Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday Tu B'shvat Feb 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 51° Mostly cloudy skies partly cloudy this afternoon. High 51F.

Gov. Murphy today digned the “Temp Worker Bill of Rights” is the first of its kind in the U.S. and will benefit more than 127,000 essential temp workers employed by at least 100 agencies in the Garden State, primarily in the warehouse and logistics sector.

- Miracle in Monsey after  Hatzloah and Chaverim volunteers responded earlier to a call after multiple children were falling through the ice on Suzanne Lake. The kids were rescued snd one child was transferred to the hospital. The weather was not cold enough to safely walk on the ice and it gave way.

- World Health Org says the death toll from the earthquake in Turkey can reach 20,000

- Powerball lottery jackspot $747 Million  Next Drawing  tonight  Mon, Feb 6

- FAAnews: Ocean County Assignment Judge Francis Hodgson today denied issuing a Stay on  Lakewood Township's recently adopted ordinance which permits banquet halls as accessory uses in school buildings. Meaning the township ordnance allowing simcha halls is valid for now. The Judge  did however schedule an additional hearing next month when the Plaintiff will be able to further argue the matter. See Full story Here 

- Thousands are feared dead after Turkey was hit by a second massive earthquake, just hours after an earlier catastrophic quake killed more than 1,900 people and plunged the region into an unfolding humanitarian crisis. Aftershocks felt in Israel, Lebanon and Cyprus  The initial 7.8-magnitude night-time tremor, followed hours later by a slightly smaller one, wiped out entire sections of major Turkish cities in a region filled with millions of people who have fled the civil war in Syria and other conflicts

- Several Lakewood area Barber shops have switched to by appointment only and prices went up too,

 -A group of yidden from Phoenix, AZ are currently on a chizuk visit to Lakewood to learn in the ihr hatorah.

- Grand opening of Culinary Depot in Lakewood today at the corner of New Hampshire and Oberlin live equipment demos and food tastings going on throughout the week 

- What Bracha do you make on a pineapple? A Lakewood youngerman has written a kuntress explaining that a pineapple would be a borei pri haaetz but since they don't grow it past 3 years from when it was initially grown it would be a problem of orlah and one can never eat them. (There was an article this week in the Inyan supplement of Hamodia magazine) In a interview on Kol Mevaser, Rav Bentzion halberstam shlita of Lakewood  rav Khal Chasidim of Westgate explains in great detail how he went down to the fields that grow the pineapples and they replant the twigs that come out of it and takes root in the ground which would give it a status of a vegetable growing from the ground and it will be a borei pri haadama. 

- Pinsk Karlin Rebbe arrives in the US expected to visit the Lakewood area

- Zoning board meeting Scheduled for today at 7 Pm no agenda posted

- A team of assessors from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) will arrive on Friday, February 10, 2023, to examine all aspects of the Lakewood Police policies and procedures, As part of this final on-site assessment, employees and members of the general public are invited to provide comments to the assessment team. They may do so by telephone or email. The public may call 848-222-7044 on Friday, February 10, 2023 between the hours of 10:00AM – 11:00AM. Email comments can be sent to more

- 11 months since his petirah, video of tu Beshvat by Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZTL 


  1. The barbers are Baalei Gaivaa for this to make the prices go up life is expensive enough they hardly have overhead. And it's not like they do a great job most of them do a rush job.

    1. You are welcome to open a barber shop and charge cheap or even do it for free as a chessed.
      By the way, whoever can't afford a barber can buy his own machine and cut his own hair or ask a friend or neighbor to cut your hair.

  2. .....and it will be a borei pri haadama. ....
    And NO Orla issue.

    Thank you.

    The same issue exists with Papaya. Horav Yudel Shain Shlit'a Has written about this many many times.

  3. Pineapples have been eaten for hundreds if not thousands of years. In Poland it was the common shecyunu fruit on Rosh HaShana. Now it became a shaalo of orlah?

    1. Your facts are wrong. The bobov Rebbe received a pineapple from someone in America to make a shehechiyanu. When he came to America he discovered that he was wrong. Pineapples were not found in Europe.

    2. I heard from a relative of mine that he never ate pineapple until after the holocaust except for on Rosh Hashana for Shehechiyanu. Could be that because he lived in a big city (Warsaw) he had easier access to it but he made it sound like it was common in Poland to do so Rosh Hashana .

    3. Even assuming that everyone paskens like the Rama that you don’t make Shecayunu on vegetables and further assuming that pineapple is a vegetable that you make a Hodoma on, it still would not be so simple that you can’t make a Shecayunu on a pineapple. Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach held that the Rama was referring to most vegetables because they have little chasivus. On a vegetable that is considered chosuv (like a pineapple) you can still make a Shecayunu. The Sdei Chemed used to make Shecayunu Rosh Hashana on watermelon that is certainly a ho’adoma (could be that as a Sephardi he didn’t go with the Rama on this)

  4. Who gives a hoot about the Pinsk Karlin Rebbe

    1. i give a hoot about him more than i do about the sadigerer rebbe

    2. Me. Be careful what you say about a Gadol. You might not personally connect to him, like him or like his chasidus, but he is an Adom Gadol.


    4. QA: How do we know who the real Gedolim are?

  5. According to inflation numbers, a haircut should cost approximately 15 dollars today. (Approximately double what it cost in 1999). I've stopped going to barbers, we bought a very good Oster machine for about 70 dollars and never looked back.

    1. If I gave myself haircuts I would never look back either!


  7. Nobody said anything about the gadol. Someone simply asked who cares about pinsk karlin and it’s probably not much more than the two of you.

  8. Why is every Rebbe automatically assumed to be a gadol and/or Tzaddik? We must not forget that our great Gedolim of previous generations did not appreciate Rebbes, and that was then - when a Rebbe was a Rebbe. And now a yungerman with “Mosdos” is automatically a gadol?? Strange how that works.

    1. Golly,I guess we're fortunate Here to have so Many wise ones directing our lives and telling us to keep voting in the Same Corrupt Gay agendas

    2. What is that supposed to mean?!

      The aim of the comment,it appears,is to say where those problematic situations are coming from it would seem. And will only get harder .

  9. Well said. And additionally when they might be one they are not automatically the other
    Which goes for all manhigim

  10. The kuntres was written years ago and every year he tries to convince the oilam to say haetz. I saw it a few years ago, there was only one letter of haskama and the letter didn't say that it was halacha l'maaseh, only that he's a good person.
