Saturday, February 11, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Yisro 5783

- Canadian and U.S. aircraft shot down an "unidentified object" today that violated the airspace — PM Trudeau comfirmed

- Yerushalayim terror attack on erev shabbos: 3 killed in the attack. 8 year old boy Asher Menachem Paley hy"d was niftar in the hospital over shabbos. His 6 year old brother was also killed R"L. His levaya took place motzei shabbos and were buried next to each other. The levaya of Reb Alter Shlomo Lederman HYD a Pinsk Karlin chosid took place motzei shabbos. 

 - Death toll in Turkey earthquake rises to over 27,522 dead, 85,616 injured

- The U.S. military on Friday afternoon shot down a "high-altitude object" flying over Alaskan airspace and Arctic waters, the U.S. does not know who owns the object, and he would not call it a balloon, like the one allegedly owned by the Chinese government,but it was reported to be a small baloon the size of a car.

- Lakewood Cheder internet and technology related gathering for parents takes place starting this Motzei Shabbos the first of two meetings.

- Yeshivas Chayei Olam annual reception tonight Motzei Shabbos at Vizhnitz hall Clifton Ave.

- fourth annual "Super Soul" Super Bowl party for homeless will take place in Toms River and its sponsored by One Ocean County, an organization founded by Orthodox Jewish community activists that works to build bridges between people of different cultures and faiths. Toms River party organizer Avi Kotler said a $100 Visa gift cards..will also be given away. A grand prize of an overnight trip to New York City, along with cash(APP)

2 brothers ages 6&8 years old killed R"L

From the cheder where the boys learned


  1. Why mention super bowl are we into goyish things?

    1. Take a survey Monday morning by your dad yomi shiur, morning kollel, work, wherever. What percentage didn't watch,watched,and watched at a party. You'll be horrified at the results.

  2. The above is great news for NKUSA, Wiess and his mentally ill comrades are celebrating their murder, dancing together with their Arab ym"s friends!

    1. Do we need to be mekatreg on other yidden now!

    2. Ben gvir is at fault for these terror attacks

  3. Easy answer for mesivta problem. Every cheder has to open mesivta.
    not throw their hard work of 9 years in the street and let them fend for themselves.
    It's outrageous.
    Does Torah Vdofass Torah Teminah etc not have mesivta after cheder.why is Lakewood different?
    Time we get some action in this problem plaguing us all.
    Let's not krechetz let's do something
    ask roshy mosdos of chadorim why they don't have a mesivta????

    1. It won't a an aleph mesivta, it'll be a mixed school, and where the prestige in that? Don't you realize the only way your kid could shtieg is if he's one of 40 in a shiur of clones?

    2. Won't work on Lakewood, Lakewood mesivtas each need to cater to a different every "type" of bochor, and 8th grade is the perfect age to grade and categorize each bochor for life. Our mesivta chinuch experts do a letter job than Hogwarts' sorting hat.

    3. For who? The boys who don't get into top tier yeshivos?

    4. Guess what, the elementary schools have mesivtas and they are picky and selective and only take the boys they want. It is not an automatic entry. The other unwanted boys are pushed to other mesivtos.
      The way to fix it is by parents insisting they won't send to all metzuyanim mesivtos but only those that have a healthy mix and balance

    5. Actually it’s the opposite. The concept of most of Chedorim also having mesivtas as connected entities is unique to Brooklyn and our current period of time. That wasn’t the case historically. Outside of Brooklyn and kehilla owned mosdos it still isn’t the normal expectation of a cheder. Lakewood is the norm.

  4. What terrible things is The Cheder forcing parents to do?

  5. One is they’re having an asifa now presumably to aser the internet and probably smartphones as well.

  6. An F-22 shot down the balloon. Trudeaus's joke forces weren't capable actually.Another media coup painting to him the credit.
    The canadian media is worse even than the US, if that is possible

  7. The cheder event was very nice and was an 'awareness' event of the dangers of technologies. Some boys are very creative in accessing internet. Parents need to be made aware of issues. They can meet with TAG to assist them in making sure all is good.
