Reminder יעלה ויבוא and על הנסים
Rosh chodesh Teves 6th night of חנוכה
Siegfried - Ort Fountain Ballroom
Gofman - Hafzi Ateres Reva
והדליקו נרות בחצרות קדשך
Hadlokas Neiros & Mesibas Chanuka at the home of Reb Chaim Eluzur Klein shlita 174 Village Path Lakewood 8:00 pm
Admor Dzikov Vizhnitz 8:45 pm at Viyolepol
Road Line County East 1142
Admor מתולדות יהודה סטוטשין שליט"א will light menorah at Yeshiva Ktana hall 2nd st Lakewood
Admor מקאליש שליט"א will light hadlaka in Toms River at khal Mekadshei Hashem Neimark
Admor Skulen Lakewood will be lighting tonight in Staten Island at the new Skulen BM
Tnu Kavod LaTorah
ReplyDeleteKollel Choshen Mishpat and Even HaEzer of Lakewood will be having their annual Chanukah mesiba bhishtatfus HaRav HaGaon Eliyhaou Levin shlita tonight at Bais Medrash Kol Aryeh. This is the Kollel's one fund raiser of the year.
Rav Levin is a link to the Gedolim and values of the previous generation. A talmid of Rav Elya Lopian ztl, Rav Shach ztl, and Rev Berel Soloveitchik ztl he is a world wide recognized authority on Inyanei Choshen Mishpat. He is perhaps most famous as the driving force behind the heter for the Cantor Fitzgerald agunot of 9/11 to remarry, Known as Rav Elyashiv's man in America Rav Levin is an original; a man of great intellect and unimpeachable integrity. Many of us have had the inspiration of davening with Rav Eliyahu. Come out to support the real McCoy. and no he is not on Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
We would love to see you but if you can not attend please QR code on the sign in shul. This is the Kollel's one fund raiser of the year.