Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Wednesday Feb 1 News Updates Lakewood

 weather: 39° Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 39F. 

- Powerball lottery drawing tonight 11:00 pm jackpot $653 Million

- An FBI spokesperson identified the suspect in the Sunday morning attack in Bloomfield for trying to firebomb a synagogue in Bloomfield, NJ  as Nicholas Malindretos. 25-year-old, from Clifton, is expected to face federal arson-related charges,

- Verizon has signed a long-term lease agreement  for installation of a new cell tower in South Lakewood, a 140-foot monopole telecommunications tower in back of the store building at 1364 River Avenue LLC  FAA News has learned. This proposal would still require Zoning Board approval with a public hearing.  See more at Faanews 

- Donald Trump responds to Nikki Haley’s most likely planned Presidential announcement scheduled for Feb. 15. “Nikki has to follow her heart, not her honor. She should definitely run!”

- Pow wow business expo going on today at Bell Works empowering business growth until 7pm

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled new date to be determined

- FBI personnel search Biden's beach home in Delaware 
-Low flying helicopters were seen today inspecting wires for JCP&L

-Egg prices come down a bit available at Kosher west and Bingo for $299 for XL the WIC ones are double in some stores

- The Jackson Township Zoning Board is scheduled this Wednesday to consider 2 shul applications. Khal Hampshire Hills has applied, to construct a shul on North County Line Road and Piccadilly Drive. another shul application for Ashford road see full details at Faanews 

- BDE: Petirah of Rabbi Shlomo Spira Z”L of Lakewood, previously of  Yeshivas Novominsk, Levaya is at the Lakewood chapel 12:00 pm

- BDE: Petirah of Harav Mordechai Avrohom Katz zt”l, longtime rav of K’hal Avreichei Torah Vodaas in Boro Park. Rav Katz, affectionately known as Rav Mottel His father was Harav Aharon Aryeh Katz, rav of K’hal Bais Aharon in Flatbush, and his mother was Rebbetzin Malka, daughter of the Faltishaner Rebbe Harav Elazar Twersky zt”l. Levaya will be at K’hal Avreichei Torah Vodaas, at 5310, 16th Avenue at 1 p.m.(Hamodia)

-Members of kehillat Etz Chaim of Jacksonville, are on a chizuk visit to Lakewood learning sedorim at BMG

- Earlier today at the new Torah links center in Lakewood a Rededication of Aron Kodesh from 15th Century took place for the new shul

- Jersey Shore University medical center in Neptune  makes the list of top 250 hospitals in the US by Healthgrades ranking. Nearly 75% of patients would recommend the Hackensack Meridian Health-owned hospital. It scored best in bariatric surgery, cardiac, critical care, gastrointestinal and neurosciences.

- Letter regarding the chumash peshuto shel  Mikrah פשוטו של מקרא by Harav Elyokim Shlesinger shlita of Yeshivas Harama zkan Roshei Hayeshiva in England 


  1. Yasherkoach to BMG and the general Lakewood community for your warm embrace of the Jacksonvillle FL. Kehila. You made a tremendous and positive impact. I hope y'all appreciate how fortunate you are to live in such a unique and invigorating city.
    Be blessed holy yidden!

  2. For context, publish his letter about the Schottenstein Shas too.

    1. The reason there has been such great enthusiasm for learning daf yomi over the past 20 some odd years is almost entirely due to the great service that Artscroll has provided Klal Yisrael. Time has shown what kind of tremendous asset this has been for all.

    2. What does that letter say?

    3. You can argue with him if you want. But he has a strong letter against the Schottenstein Shas. Don't pick and choose Rabbis. If you want to follow this one, throw out your Artscroll too. And take them out of every Shul, like you did with the פשש"מ

  3. As for the Maimonidean controversy etc different rabbis will have different opinions

  4. ע"ד מה שנתפרסם כאן לפני איזה ימים מכתב מאת הגאון הגדול מוהר"א גורוויץ שליט"א
    הגאון הנ"ל בעצמו ציוה לתלות את הקול קורא בישיבתו, וגם ציוה לכתוב על גביו בפירוש, שהוא נתלה ע"פ הנהלת הישיבה.
    גם דיבר המשגיח שליט"א דשם, על פיו נגד החומש בכמה דרשות בפירוש, וגם תלה מודעה קודם השמוע"ס שידבר על כך כדי שכל הבחורים יבואו.
    המדייק במכתבו ]שכפי הידוע צריך לדקדק היטב מאוד בכל דבריו הק'[ יראה שאין כוונתו כי אם לומר שאין צריך לשרוף באש את הפשוטו של מקרה )כצ"ל עם ה'( כי הרי מותר לומר פשטל"ך על הפרשה אף שהפירוש הוא דלא כדרשת חז"ל, אבל ח"ו לא שילמדו בחומש הנ"ל אלא כתב בפירוש שחומש, אפילו גדולים, צריכים ללמוד רק בפירוש רש"י
    כל מה שכתבתי אפשר לברר מכל בחור הלומד בישיבה בגייטסהעד כי הוא גלוי ומפורסם לכל וכך השיב הגאון הנ"ל בע"פ לכל השואלים אותו דבר ה'
    וה' הטוב יכפר בעד

    1. הרב גורביץ כתב בפירוש מה שרצה לכתוב, הוא לא חתם על מכתבו של אחרים. אין צריך שום פשטים ושום פטפוטים של איזה משגיח.

