Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wednesday February 8 News Updates

 Weather: 54° Plenty of sunshine. High 54F. 

- Phil Murphy We’re raising the minimum monthly benefits SNAP households can receive from $50 to $95 as the federal government’s temporary boosts come to an end next month.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Henya Federman a"h the Chabad Shlucha in the Virgin Islands, passed away today in Lakewood at a acute care facility  She was 40 years old.

 - New release from artscroll "Rav Chaim": The Life and Legacy of the Sar HaTorah Rav Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky by  Naftali Weinberger.

- Earthquake death toll exceeds 11,000, in Turkey & Syria, while 2 minor quakes were felt today in Eretz Yisrael. 

- LIC meeting today voted on professional services including for Marketing and Public Relations services at a  rate of $24,000.00 annually

- Haspedim tonight on the Yartzeit of Harav Dovid Soloveitchik zatzal at Madison Manor hall 4th ans madison Lakewood  divrei hesped by Dayan Brody  shlita and Rav Shlomo Cynamon of Torah Vodaas 10:00pm

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Shimon Baadani Zatzal  at Etz Chayim 21 Cedar st  Lakewood   divrei Hesped by Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Ezra  Zefrani  shlita, Rav Admon  Nachum shlita, Rav Shmuel Shwekey shlita, Rav Shlomo Malka shlita 7:00 pm

- President Joe Biden on Feb. 8 was headed to Wisconsin, a battleground state to press his economic message and other themes from his State of the Union address as he prepares for an expected reelection announcement in the coming months.

- Super bowl related advertisements  printed in some publications and on their social media accounts. One eatery named the specials  after  the sidrei Hayeshiva offering a first seder & Second seder special. 

-Lakewood Planning board last night added alternate member to the roster. The board also pushed off a application for a new seminary dorm building due to pending lawsuit, the board will hear the application on Feb 21. More at faanews

- Farher season in ful swing with boys taking multiple farhers in a few mesivtas answers are given quickly with little time for parents to decide, sometimes even before other scheduled farhers.

- Former President Donald Trump has delivered his “real State of the Union” in a counterpoint to President Joe Biden’s Tuesday night address, releasing a video in which he laments a nation facing “crisis, calamity, and disaster” but also vows to “reverse” it all. Trump excoriated Biden on myriad issues: the border, drug trafficking, crime, inflation, energy, liberal indoctrination and others that are “leading us to the brink of World War III.” “And, on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt president in American history, and it’s not even close,” Trump said in his two-minute response, which aired on Newsmax. “But the good news is we’re going to reverse every single crisis, calamity and disaster that Joe Biden has created. “I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of making American great again. We will make our country better than ever before, and we will always put America first.” (Newsmax)


  1. Truth is myself and many other are sick of Trump and his antics. He needs to reinvent himself, not sure if it is possible.

  2. The mesivta faher system is horrible, and needs to be fixup immediately, it's killing loads of bochurim before they even had a chance to start mesivta.

    1. ok genius. please tell us how you would do it dfferently and better.

    2. Whats the problem with the Faher System? Aside for that, the 8th grade rebbes input is just as important if not more so than the Faher itself

  3. How far Lakewood has fallen. It’s bad enough they’re advertising Super Bowl specials. They have to noch name it after sidrei hayeshiva??? R”L

  4. I’m pretty sure when R Aaron was alive there weren’t any Super Bowl specials.

    1. There was no cheftzah of The Super Bowl in tzeit fun Kletzker Rosh Yeshiva. It was first played in 1967 lemisporom, years after Rav Aharon zt"l was niftar.

  5. If our system is creating these kinds of roshei mossad, why would someone want to perpetuate it by subjecting their kid to the type of chinuch that created these chashuva egos in the first place?

    1. You can send ,out if town, you can send to public school ,you can hire a Talmud chochom without an ego and make your own mesivta. There are plenty of choices

  6. We've become like the modern Orthodox fully embracing American culture and acknowledging it.

  7. 'crisis, calamity, and disaster'

    And that's it. Fear politics in a nutshell.

