unknowingly greets you, answer curtly but courteously.
8. The custom is to not wear Tallis and Tefillin at Shachris, only at Mincha.
The custom is that one should not kiss his tzitzis at Shachris.
9. One should not smoke on Tisha B'Av. If one is unable to refrain one should wait until after Chatzos and not smoke in public.
10. Some have the minhag to sleep in an uncomfortable manner. (e.g. on the floor, or without a pillow, or with 1 pillow instead of 2).
Source:Daily Halacha

Halachos of Motzaei Tisha B'Av that falls on Friday
Harav Aaron Dovid Wilner shlita Monsey
- Generally, every year, on the 10th of Av, the restrictions apply until Chatzos (i.e. showering, hair-cutting, washing clothes, music, and wearing fresh clothes). However, this year, since the 10th is Erev Shabbos, l'kovod Shabbos, these restrictions are relaxed.  Bathing and hair-cutting are allowed, preferably friday morning but, if need be, Thursday evening.  If it is not for kovod Shabbos, the restrictions still apply.  A shower that not for kovod Shabbos is only mutar with lukewarm water.
Regarding doing laundry, even though there are those that are machmir until Friday, there is a strong heter to do laundry Thursday night. Laundry on Friday is permitted without limitation
Listening to music is not permitted until chatzos.
Eating meat and drinking wine, unless it is a seudos mitzvah, should be postponed until chatzos on Friday.
Saying shecheyenu should not be done until chatzos.

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