      והוא כתב להדיא שצריכים להקדים את פירוש רש"י, ואח"כ ללמוד כפי שלבו חפץ. ומותר ללמוד בפירוש פשוטו של מקרא, ואם נראים דבריו יותר מרש"י, ע' פנים לתורה.

      הוא לא שלל את הפירוש פשוטו של מקרא, הוא לא זלזל בו והוא לא חושב שיש איזה בעיא במה שנכתב שם.

      ואני לא חושב שאיזה בחור צעיר הלומד בגייטסהעד יש לו הכלים בכלל להגיד את דעתו, באשר רוב הבחורים דשמה כמעט ואינם יודעים קרוא וכתוב.

      ובטח לא כתב ולא דייק לומר 'חס ושלום'. רק עוכרי ישראל הרוצים לשלול את התורה מפי לומדיה כותבים מילים כאלה על תורת ה'.

    2. Are you suggesting that you can't learn any peirush other than rashi?

    3. Where is this from besides from some anonymous forwarded whatsapp message?

    4. R' Gurwitz's handwritten words, which for most normal people don't even need to be said, are clear: AFTER ONE HAS LEARNED RASHI, THERE IS NOTHING WORNG WITH LEARNING THE OTHER PERUSHIM CITED IN THIS CHUMASH, AS THERE ARE 'AYIN PANIM LATORAH'. PERIOD. Don't lie and distort what he said.

  5. The was a sign up in Bmg after the original kol koreh, saying that Rabbi Forcheimer said פשוטו של מקרא should not be burned, rather it should be put in shaimos.

    1. Of course it shouldn't burned! The kol koreis against a chumash that has been a great asset to many Jews SHOULD be burned

  6. When are they gonna ban Rashbam Radak Ri Bchor Shor ibn Ezra Ri Kara ibn Kaspi Ralbag etc ? Artscroll will be pumped

  7. The one that maybe is relevant is Ralbag
    Though so happens that these ignoramuses who keep harping on the comparison wouldn't even know

    1. The true amaratzim are the ones like you who are against this masterpiece of a perush that you couldn't even dream of composing and compiling (not even a single pasuk). And let's hear your problems with the holy Rishon, the Ralbag, whose words are cited with reverance by tens of later meforshim and whose gadlus you couldn't approach to fathoming in a thousand years.

    2. Cited with reverence.Very Good. Slow though.So now you are coming around to the goal of the defenders of the Ban.

    3. I'm not the author of the previous comment, but it's actually just the opposite: those who are battling against this phenomenal Chumash are the ones who are denigrating the Rishonim by belittling their perushim, as though only Rashi counts. Rashi would sit shiva on someone like you! This is a Chumash which every house, Shul and Yeshivah should have as a necessity. It is an absolute masterpiece that everyone -- no matter their level of erudition -- would gain immensely from.

  8. Maybe I'm wrong, but I never knew that the Ramban, Rashbam, Radak, Abarbanel, Malbim, Netziv (the sources used by this wonderful, masterful perush) were apikursim, chas veshalom, whose Torah needs to be burned no less. Since only Rashi is acceptable and represents our whole mesorah, how does the Rambam, etc., constantly argue on Rashi?? I guess once were at the burning ceremony, we should throw Mizrachi, Maharal, sifsei Chachomim, etc. into the bonfire too, since anything but the pure words of Rashi must be discarded (ch"v). There is a consistent trend regarding the letters about this Chumash: Whoever is against the chumash never actually went through an appreciable amount of the material (if they had, they would see that there is not one thing wrong with it (as Dayan Kraus, R' Avrohom Gurwitz, and others have attested); and whoever is for it ACTUALLY LEARNS FROM THE CHUMASH and knows its worth.
    [Also, it was not Rashbam but Rabbeinu Tam who allegedly made that statement regarding Rasho al HaTorah, and there is no real source for the comment.]

  9. לידע ולהיודע
    הגאון הצדיק מוהר"ר אברהם גורויץ שליט"א בעצמו ציוה לתלות את הקול קורא בישיבתו, וגם לכתוב על גביו שהק"ק נתלה ע"פ הנהלת הישיבה )כינוי שם להראש ישיבה והמשגיחים והרמי"ם(.
    גם דיבר המשגיח שליט"א דשם על פיו נגד החומש בכמה דרשות בפירוש.
    מכתבו הוא רק לומר שאין צריך לשרוף באש את הפשוטו של מקרה )כצ"ל עם ה'( כי מותר לומר פשטלאך על הפרשה שהוא דלא כדרשת חז"ל, אבל לא שילמדו חומש ממנו דו"ק.
    כל מה שכתבתי אפשר לברר מכל בחור הלומד בישיבה בגייטסהעד כי הוא גלוי ומפורסם לכל
    וה' הטוב יכפר בעד

    1. הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו
