Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday July 12 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  A good deal of sunshine. High 91F.

Parlor Meeting for yeshiva Heichal Hatorah  ראש ישיבה הרב מרדכי דיק שליט''א באילם עטרת חנה at 8:00 pm

- 4 additional new cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 2621/188

-Protests continue in the frum neighborhoods of yerushalayim under Lockdown order.

-NJ: 349 new positive cases and 16 deaths. The transmission rate is .98.  That means on
average, every newly infected resident is now passing COVID-19 to less than one other person.

-7 new positive cases in Lakewood over Friday total 2617

-The New York State Department of Health released a foreboding letter of guidance concerning sleepaway camps in which they reiterated the restrictions on sleepaway camps in New York State, and reminded the camp operators who have received temporary residence permits of the need to follow rules put in place during the pandemic. The guidance included a reminder of potential large fines for each -violation. (Hamodia)

-Dr. Glatt: Infectious disease specialists say that there is not one case of re-infection of COVID (to date). Any other claims need to be investigated and evaluated because it could be possible. We can’t jump on poor or incomplete information.

-Bde- Petirah of Alexander Rebbetzin Mrs. Rochel Singer A"h Mother of current rebbe shlita


  1. Dr Glatt should get in touch with Dr Ditchek who claims otherwise. Of course if you dare call Dr Ditchek a liar you are labeled a Roidef.

    1. The two went to yeshiva together

    2. אויב אזוי דארף מען פארמאכען די ישיבה

  2. Weekly shiur from Rabbi Michael Sorotzkin Shlita in Hebrew

    *ולא שמת חלקנו מיושבי קרנות*-
    שיעורו השבועי של הרב מיכאל סורוצקין על ספר יהושע
    בנושא: *פרק א'*
    *משרת משה- גדול שימושה יותר מקיומה*

    *שיעור מס' 4*
    יתקיים ביום ראשון אור ליום כ'א תמוז
    בשעה 10:00 בערב שעון ישראל
    15:00 שעון ניו יורק
    20:00 שעון לונדון

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 874 0529 1267
    One tap mobile

    Dial by your location
    Meeting ID: 874 0529 1267

    בישראל: חיוג בטלפון
    מס' פגישה
    אין צורך בסיסמה

  3. Where is the source for Dr. Glatt?

    1. Not so sure. Others are saying someone can catch it twice...

      Although (from a non-medical professional) it probably depends on the level of antibodies. There are so many different tests using different criteria.

  4. There are cases of reinfection. You don’t have to sit by your computer and wright shtusim. It’s easy to verify. BH it’s still extremely rare but it’s definitely happened.
