Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Lakewood BOE meeting

Watch Live stream HERE
Agenda additions HERE
-Move to approve Municipal Leasing Consultants to provide a Lease Purchase for Two (2)
Modular Classrooms at an equipment cost of $1,200,000 and total interest cost of
$111,569.45 at a 3.18% interest rate over Five (5) years. Total payments will be
$1,311,569.45 with 5 annual payments of $262,313.89.
-Approve  Bid to provide 5500 polycarbonate desk shields at a cost of $858,000 for COVID-19
Compliancy for the 2020-2021 school year
-approve Tri Furniture Design, an Educational Data vendor to provide polycarbonate student table dividers for Spruce Street, Piner Elementary and LECC at a cost of $89,923.00

-Move to award Bid 04-2021 for cleaning services for Bais Tova, Shiras Devorah, Yeshiva
Gedola of Woodlake , Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah and Yeshiva Toras Yisroel to Golden Touch
Cleaning and Maintenance at the above maximum yearly costs not to exceed $134,500
based on CARES Act Allocations and availability of funds per each Nonpublic school; and
Move to award Bid 04-2021 for cleaning services for Bais Yaakov, Bnos Brocha, Bnos
Orchos Chaim, Knesses Bais Levi, Mesoros Hatorah, Shalva High School, Tehila Chaya Sara,
Tiferes Shmuel, Yeshiva Bais Aharon, Yeshiva Bais Hachinuch, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim and
Yeshova Or Hachaim to Cleaning Services of Hudson County at the above maximum yearly
costs not to exceed $211,245 based on CARES Act Allocations and availability of funds per
each Nonpublic school

1 comment:

  1. Teachers lives are expendable. That is the message. Our buildings are far above state recommended capacity for safe schools during normal times and now the BOE wants to fill the buildings while the nation is under siege putting every teacher above 50 years old at risk.

    And now that the record is closed in my case, the DOE can do whatever it wants. I have no idea if Lakewood will get the $50 million this year. And will Lakewood get all that money when other districts and the state will have unprecedented shortfalls? We might be risking our lives just to get fired in the middle of the year. They could have saved money by simply having an alternating AB schedule.

    BTW What will happen if the legislature removes the cap on property tax increases? The $140 million of loans is about a full year of property taxes. Thank you BOE!

    I guess my legacy will not be the selfless devotee of education because I am not willing to return to packed building and packed classroom.

    In my opinion, and this is speculation, other than the diversion of attention from what will be packed LSTA buses ("after all, if the public schools are packing their classrooms and their buses..."), there is no legitimate reason that the public schools cannot instruct at half capacity like Brick and Toms River on an AB schedule. But now the BOE says it cares about what public school parents want.

    Where was the BOE when I was demoted? Where were they when I had little or no cooperation during discovery, nay, there was obstruction? Where were they for two decades when the olam wanted them to take action on the funding formula?

    They were waiting for me to defeat two motions to dismiss so that they could try to snatch my work away.

    Where were they when the olam wanted free vocational and professional courses in the old industrial arts wing of the high school? Where were they when I came up with a plan to lower tuition using Option Two of the Administrative Code to provide free English.

    No. I have a life that can impact the larger world, if not inside the classroom, then outside the classroom. I apologize for seeming to make machlokus, but I am not because no one will do anything.
