Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wednesday December 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather 56° Sunny skies this morning will give way to occasional showers during the afternoon Chance of rain 40%.

- California Governor Gavin Newsom declares state of emergency due to H5N1 bird flu

- Elon Musk: Your elected representatives have heard you and now the terrible bill is dead. The voice of the people has triumphed! Vox Populi 

- Trump believes that the "fight starts now," rather than waiting until he is sworn in - Fox

- RWJ Barnabas Health, New Jersey's largest healthcare system, says all visitors, staff and patients, "are expected" to wear an "appropriate face mask" when visiting any of their 14 hospitals in the state. Visitors will also be asked to clean their hands before visiting and "maintain physical distance (onejerseyschorr)

- Giyus update: Leading sefardi Roshei yeshivos issue a letter as talks of a potential draft law will be signed in the knesset. They call on frum knessset members not to allow any quotas as part of the bill, the status of a frum working boy should be the same as that of a yeshiva bochur learning. No apecial tracts in the army for frum soldiers, if the bill insists on quotas they should not support it.

- Daf Yomi siyum on Bava Basra today beginning naseches Sanhedrin tomorrow 

- MDY shabbos with R Eli Stefansky is sold out will take place at Armon Hotel in CT. Tonight there will be a live shiur in Boro Park beginning maseches Sanhedrin expecting 1000 to attend 

Satmar B"M on Forest Ave in Lakewood anointed daily mincha schedule with minyanim every 20 minutes starting from 1:30pm and on 

- Rav Shimon Galei will attend the Hachana Lshabbos event tomorrow night at the Westin hotel in Princeton,NJ

- Sesame bakery to introduce 20 flavors of sufganiyot this Chanukah and will also have gluten free donuts

- Tonight Rav Yisroel Meir Galinsk shlita,son of yerushalmi Magud Rav Yaakov Galinsky ztl, will speak on inyanei chanuka at the Breslov shul in Lakewood 423 6th st 8:30pm

- House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said Tuesday he believes unidentified drones recently spotted over New Jersey and New York may be “spy drones” from China.

- Elon Musk just said that ANY member of Congress who votes for Mike Johnson’s massive spending bill should be voted out in two years  the $380 Billuion CR bill gives Congressmen a pay raise (from $174K to $243K!) and an opt-out from Obamacare,

- A L’chaim Held in Pine Lake Park in honor of the Hachtara of their New Rav, HaRav Yosef Weisberg Shlita

- Trump: No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year? Makes no sense! Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!

- The heimish lakewood school that gave out readmission cards has announced to the parents that they made payroll since most parents were able to pay up their past due balances. The school still insists that only children with admission cards will be allowed back to school  they apologized for the inconvenience that was caused but were forced to do so  to catch up on payroll

- New Jersey Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Passaic) is calling for a bill incorporating a definition of antisemitism into state law (IHRA) to move after nearly a year of inaction, arguing the bill is needed amid a dramatic rise in bias offenses in the state.(SSchorr)

- The H3 business Halacha summit is underway in Chicago attended by Lakewood rabbinim addressing the issues and challenges faced in the workforce.  

- Yeahthatskosher reflects on the sad closing of a local Restaurant: 
1) The current economic climate likely cannot support every high-end restaurant that opens, be it in Lakewood or anywhere. Lakewood alone has seen a lot of restaurants opening and closing of late, and it’s practically impossible for them to all be viable. South Florida is going through similar things as well. Additionally, restaurants have always been a difficult business to succeed in. That hasn’t changed.

2) Lakewood is a tight-knit community and Seared came in (presumably) without close local ties (according to locals) or an established brand name; compared to another new upscale place like The Loft that has brand name recognition, for example.

3) The “receipt” situation  likely played a role in the negative perceptions of the restaurant, but it is rare for a single bad PR situation to cause a company to fold

4) Businesses need to pay closer attention to public sentiment and take a more hands-on approach to what content they are putting online. The overall community spends plenty of time on WhatsApp (status) or Facebook, and Instagram to ignore these platforms and be able to tell their own story versus having a story told about them (that they can’t control). I don’t expect most restauranteurs to also be marketing or PR experts, but they should hire people or companies to help them with these efforts early on, before they have a problem.


  1. NEW! CHANUKAH GIFT SECTION! Now LIVE on Great deals on all your favorite gifts!

  2. If the way you dress leaves nothing to the imagination, you should rethink your right to leave home.

  3. Rav SB cohen at H3 spoke about the lack of tznius boundaries at work

  4. Love how the gashmiyus of Sesame's 20 flavors falls in between the siyum and shiurim.

    1. That's Ruchniyos. Trash talking is Gashmiyos.

  5. 11:38, if my dress bothers you, then YOU stay in YOUR home ! What's give YOU the right to dictate how people on the street should dress ???

    1. If your dress is not according to torah standards, you should move to another town. I built this torah town so that I do not need to be exposed to the likes of you. Don't move in and defile our town. There are other towns where you are welcome.

    2. It's not the commenter at 11:38 who is 'dictating', it's the dictator of the world.

      Additionally, even if it wasn't assur, the world is not all about rights. Someone who does something not mentchlich in public, can be called out on it. You/your daughter/wife or anyone else doesn't have a right to be ummentchlich without being called out on it.

    3. As a man I'm appalled that people think they can look at whatever they want. You see people driving down the street just staring at every house, every person. You don't have to see everything. And for that that or you don't have to comment or say whatever you're thinking

    4. AB you didn't build nothing. I have the same right as you to live in a home, at a location of my choice, and if you don't like the color of my car, the length of my wig or dress, that's too bad on you.

    5. 1:28 pm
      Show me where the dictator of the world dictated who has the right to leave their Lakewood home and who doesn't

    6. are there really women in lakewood who don't understand what tznius is? are those all trolls?

    7. Are there really men in Lakewood who believe they own the town and have the power to decide who may and who may not step out of their homes?

    8. 11:38
      Just who are you anyway!?
      Dial that screed back up to a previous generation. Any.
      We [at the least if you were orthodox] would all surely have agreed there was something badly wrong with the female who was making that claim!
      We would cluck resignedly "such a prutzah"
      So we agree !
      Ahh! The problem is with who now??

    9. Commenter 5:26 seems to believe that the commenters here are men. Why would you suppose so? Women are also upset about those who breach tznius rules in public.

      Anyway, Mr 11:38 didn't say that they cannot leave their homes. He just suggested that they rethink their rights. Who is against thought? Does dressing pritzusdik cause you to believe that there is something wrong with thinking?

    10. lady, you seriously need the type of help that cannot be found in a comments section on a blog. i don't know what you're going through but your anger and irrational words clearly have nothing to do with clothes. i hope you get the help you need.

    11. You're not entitled to anything.You & we are here in the planet for a purpose.Being immodest wrecks that purpose .Go inside

  6. my rav said not to attend restaurants as often you will seat in proximity to other married women.

    1. I don't know who you are, but are married women also included in the prohibition?

    2. If you are unable to resist temptation while seated with your wife in a restaurant, because you are in proximity to other married women, you should probably never leave your home.

    3. Maybe his wife is part of the problem

  7. Shabbos is not a day of vacation or rest from the pressures of life.
    Shabbos, as the Torah tells us, is a day of ruchniyus, a day to catch up on the Yiddishkeit that may have been neglected because of the week's duties and pressures. On Shabbos, we have extra time to learn, we can teach our children Torah, we have a Seuda with our families to strengthen our group connection to Hashem, with Zemiros and Divrei Torah. Even preparing for Shabbos is a Mitzvah והכינו את אשר יביאו, and we should not give up on it, roping our children to learn about this great day of קבלת פני השכינה.

    When parents, or just a father, go away for Shabbos, leaving their children with the older siblings or a neighbor/family member, they are giving up on something that is really important. Shabbos isn't voluntary, we owe ourselves and children to use Shabbos to teach them and serve Hashem with them.

    Constant Shabbatons are a contradiction to everything we should stand for. At first, they served a purpose, and perhaps were more important than the family Shabbos. But when it is about nonsense like 'meet the founder of MDY', we have forgotten the price we pay for a Shabbos without our children.

    Stop the Shabbatons!

    1. The MDY has become a cult. The shabbaton is a small problem. When learning the daf is about the "merch", we have really lost our direction.

    2. 'It's not about the MERCH it's about the YOMI'

      Halevai one day you get as many people interested in learning as MDY.

    3. Gaslighting at its best

    4. I guess having kids see their father seriously devoted to learn everyday - is not worth anything! - Basically any event mesiba, chizuk etc. your opposed to cause they all come with prices.
      Honestly, reading your comment its not about shabbos kids etc. its about your hate for MDY.
      Very sad

    5. You are right. It is very important for children to see their father devoted to learning every day.
      So he should stay home and learn every day.

      What do Shabbatons have to do with anything?

      And yes, any event, mesiba, chizuk, comes at a price, and people usually weigh up that price before attending. That's why I hardly attend any of them, wherever they are. But the message is that Shabbatons are the ideal, and staying home is the price - the exact opposite. That's why Shabbatons for fundraisers, 'chizuk', conferences, and all other such disturbances bother me. And don't get me started on Shabbos Sheva Brachos, where parents leave their children to attend a friend's party. All should be canceled.

      But none seem as unnecessary as the MDY Shabbaton. No money, no Chassan Kallah, and no meeting Gedolei Yisroel. Just PR for its own sake.

    6. The reason we don't like MDY is precisely because of these Shabbatons. They have cheapened Torah learning, selling it like it was a Schnitzel sandwich and coke in a takeout place. The collection of jokes, the reading of inane emails, the stupid props, and the international trips, are all ways of treating the Torah like a game.

      Teach Torah, but don't denigrate it. If people won't learn without זלזול התורה, let them not learn. Reb Chaim Brisker's timeless lesson in St. Petersburg comes to mind.

    7. Thanks to all those who stuck up to Mori verabi R' Eli. Point is, that although he may make learning " fun and enjoyable", most of his attendees would not have learned anything without his style. And i'm jealous of his schar that he gets for this. Especially his sacrifice of putting his business aside to be marbitz Torah.
      All you guys who say " Daf is treif only Iyun" my Rebbe Reb Eli always says. When was the last time you learnt Torah? " I'm to busy for Iyun, but I can't learn Daf" comes out that since you left Yeshiva, you haven't learnt anything! So you tell me, is it better to Daf or not learn at all cuz your too busy for Iyun

    8. Nobody mentioned 'iyun vs. daf'. The issue was cheapening the Torah. There is no heter to cheapen the Torah to make it more available for the masses.

      We have to uplift ourselves, not lower the Torah.

  8. It's obvious how 1:23 pm is so jealous of MDY success. He preaches that we shouldn't denigrate Torah, and in the same breadth he denigrates thousands of those learning it, all in the name of kovod shamayim. Feh !

    1. So its impossible that its wrong, because there are thousands of people doing it.

      Interesting take.

      Of course, the Jewish take does not accept the idea that masses make right. But far be it from me to force Judaism on anyone.

  9. 2:26 is so busy bashing MDY that he's totally forgotten about mitoch shelo lishma ba lishma. That's chazal who made that up, not stefansky.

  10. The problem with MDY is not שלא לשמה. Even when you learn שלא לשמה, you cannot change the actual way of learning.
    This is like sunbathing at the beach with a Gemara. When someone calls you out on it, there is no excuse of מתוך שלא לשמה.

    The Gemara means 'learning for wrong reasons', not learning wrongly.

  11. If you have a problem with MDY you should have the same problem with the Artscroll shas.
    MDY brought more people back to learning daily than any other program

    1. Artscroll didn't cheapen learning.

      But the main point was the Shabbaton, not MDY per se.
