Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday December 13 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, December 13, 2024 / י״ב כסלו תשפ״ה
ערב שבת פרשת וישלח

Candle lighting 4:13
Shkiah/Sunset 4:31:49
Yartzeit of the Bas Ayin

Weather: 36° A mix of clouds and sun.
Friday night low of 19 shabbos day hi 36° sunny

- Senator Jon Bramnick (R-21) “Last night I received multiple videos of large drone sightings from citizens. The White House is saying ‘we are not seeing what we are seeing’. Let’s be clear, this is not similar to ‘Big Foot’ sightings, these are clear images. We need the Defense Department to investigate.”

- In a new statement, New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew says that "while it has been verified that Iran does have three drone ships, new satellite images show they are currently stationed off the southern coast of Iran."

- NJ Governor Murphy sends a letter to Biden noting that "existing laws limit the ability of the state and local law enforcement to counter" the recent drone activity and asks for more resources to "fully understand what is behind this activity. (Shlomo Schorr)

- Bourdoux steakhouse reportedly bought seared restaurant in Lakewood and will reopen a branch at the location off New Hampshire Ave.
As seared officially closed there's been chatter if a viral receipt that was shared on social media initialy when the store opened contributed to the closure. A conytactor who was involved I  the construction of the store wrote a post that backstory of that receipt was a vendor who wanted to give back to the store owner and purposely ordered all expensive items on the menu. Once it went viral the damage was done and the owners could not recover from that.

- Khal Yeshuos Dovid of Shedlitz annual Melava Malka this motzei shabbos at the Vilas simcha hall E Kennedy Lakewood

- Evergreen now accepting EBT for delivery orders 

- More drone sightings last night in Lakewod Jackson and Toms River 

- The FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security said Thursday that after trying to corroborate reports of mysterious drones flying at night over New Jersey in recent weeks, “it appears that many of the reported sightings are actually manned aircraft, operating lawfully.”

- Legislation was introduced in the New Jersey State Senate today to move the 2025 primary election to June 10, addressing concerns from Jewish voters who cannot participate in the current scheduled datebook Juneb3 as it falls out on Shavuos.

- A local heimish girls school has taken a drastic step to force parents to pay up tuition as the teachers have not been paid. The school sent a letter notifying parents that as of this Tuesday they will re issue admission cards and only those who receive it will be allowed back in. There will be no busing and those without admission  cards will not be allowed in.

- El Al, Israel airline, was ranked 105th on the list of 109 airlines. It was named the fifth-worst airline worldwide by AirHelp, according to their 2024 ranking of global airlines published in December. Due to price gouging concerns and unavailability of flights.

- Reports that Seared restaurant in Lakewood has closed, the company made mo mention of it on the website. Rumors of another restaurant buying it and rebranding.

- Update on Rabbi Peysach Krohn: He has left Stamford Medical Center and is now in a rehab center, where his recuperation will iy”H continue.“He has a journey ahead,” his family tells us, “but with all of the tefillos, he will hopefully have a complete recovery.”
Please keep davening for Paysach Yosef ben Hinda.(Matzav)

-Trump considers supporting an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, a significant change from previously established US policy on diplomacy and sanctions when dealing with Tehran, the WSJ reported.


  1. I say let every single girl in that school not show up Tuesday and let them all take lakeways to those for foridden restaurants

    1. I’m maskim!!!

    2. I assume that's supposed to be a joke, anonymous 8:19. Seriously, what are the schools supposed to do? Schools are not chesed organizations. If they don't have enough money to pay their teachers, they can't just keep providing their services without payment. It's horrible for the parents and students, but they can't keep using the schools' services without payment.

    3. Lets all just not show up to the grocery stores and pizza stores for the next 3 months, until they agree to let us buy food without paying. What Chutzpah to make us pay for the food. We should be allowed to eat as much as we can and not pay. And then they have the gall to not let into the stores because we owe them money?!?! Hutzpah I tell you!

    4. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you operate a Torah school, then do it the Torah way.

      This is not the way Torah schools have operated, anywhere. The situation sounds serious. The school administration should be out there raising funds. The parents should be encouraged and asked to help as well. The organizations and individuals should be helping the staff

  2. Remind me again. How many millions were raised for the mosdos in Israel ?


  3. Lakewood is NOT a community its a yeshiva town and therefore there is no communal responsibility for chinuch habanim. The people's lives and needs are secondary to the Yeshiva. Who cares if they sit in traffic who cares if they can't afford to pay their bills who cares if kids are not in school it's not OUR problem
    the rabbonim are powerless because they are scared of taking charge not to step foot on yeshiva. This is why lakewood has all these problems because there's no leadership for those not in yeshiva

    1. There hasn't been any leadership for almost a couple generations.period.
      & Yet they rejoiced at the burgeoning explosion.
      But then somehow everybody has to shtell as a community

  4. So now that seared closed everyone who publicly knocked the store or was involved trying to deflect guilt and pointing the blame on others including watsapp group who had a long post and a terrible review on the store claiming they weren't around when the viral letter came out

  5. Halachically, once a school accepts a child at the beginning of the year, they must keep them until they can find a new school. Of course, the parents have to pay, but that does not mean that the school can stop doing their job to enforce that. They should go to Beis Din if they have a claim

    1. Anon 3:29,

      Where is this supposed halacha written??

    2. Please show a mekor to such a din. Specifically to girls.
