Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday 17 Tamuz News Updates Lakewood

-Fast of shiva Asar B'Tamuz ends at 9:17 pm

-NWS A Tropical Storm Warning means tropical storm-force winds are expected somewhere within this area within the next 36 hours for  Lakewood - Toms River Peak Wind Forecast: 30-40 mph with gusts to 45 mph - Window for Tropical Storm force winds: until Friday evening

- No new positive cases in Lakewood +1 reported death totals 2608/187

-Bnos Devorah will be giving out Shabbos Boxes today, at 4:30 P.M.

- Vaad Harabonim of Katlin Stolin in Israel those who tested positive should not fast, if you have symptoms fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell you should not fast either.

Video Update by DR. Ditchek. Counselor in Lakewood day camp from Deal, NJ tested positive for covid19, the day camp director is being very proactive and responsible.  There's an outbreak in Deal with positive cases and 2 cases of reinfection where patients  who tested positive had antibodies were negative and now positive again.

-Lunch distribution:
Gelbsteins weekend box  9:00 am at Public schools locations, Middle school somerset, Clifton Avenue school 7th street, Spruce street school
-Pizza on wheels daily lunch 11:00 am- 1:00 pm Route 9 corner Chestnut

- Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity this morning and will not be servicing any new customers today.

-Some coronavirus patients on respirators passed away not because of their illness but rather due to grave negligence and significant failures made by an unskilled nursing staff, reported Yisrael Hayom. The deaths took place in a special corona ward at the Wolfson Medical Center in Cholon where the patients in critical condition were being treated.  one incident where a coronavirus patient was recovering from the respirator and a nurse fed him incorrectly. The patient then choked to death when the food got stuck in his esophagus. Oddly, that patient’s cause of death was listed as coronavirus. Hamodia


  1. What camp? How is camp being proactive? Notifying parents?

  2. Dr. Dietchek does not practice in lakewood, nor is he an epidimiolagist. He has no business spreading fear in Lakewood ( he has a track record of doing this). One or two people getting infected is not an outbreak by any standard.


    1. mashal
      of amalek cooling bathhouse

    2. Is Dr. Ditchek the one who called Lakewood's poskim rotzchim for allowing porch minyanim?

  3. Unfortunately Dr Ditcheck has been saying negative things against Our Rabbanim and choices throughout Corona . He has his own way of seeing things, but , all his “medical advice and facts“ should be understood in that context .

  4. I'm not minimizing anything. But Dr Dietchek has always tried to instill fear . So if it's only his patients that are getting reinfected ,then something is strange . If 5 other Lakewood or Brooklyn doctors start saying they have definite reinfections,then I will believe it .

  5. are you accusing him of lying? making it up?

    1. I'm not accusing anybody of anything . I'm just stating the obvious. There is one doctor who has had an agenda of accusing the frum world of doing dangerous things .He has been extreme and vocal in his agenda Maybe he is right or wrong. I dont know. But if there are 25 other frum doctors who have not seen reinfection, and if the whole world has not really seen any fully documented reinfection, and he is the only one seeing them , then I have a right to be skeptical

    2. Yes. He's either lying, or ignorant. Ask the doctors in Lakewood who are following what's happening and they will tell you.

    3. Dr Ditchek lied about maimonides taking good care of patients. Dr Ditchek lied about his chai lifeline trip. Dr Ditchek used his car to assault people davening with a minyan. Dr Ditchek has lied about what was going on in yeshivas.
      Those are the past, no reason to think this time is different.
      If there were reinfections, this would be all over the news.

  6. Dr Ditcheck actually found time to go to shuls record their davening and posting them on the internet without any attempt to speak to the rov or find out why and what is going on.
    He for sure meant it well and leshaim Shamayim. However he does things his way only - my way or the highway.
    Thus anything he says MUST be verified independently and even then taken with a grain of cyanide.

    1. I know other people who did things about Shuls without talking to the Rov

  7. to Annon 12:18
    Yes, possibly to push his maybe well meant agenda, that everything should be closed until there is a vaccine.
    There has not been any reinfections in the whole world, and the press has been looking very hard for it, except for the cases he is reporting. Not very believable

  8. PSA went to bnos devorah And they ran out before it was even 4:30

  9. Is Bnos Devorah doing it? No boxes here...

  10. He may like to instill fear and he may not like Lakewood but the reinfections are easy to verify and there are several cases of it. At this point it’s rare so doctors are not making a big deal about if but he is. Let’s hope it remains rare.

  11. Who is Dr Ditchek? What is his specialty? Is he an epidemiologist or statistician?

  12. why is a bakery giving farshimalteh broit in the shabbos box

    1. I have extra challah from my box if anyone wants?

  13. Yes please where can I pick it up, whats your phone number
