Friday, July 31, 2020

Summer Bein Hazmanim Begins in Lakewood

For the kolell youngeleit of Lakewood, and Bochurim of BMG summer 2020 vacation begins now as they rest up before resuming to the shtender for upcoming Elul Zman. This past zman was challenging because of the Coronavirus but it did not stop the kol Torah as learning continued in its intensity until Tisha B'av. The learning of course continues in local Botei medrashim some with special bein hazmanim programs. During these weeks one experiences a feeling of relaxation and serenity in Lakewood. This year with covid19 options for going away on vacation are limited and many famillies will staycation instead.


  1. What’s pshat that BMG didn’t send out the stimulus funds to their talmidim yet??

  2. Shkoyach for your synopsis of the Matziv.

  3. Seriously how can yungeleit feel relaxed if they still didn't get the BMG grant money from the hardworking taxpayers?