    Fellow Yidden! Keep far away from morons like this! They mess with your brain and make you more problems than you knew you had. Immigration, even illegal, is not your da'agah. Balloons from China do not affect your life. Neither do classified documents and laptops. Don't let people make you think they are your problem.

    1. Hopefully we can be bigger than grabbing more political pork

  8. Is the Cheder doing MK? What's wrong with lakewoood's existing mosdos (TAG, Igud Hamesivtos) that we need commuters from Flatbush to tell us what to do?

    1. Tag is a very bare minimum level of filtering, many things that are allowed are far from kedusha that should be in a Jewish home. Most chasidus do not accept Tag's low standards, shows how far litvaks have fallen in this area. It's a it's an embarrassment that we are far behind Flatbush in the regard. We are so busy thinking we're better than everyone else, after all we are Lakewood ir hatorah, that we're ignorant to the truth of we as a society have become. We need much more, but this is a start.

    2. Rumors are that Igud Hamosdos is working very closely with MK to implement in all Lakewood schools.

    3. Lol, as if all Lakewood's problems are from the Brooklynites who moved here. Wake up and realize the messed up kids are all second and third generation Lakewooders. Keeping your head in the sand will get you very far.

    4. it's interesting how all the chasidim who chose to move to lakewood from brooklyn all know how terrible lakewood is and how good brooklyn is, but still chose to move here.

    5. @5:24 I am not sure why chassidim have to make everything into an us vs them fight; nor do I see the need for shooting up the room with an AK47.
      I learn in BMG, have a TAG filter, and my level is much higher than any Chassidishe Mosad. And how many people never filtered their device because their Mosad didn't let them have what they needed.

    6. If you have a TAG filter and your standards are low its because you asked for it. TAG's standards are exactly the same as MK, unless you asked for something else. Been there done that.

    7. TAG filtering your device is as strong or as weak as you request it. TAG working with a moissed will be as strict as the moisseds takanos.
      And What a stupid thing to say most chassidus don’t accept TAG.

    8. Unless you ask for stricter filtering, Tag's defaults are more lenient than MK. Been there done that. MK has gotten much stricter since it's inception.

  9. I guess your son didn’t get into any of the mesivtas you wanted? It’s hard but how would you make the system better?

    1. All the issues arise from the dog eat dog world Mesivtas have become. Mesivtas demand an answer immediately after a farher, which was once completely unheard of. All too often, either someone "settles" on a mesivta, even though they have other farhers scheduled, because they are afraid they be stuck without any appropriate option. Or just the opposite they don't get into the "better" mesivta, and at that point they no longer have an option for a slightly less caliber mesivta. And they end up in someplace they don't belong. These days a bochur is basically doomed for life if he ends up in the wrong place for HIM. Bochurim and their parents aren't given an opportunity to sort out where to that best for each bochur. Yes many 8th grade Rebbeims properly advise bochurim where to go, but the high pressure farher and give an answer on the spot doesn't give them a chance.

      1. All Mesivtas should mail acceptance to arrive in the same day.

      2. If a Mesivta has 35 slots with 75 applicants, and 50 of the 75 are accepted, they should make goral.

      3. There should be a 72 hours window to come back with an answer.

      And more, but this would be a start.

    2. there are many reasons why your proposed system wouldn't work.

    3. Like everything else here, it's not what you know, it's who you know

  10. You can’t accept someone and then back out after a goral. That doesn’t make sense.

  11. Tag is a business like any other.

    1. I wish it was. Every organization should be run as a business. That is the key to success.

    2. C’mon man. That’s stam shekker

  12. Every organization should be run as a business.
    Another selfish absorbed johnny come lately
    And pull the plugs in hospitals for savings
    Animal Farm is how that is.Wicked.
    Every nonprofit organization that went that way-& many continue - soon enough tragic for the larger public
    eg California tried it with utilities.Disaster.
