Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Halachos For Erev Tisha B'Av 5780/ 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 / ח׳ אב תש״פ ערב ט׳ באב
Chatzos: 1:03 pm   Shkia:/sunset 8:13 pm

1. After Chatzos (1:03 pm) on Erev Tisha B'av some poskim hold the minhag is not to learn anything which is Assur on Tisha Bav itself. Only that which is Muttar to learn on the 9th of Av. (see below for permissible learning)
2. We do not say tachnun after Mincha on erev Tisha Beav. One may not take a leasurly stroll unless he does it commonly for health reasons.
3. It is prohibited to fast on Erev Tisha bav. We eat a  final meal before the fast, it is called the Seudas hamafsekes סעודת המפסקת the seudah which separates from eating to beginning the fast of Tisha b'av
4. It must be eaten after noon and before shkiah/sunset (at 8:13 pm) and no other meal may be eaten thereafter. One may drink water or eat if he did not assume the fast after the seudas hamafsekes.
5. The Seudas Hamefsekes may be preceded by a regular meal the minhag is to daven mincha in between the 2 meals.
6. The minhag  for the seudas hamafsekes is to eat only bread and water, and a boiled egg dipped in ash some dip the bread in Ash.
7. The seudah is eaten seated on the ground or on a stool within 3 tefachim, we do not socialize, we it alone and avoid eating three people together to not have  a chiyuv of zimun
8. If  One wants to drink water or eat after the seudas hamafsekes untill shkiah it is better if he stipulates his intent verbally to do so before bentching.
9. We may not sit on a chair after sunset. Shoes are to be removed before shkiah.
10. Individuals who will not be fasting should eat a Seudas Hamafsekes.
Torah Learning permissible on Tisha Ba'v

- The Book of Iyov (Job) and its commentaries

- The Kinos (Lamentations) said on Tisha b'Av may be studied

- Talmud: Gittin 55b - 58b; Moed Katan Chapter 3 (Laws of Mourning)

- Talmud Yerushalmi: Last Chapter of Ta'anis

- Shulchan Aruch: Laws of Tisha b'Av; Laws of Mourning

1 comment:

  1. It is prohibited to fast on Erev Tisha bav.

    No, it is not prohibited. The only days of the year on which it's prohibited to fast are Shovuos and Erev Yom Kippur. If someone wishes to fast on Erev Tish'a B'av he is permitted.
