Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Dec 29 4th Day Chanuka News Updates

 Weather: 62° Overcast

Zman Hadlokas ner Chanukah al pi minhag Hayeshiva for 5th night of Chanukah in Lakewood is 5:03pm candles should burn until 6:22 pm 

9:00pm JCP&L:Updated Est Restore Time: 12/29 11:00 PMCause: Pending Investigation
Crew Status: Additional Crews Requested

- Lakewood representatives in office for 20 years still have no relationship or communication with JCP&L after all these years 

- 8:00pm Cedarbridge area still no power some stores running on generators, bill boards out. Estimated restoration 10:30pm

- 6:45 pm ויהי אור ז B"H power has been restored along Pine St corridor 

- 6:30 The only light in some. Areas is from the chanukah candles.
 Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles thanks all volunteers Manning the intersections where power is out along Cedarbridge Ave. He says there's been almost no contact with JCP&L and will bring it up with the state representatives  to hold utility providers accountable.

- 6:00pm Lakewood  township officials say  they are in contact with JCP&L and  crews are working at substations to repair and fix the problem the restoration time is 7:00pm.

- 5:30 pm  power still out in the Pine st Cedarbridge Oak St areas affecting 4000 customers JCP&L says est restoration is 7:00pm

- Former US  President Jimmy Carter has died he was 100. Presidential funeral will take place. He was the 39th president and served 1 term. In recent Yeats he's become more anti Israel. 
The Camp David Accords, signed by President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in September 1978, established a framework for a historic peace treaty concluded between Israel and Egypt in March 1979.

-Listen Miami Boys choir 1978 song "MR. Carter"
when Carter was forcing Israel to give up land listen HERE chorus: Mr. Carter,
Wadda you want, from meeeee?
You’re a farmer, ooooh, you have your land,
That’s what we want, can’t you see.

- 4:00pm power partially restored, pine st,Cedarbridge areas still out

- 3:00pm Lakewood officials talk tough about holding JCPL accountable as power has not yet been restored on this warm day. LPD says they will send out officers to man the intersections 

-2:30 LPD Alert: Power outages in Lakewood area. Multiple traffic lights are out. Use caution.

- No lights on Chanuka major power outages in Lakewood 
2:10pm Power outages in South Lakewood Cedarbridge Pine St rt 9  ave of the states Oak st, street lights out intersections nat manned use caution
 JCPL estimates restoration at 5:00pm

- Rosenfeld Ranch open today 184 Kent Rd in Howell from 12 - 4 pm
Peyrot arrangements Chateu plaza 30% off today (excludes arrangements)
- Prices of eggs soar selling bet $6-7 a dozen at local stores

- Lakewood,New Jersey had the fourth highest housing cost in the country, after San Luis Obispo, California; West Lafayette, Indiana; and Isla Vista, California, according to the assesment by wallet hub financial website.

Kollel youngeleit and young couples can no longer afford to buy a house in Lakewood. Even with 700 new homes coming to the prospect Cross st area they will not be affordable with asking prices over $1.1 million for a duplex. Younger couples are moving to Jackaon,Howell. Manchester, Toms River, Brick etc.. they prefer these areas as Lakewood developments are starting to age out.
Of the 32 New Jersey spots that WalletHub ranked, Long Branch and Toms River were the only others in Monmouth and Ocean counties. 
Lakewood, Atlantic City and Camden were at the bottom of the chart, according to WalletHub, when it comes to "Quality of Life." Source

- Freehold raceway mall held its final race yesterday and the race track has now officially closed.

- Lakewood mayor Ray Coles to be sworn in for another term on Wed Jan 2 on a zoom call Committeemen Lichtenstein and Miller will also be sworn in via zoom as the committee refuses to hold public meetings in person since covid.

- Free Chanukah Event today Sunday at American Dream mall with live music, interactive shows, and Chanukah crafts. Sunday Dec 29  2-5:30 pm with 4 interactive shows located at court A stage

-APP Editor's note: Antisemitism isn't just on the rise in the Lakewood area. It's becoming more aggressive and it's happening out in the open. The Asbury Park Press spoke to community leaders, residents old and new and analyzed hundreds of police bias incident reports to get a sense of how antisemitism has become a part of daily life in several Jersey Shore towns. Here's what we found:

- South Korean plane crash at airport at least 177 killed Emergency responders rescued two crew members. The passenger plane skidded off the runway, crashed into a concrete fence, and erupted into flames after its front landing gear failed to deploy.


  1. Developers insist there's a need for more housing in Lakewood but the ones moving in are now mainly chasidim from new york.
    The only thing that can help is affordable townhouses built for youngeleit otherwise there's no point to flood another 1500 cars on cross st for out of towners

    1. Liar. Most of the new developments are not for chassidim. But it's because you believe that, you don't force your leaders to take action.

    2. the developments are for anyone who wants to buy them
      When the developers could not sell Oak & Vine they went to Brooklyn and got people to buy them.
      same with Eagle Ridge if they can't find local people to buy they will look to import some people to buy.

    3. oak and vine was specifically marketed to chasidim from new york because developers knew they would be willing to pay more.

  2. So the 1.1 mil houses will sit we don’t need to spend those prices. It’s cheaper to live in good old Flatbush at least we had quality of life in Flatbush

    1. Flatbush it’s 1.1 million for a house smaller then the basement of a Lakewood duplex…and needs renovation.

  3. Yet another symptom of the underlying problem plaguing our community: A severe lack of serious leadership. Lakewood was originally a small community of serious Bnei Torah, so unlike your typical city with many types and stripes, which always had Rabbonim setting guidelines etc., here we have the “Roshei Yeshiva”, who almost never get involved with communal affairs. This was the way it was in R. Aharon’s and Reb Shnuer’s times - and for good reason, they didn’t need to get involved. Lakewood- as a town, was the Yeshiva. Everything was small and everyone living here was associated with the Yeshiva in some way. (Aside from that old timers who keep to themselves). Fast forward to today, Lakewood has completely exploded, and has changed vastly since the 1980s, yet nothing has changed in terms of leadership. Instead, we are controlled by “The Vaad”, which is made up of who exactly? And how did they get there? (Asking for a friend). And yes, this has practical implications all the way up to the planning board, the Mayor (think heavy traffic), etc.

    On a practical level, if there was leadership, a Cherem would have been in place and developers would be forced to overdevelop some other place. In what world is charging $1.1mil for a poorly built duplex normal?!

    And yes, bringing in Chassidim from Brooklyn - who can easily afford higher prices - is obviously part of the problem, not the solution. Those who say otherwise are naïve or arrogant. This has been going on for years now, and nobody cares? There’s no question that these on these developers you can say עתידין ליתן את הדין — you price Yungleit out of Lakewood and you think you will get away with it? Sorry no such luck.

    For anyone who mentions שנאת חנם and the like - you’re completely missing the boat. I’m just curious when the last time a Yungerman from BMG moved to Monroe? Or to Linden? Union City? New Square? After all, housing is much more affordable there…

    1. שנאת חנם?!
      R Shneur wouldn't allow a streimel on premises.At most they keep it in their home
      Such previous attitudes made this town thrive!

  4. Most of the factors in the "Quality of life" category has no relevance to the Orthodox community, such as:

    Bars per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Clubs per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Coffee & Tea Shops per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Movie Theaters per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Museums per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Performing Arts Centers per Capita**: Full Weight (~1.25 Points)
    Fitness Centers per Capita

  5. What's happening to Lakewood is the same what happened in Yerushalayim and Brooklyn the people who made the town successful were priced out after everyone wants to live there. The only difference is in Lakewood they could have kept prices down by developing affordable homes for the kollel instead greed and power took over as a result lakewood is no longer affordable for litvish bnei Torah

  6. Even today the funding for much needed infrastructure gets diverted by the politicians to pet projects instead of building sidewalks and safer roadways for lakewood citizens.
    They keep on fooling us about the bloc vote how it will bring more money from Trenton
    Facts are nothing went to help lakewood tax payers as they 10 million grants wentbto health care facilities and new roadways that have not yet been built in GCU
    The corruption by unzere sadly runs very deep on the expense of frum paying taxpayers

  7. Township officials are cowards they blame everyone else but themselves and hide from the public it's never their fault

  8. Menashe Miller was spotted at the town hall putting out a video about the black outs but he can't show up for a public meeting to face the public

    1. When their term is up, vote them out. Only fools keep on electing the same people, thinking something's going to change. Must be a record that Coles is again Mayor for another year.

    2. Lakewood should be ranked as the most foolish city after 30,000 just voted to elect Miller and Lichtenstein for another term

    3. Jews are fools??

    4. We are not fools but sometimes do foolish things like electing the same peeiple over again and again after they ruined the quality of life and raised taxes

    5. ..When it repeats itself too often
      Quacks & walks like a duck

  9. The reality is that the 'peace' treaty woth egypt did save many Yiddishe lives.

    Very different than oslo

  10. Hahahahaha
    Menashe Miller
    Meir Lichtenstein
    Ray Coles
    Have been in power for 20 years and did NOTHING about JCPL an. Suddenly they talk tough and point fingers when in truth it is THEY who have failed us

  11. Excuse me, someone mentioned, litvisge Bney Torah, I have yet to see in Lakewood s Real litvisge Ben Torah who doesn't touch his beard or payos, gets up early to say tikun chatzis, is makpid on tvilas Ezrah etc etc. Shaving and davining Ashkenazi doesn't make you a litvisge Ben Torah. Outside of Yerushaliam and Bney Brak, very hard to find. So please give me a break with your litvisge Bney Torah of Lakewood!!

    1. Pardon,ehh
      Those who arrived from Kobe, Siberia,or China wouldn't have done any of the above.

    2. A Litvishe ben torah is someone who treats torah learning as an ikkar over all those other things you mentioned.
      You obviously know nothing about Litvish or bnei torah

    3. For many years, anyone who hated Torah and attempted to cover it with a veneer of religion, whined about shaving. It is a way the amei haaretz feel good about themselves. "I am an am ha'aretz, my Rebbe is an am ha'aretz. But our facial hair is awesome."

    4. many Litvish are makpid on tevilas Ezra. the fact that you "have yet to see it" says more about you than about them.

  12. Assemblyman Avi Schnall talks tough against jcp&l
    Hey Mr schnall your excuses are also up
    Where's the tuition vouchers you promised???
    We had enough if your inaction you're just piling on with the other politicians to deflect blame
    What a shame for you to stoop to this level instead of owning up for failing to deliver tuition relief with your democratic caucus that we were all bullied to vote for

  13. Any other attention seeker wants to put out a angry video about the blackouts

  14. About 10 years ago a utility worker told me that we were going to have blackouts and other similar infrastructure problems since they were adding so many new buildings without upgrading the systems.
    This was just a rank and file guy pretty low on the totem pole but he saw this problem long ago. So basically Mr Schnall can pontificate and blame the electric company but they will just retort that the town allowed to much building for the system to handle.

    1. That is a bunch of baloney. The utility company is responsible for upgrading their infrastructure to match what an area needs. They have not kept up their grid which is the core of the issue.

  15. Weren't the blackouts caused by a crazed man crashing into a utility pole? How is jcpl responsible for that?
